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+ COD4 Moderator
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Status Updates posted by Cooper

  1. Thanks for the birthday brewski...!!!

    1. AthenA


      You're very welcome and I hope you had a wonderful day ! 

      Btw, it would be fun to run into you and some of the "old" Ace Mod late night players sometime soon 🙂 

  2. Penguin…

    congratulations on your promotion. So awesome to have you doing what you do here. Sure appreciate you and your involvement…

    thank you

    1. WldPenguin


      Thanks so much, Cooper!

  3. Aww Penguin girl. Missed wishing you an awesome birthday on your birthday. 
    Didn't forget, was very busy.

    Hope the day was most excellent.


  4. Photo of Iguana on a boat boarding area on the way to see "Rhythms of the Night" in Puerto Vallarta.


  5. R/T has been extremely busy. I ache to get back into the games, and will likely during the next month or so. 

    hope 2020 brings many blessings to all...

  6. Greetings my friend. It has been a long time. 
    I hope all is well with you. 

    1. HanSolo


      Thanks my friend. Yes, had been a long time. All is well by now, hehehe. I hope all is well with you too!  

  7. The best 4 weeks I've had in a Long, Long time. Thank you

  8. Catching my second wind, ready to hit Monday running...

  9. It's been a good week....

  10. I am going to try windsailing soon. Hopefully this year, before I am 60...ugh

    1. AthenA


      Nothing should be in your way. Make it happen, live your dreams :)



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