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  1. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to wildthing in I lost my buddy yesterday.   
    Due to bad health and old age, we had to put him to sleep.
  2. Thanks
    LilAcorn got a reaction from WeednFeed in LG monitor Questions?   
    I have 2 LG UltraGear monitors that i picked up last month and i love em. I also have a Sceptre monitor as well. all three of them are 32. i had a cheaper deal at walmart than i did at bestbuy.
  3. Like
    LilAcorn reacted to Olive in SGTScott>XI< RIP   
    This is a very sad news,one of the nicest guys i met at XI fests.RIP.
    Pice is from 2016 fest.

  4. Cares
    LilAcorn got a reaction from Icequeen in My son   
    congrats to your son and you! may he continue to thrive in this new journey of his that he is on now. autism can be quite challenging... I refuse to say Aspergers sorry.... to me they are all the same. HUGS 
  5. Cares
    LilAcorn reacted to Icequeen in My son   
    I just wanted to come on here because I am a proud mama. I dont tell a whole lot of people about my son's problems in his life. As some of you do know he has Aspergers. So its been some what of a challenge in certain areas but in all aspects of life you adapt and over come. Well it has taken alot but I am so proud to say that he got accepted into a nursing program and is going to try for Nurse Practioner. 
  6. Like
    LilAcorn reacted to BlackRose in Member Spotlight- Wildthing>XI<   
    Let start with your clan name? Wildthing>XI<
    Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? My mother who past this last year would always call me James. James go do this James go do that.  I asked her why didn’t you name me James and she said she didn’t want everyone calling me Jim.
     When and where were you born? I was born 5 years to the day that JFK was assassinated. 11/22/1968 in Binghamton, NY
     When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be like my father and a navy seal to serve my country. GOD had other plans for me because I had epilepsy growing up from 2 years of age to 20 years. One thing that my father taught me was to never give up or take no for an answer when people would tell me I could not do things.
    Where have you lived? I have lived in 5 States in this country of the United States of America. I feel that as a nation we have torn ourselves apart and really not looked at how we became one of the super powers of the world.
    I would like to share some music that I feel trully touches on the meaning of America.
    Feel the words and feel the meaning please.
    What got you into gaming? My parents
    Your first game you played? Atari 2600 Space invaders
     And what do you play now? Too Many Too Name
    Why did you join XI? It was in the start of Call of Duty Two I had a 486 machine and just married my wife and had free time because of her being busy as a CAN working long hours.
    What do you get from being in this clan? Everything. I have made friends around the world. I have party with these friends, and I have help build the clan as a member.
     What is your favorite hobby? Shooting idiots.
    What is your favorite travel destination? Any >XI< Fest, I can make it too.
    Are you married? Yes poor woman
    Do you have children? Yes
    What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names?  cats that were rescued and a dog that was a rescue. Baby, Rusty, Sunny, and Coco
    Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Sports is so overrated and over paid. Pay the soldiers of America more they sacrifice more!
    What causes are you passionate about? Xtremeidiots
    Do you volunteer? If so, where? I did for the greenfield Iowa tornado victims.
     What is an interesting fact about you? In my eyes I see myself as a nobody in this world because in this big world no one will remember me after a hundred years go by.
     Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? I am currently working towards my master’s degree in business administration
     Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Yes
     Did you belong to any professional organizations? No
    What is your current job title? Dock Worker
     Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Nope
     Where do you work? XPO
    What other job titles have you had in your career? Too Many to Name
    Goal...To obtain a management position with a dynamic corporation where I can use my energy and skills to develop, motivate, lead, and encourage employee productivity.
    §  I have experience in Human Resources, Environmental Science, Fundamentals of Business Finance, Intermediate Economics, Intermediate Finance, Financial Statement Analysis, and Financial Decision Making.
    §  I have 40 years in a retail environment and helping customers. I have RMA/RA experience in working with suppliers and right to the manufactures.
    §  I have 30 years in computer repair, networking, telecommunication repair and computer repair. I have worked in a management environment with restaurant businesses.
    §  Training and Teaching Skills to new employees and bringing older employees up to speed on new processes.
    Special Skills
    §  I have experience with windows 3.1 to windows 10. I have networking skills and telephone networking. I have knowledge in computer building and the need for a network in the business. I have worked with training people in new software applications to improve ordering and returning merchandise.
    Employment History
    Dock Worker: XPO Logistics(2023-Current)
    §  Unloading and Loading crew
    Retail Support: Wal-Mart Supercenter(2021-2023)
    ·         Cashier
    ·         Sales Associate
    ·         Train new employees
    Technical Support: LTD Broadband (2018-2020)
    §  Trouble Shoot customer issues.
    §  Dispatcher over 16 Field Techs
    §  Training of new Phone Support Techs
    Production Employee: Zumbro River Brand (2016-2019)
    §  Extrusion Operator
    Cap 2 Supervisor: Wal-Mart Supercenter (2015-2016)
    §  Oversee the unloading crew.
    Store Manager: Dollar General (2014 - 2015)
    §  Serving Customers
    Jogger: Brown Printing Company (2011 - 2014)
    §  Labourer
    Laborer: Express Personal Services (2010 - 2011)
    §  Labourer
    Sales Assoicate: Wal-Mart Supercenter (2006 - 2010)
    §  Serving Customers
    Computer Technician: Desktop Media (2000 - 2008)
    §  Repair and Trouble shoot customer issues.
    Education Grand Canyon University Business Administration (2010 - 2014)
     Why do you like your job? Don’t have to deal with customers 24/7
    How would you describe your career? One day at a time like my life.
    What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Nothing
    Describe a time that your career was rewarding. When servers that worked under me as a boss came up to me and thanked me for being the boss I was and that I had gotten them ready for what the real world was going to be like.
    What do you hope to accomplish in your career?
    · Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius)
    ·  “It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” (Carlton Fisk)
    ·  “Work to become, not to acquire.” (Elbert Hubbard)
    ·  “Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” (Katherine Whitehorn)
    ·  “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” (Michael Jordan)
    ·  “Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” (Robert H. Schuller)
    ·  “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln)
    ·  “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” (Thomas A. Edison)
    ·  “I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it.” (Lou Holtz)
    ·  “I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything.” (Jon Stewart)
    Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? No
     What is your favorite sport? None
    Do you play any sports? No
        If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for?
    God’s rule over the earth. With that I will leave you with one last song to feel with and know me better.
  7. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from Icequeen in Come join us this evening!   
    awww sorry i missed this...
  8. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from Ghostlupus in TangemereNL passed away   
    Sorry..... farewell....
  9. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to Ruggerxi in Loco is leaving the COD4 Admin team   
    I’m very sad to report that Loco is leaving the Cod4 admin team for personal issues. 
    He has done a huge amount of work for the COD4 community and it will be very hard to replace him. 
    He was in charge of all the map rotations for COD4, so you will have bare with us until we can sort out the map rotations. 
    You will be missed Loco, but the door will always be open for you to come back once your personal issues are sorted. 
    Thank you for everything 
  10. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to Smeggie in Helene   
    I have a good friend that lives in Redington Beach and pretty much lost everything last night.

