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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/21/25 in all areas

  1. Ruggerxi

    2025-01-21 Birthdays

    XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Giggles (47)zigge_51 (31)
    2 points
  2. Make sure that the girls get the chocolate with the Ex lax in it, that way we got a chance, cause they will be indisposed in the bathroom.
    2 points
  3. Dot80

    2025-01-21 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday to you both.
    2 points
  4. Happy Birthday
    2 points
  5. No, those are some German players who like the server! They are a group and having fun They understand the rules now haha
    1 point
  6. the man @Roody @legi_istra @Biotech @Firex_Gaming @monkie @lazymarcky @lTplkey336 @Draygunnar @E-raser @major-mark63
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Happy birthday!!!!
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I's really cool, that i can be there! I'm looking forward to see you all women frozen in ice. Muahahahaaaaa
    1 point
  12. WldPenguin

    Cedar Point

    I grew up & still live in Ohio, about an hour away from Cedar Point. I've been there more times than I can remember You may want to check out some of the other hotels associated with CP, I think there are 4-5 total, some might be less than others but still offer the early entry benefit. In addition to the main theme park, there is also a waterpark you might want to check out. And if you haven't been on their website yet, there is lots of info here: https://www.cedarpoint.com/ Always a great time! I'm gonna tag @Hawk here too, because he's visited with his wife & kids within the past few years, he might have some ideas & suggestions for you as well.
    1 point
  13. rexbowan

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday folks especially @CrazyGirl who helps keep me thawed out or dead! lol
    1 point
  14. Timmah!

    Work as stock

    Just update BIOS & enable XMP/EXPO to get best RAM performance.
    1 point
  15. TBB

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Have a GREAT birthday!!
    1 point
  16. Unarmed

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday
    1 point
  17. happy birthday!!!!!!!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. LaRSin

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday and have a great day
    1 point
  20. Dot80

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday everyone.
    1 point
  21. MANE

    2025-01-19 Birthdays

    Happy Birthday
    1 point
  22. Happy Birthday To All!
    1 point
  23. Hacking accusations isn't that bad now days. It was way way worst a decade ago. I bet there's still some people around that know the mod we had before with the different granade lounger we had in combination with the bushmaster gun shooting trough everything. We talking +- 13 to 14 years ago. Love to think about the good old days sometimes, but it can also hurt you when you have friends in >XI< that are now part of the fallen members section.
    1 point
  24. Tron

    Financial markets

    Happy New Year!
    1 point
  25. Tron

    Financial markets

    As I said about a year ago in here..Bitcoin will eventually demonetize gold.
    0 points
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