  11. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to sstriker in TangemereNL passed away   
    this was very unexpected and sad news
    such a lovely person as well
    i loved his sense of humor and will miss that very much
    RIP peter (aka tangemere)
  12. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from Hoth in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Damn, sorry to hear this.... hugs
  13. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from PHUCKITMAN in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Damn, sorry to hear this.... hugs
  14. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to loaderXI in Prayers for TedsofBeverlyHills!   
    Some of us have known Teds was not doing great but it now seems he is on limited time.
    Blownaway had got a chance to get out and see him some short time back and Teds was having a tough time then. I am Thankful Teds open his home to Blownaway for a few day visit and it seems now things have gotten far worse to the point Teds has moved in with his sister for hospice. He told me today she is taking the greatest care of his needs and she is truly a Blessing. Teds has Stage four cancer in its final stage with maybe a few weeks to a month left. Lord willing his suffering will not be that great in his final days
    @Ruggerxi he wanted me to share with you personally that he had a wonderful time all these years being a part of what you helped create here and being a member here ranked number #1 in time for the longest of him being a part of any one thing in his life (including marriage). He has the most respect for you for not only being a founder but the way you have always handled things with a tremendous amount of fairness.
    To all that knew and gamed with him over the years (to many to list) he wanted to Thank each and everyone of you for bring so much fun to the servers where the "old guys" came to talk trash. We had some great memories to reflect on
    I myself and deeply saddened and will report back as any news comes in. I will ask those whom Pray to do so on his behalf and his Sister who has chosen to be his caregiver in his final days
  15. Sad
    LilAcorn reacted to MordBlack in Poseidon Passed Away Today   
    Ummm Poseidon Passed away around 5:30- 6 pm CST , His cousin told us it was quick, and they made him comfortable.
  16. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from BlackRose in i notice in lobby of MW3 clan tags shown   
    i have my XI tag in all of COD games 🙂 some of my other friends asking me to change tags in game, told em sorry my heart bleeds XI LMAO so they said oh its okay, you are still loved we will make an acceptation.
  17. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from KaptCrunch in i notice in lobby of MW3 clan tags shown   
    i have my XI tag in all of COD games 🙂 some of my other friends asking me to change tags in game, told em sorry my heart bleeds XI LMAO so they said oh its okay, you are still loved we will make an acceptation.
  18. Haha
    LilAcorn got a reaction from Hatchetman in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    almost had no go on the 50cal after yaccster broke the 1st 50 cal gun LOL
  19. Like
    LilAcorn reacted to BurnnBright in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    This is what happens when you don't choose a name for your shirt. 
     My favorite Idiot. 
    These guys were told to smile for Bob Barker. 

    My favorite Duc. 
    My favorite Gator.

    No pigs were seriously harmed. 

  20. Haha
    LilAcorn got a reaction from BlackRose in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    almost had no go on the 50cal after yaccster broke the 1st 50 cal gun LOL
  21. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from BlackRose in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    OMG that hungry hungry hippo game looks awesome like that!
  22. Like
    LilAcorn got a reaction from BlackRose in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    My pictures that I am sharing with you guys that I took of everyone and myself. Enjoy and thank you all for the wonderful journey.




  23. Like
    LilAcorn reacted to WldPenguin in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
  24. Haha
    LilAcorn reacted to WldPenguin in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
  25. Like
    LilAcorn reacted to grave in 2023 >XI< Fest pics   
    More pics, mainly from the house and the range, but also some short excursions in smaller groups:
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