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Tao Warrior

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Posts posted by Tao Warrior

  1. Noears711>XI<
    LOL TAO did has been tried before if you can get a bunch of idiots to agree you can have a fun game but remember do not be-grudge anyone, who dose not want to do the same. Me, Dean, and BigJerk: AKA (BigJerm) were knifing and pistols, everyone else was using what ever they wanted so enjoy the game and our severs for what it is.



    yep i remember the server that was tried it was only limited to just your knife. where this wouldn't. its ok it was just some food for thought. it seemed to be alot of fun when we tried it that one night. "yeah that came out bad" Laughing Anyway thank you all for your feed back.



  2. OK the other night OneEye, Light, and I were knife killing each other. Well then we got more people to play and we had like 10 people knife killing. Anyway the idea we had was have a knife server or a couple maps in ace mod where you use knife only for about 10 mins then after that it goes to knife, and flash bangs. Then it goes knife, flash bangs, grenades, air strikes, and helio's. This is kinda what we did and I couldn't stop laughing because you get flash banged and you run into walls and can't see shit. Anyway wanted to see what you all thought???



  3. bigjerm
    tao i will end this now i may have did some spawn killing and camping but i dont do it like others so one time i do it all hell brakes loose well if i over did it im sorry but it is what it is and i dont do spwan killing alot it was just that time i got in the moment i was haveing fun dammit so if i got out of hand sorry man no  hard feelings thats  all im gunna say on this  i like playing ingame with u i was just mad at oneeye for talking shit my bad bro see u in game

    BigJerm thank you for saying sorry and I'm sorry if came across wrong. I was just trying to get a point across that there is alot of it going on and it was bad enough that people stop playing by some of the forum topic replies so maybe this is a step forward to making ace mod even better. For OneEye and Ratinka they talk alot of shit they don't mean anything by it. They love trash talking and Ace Mod is a trash talking server. Which by the way I love it. Its funny shit. Anyway BigJerm see you in game. And sorry I'm not going to play with you like to like to play with me in the game HAHA!!!! Laughing

  4. bigjerm
    first off larsin u have no room to talk at all about c4 or noob tubes everybody knows that all u do is run from spwan to spwan  and dont say u dont i have spec u many times so i dont even wanna here ur bs and for all u even tao i was the one who said it becase one eye is a fucking crybaby and so is jason putting are clan mebers down saying all xi mebers do is sit in cornors and spwan kill fuck that thats bull shit i sick up for my peeps they dont like it piss off im so sick of all u ppl bitching about c4 and noob tubes get the fuck over it its in game weapons deal with it and i will keep useing them anytime i want so for who dont like it paly or leave i dont give a fuck anymore so sick of biching ppl dammit man thats me 2 cents

    Thank you Bigjerm for showing your true colors about how you feel about the people in your clan and the non-members who come and play. Yes One Eye was pissed off because of the spawn killing because the corner players XI and Non-member were setting  near a spawn point not all but the same players all the time. I know you were the one who said it Bigjerm I was trying to be a little more respectful and not call you out but if that's how you want it then ok. Yes you use tube and yes you can that's fine with me I care less. But when you set about 30 ft from a spawn point in a roof top area and shoot every player in that one spawn point yes I'm going to call you out and say yes Bigjerm your a spawn killing camper!!!! See Bigjerm you set a bad example for you clan by doing that because not only did I have to see and be victim of your lame spawn killing camping my brother One Eye and Ratinka and many other players last night had the same issue with you. So because you have to do lame shit to win a game I'm post to piss off. Sorry to tell you but I play by the rules and play fair so like you told One Eye if you don't like it don't play or play by the rules.


  5. I find it harder to run and gun and knife someone that's fun. OH!!! One time at band camp I was healing from being shot and I had this player come at me and I shot him then I try to heal  again and another person come's at me and I knife them right in the face. Then I try to heal for the third time and another player come's at me and I shot them right in computer version of there balls. Cool




  6. WOW GUYS!!!! The ace mod server is get over ran by spawn killing again. The camping not a big deal since this is allowed but to set near a spawn point and wait for someone to spawn and then kill them. Then the person say you just spawn killed me 6 times. The response from this XI member was you moved away from the spawn point. REALLY???? That's pretty lame in my book. I understand there is going to be spawn killing because of moving around since this is a RUN AND GUN server. I try to invite new people to come play in here and they get treated like this??? Granted its not my server and not my clan but as I was told in one of my other topic's "your clan stands for better thing's than hackers and cheaters" But the spawn killing I guess doesn't fall under the good sportsmanship of your clan??? Yes I know I'm whining and I really don't care because no body else cares to stand up and say this is wrong. Also certain individuals like to put claymores in spawn points. They have been warned main times and still play here. Why is that??? Yes I know it's a game but like Streetcleaner would say " It's a game but its a game to win" Game's are post to be won. I strive to win every match sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. But to set a spawn point to win that's lame. Anyway I hope everyone reads this and say's hey Tao is right about this and we should do something about it before no one come's in ace mod to play because of the over ran spawn killing campers. I've noticed a lot of the normal players not playing here much can't say its because of the spawn killing campers but I'm sure its part of it.


                  Tao Warrior

  7. Hello all,


            Scary thing happen today while I was at work. My wife call's me and tells me that one of the apartments in are apartment complex is on fire. So the fire dept. I'm on came out. Thank god no one was home. However they lost a lot of stuff. I got home tonight from work and I was like I want to help some how since I couldn't be there to help fight the fire. So I went door to door in my apartment complex and asked people if they could give stuff to the family. This is what I was able to get. I had to help these people out. It's just how I am.  Tao Warrior :)Picture.jpg

  8. Well thank you for all of your efforts Grey Wolf. Yeah I appealed my case with PB and they denied it. I guess that's that. Well this isn't going to stop me from just playing on your servers. Just can't join your guy's clan that's all. Shit happens!



             Tao Warrior

  9. oh ok see I don't know this shit at all. I've looked at the ban ip thing there and I had issues with that md5tool thing before. Really bad on world at war. So i just stopped play world at war because of all the error and stuff. See I'm confused with this stuff is this a banned from just that server or is this a banned from all PB servers??? I've read on some forums that they had tech problems with cod2 with md5tool things. what ever md5tool is from what I've read its something with moving packets to some other packet thing. Idk this stuff at all.



               Tao Warrior

  10. greywolf2

    Ok for waiting 3yrs to go back in that server and finding out your guid was banned.  You must have stayed away from any server who keep pb updated--- because you would have been banned an other servers also.


    I also do not think you were just playing and bam a pb guy thought you were hacking.   I removed the IP as well as the guid.


    Violation Oct 22, 2009 - 15:45:31 Tao Warrior us.gif  popup_icon.gif #9002: MD5Tool Mismatch: Wallhack.dll (len=32)





           Yes this is what my brother found for me. I don't know anything about how to find that stuff on PB. That's why I call up my brother he is the computer grad. I just click the mouse and type and play games and surf the web. So by removing the IP and the GUID I'm not banned from there anymore? I honestly don't hack. But I guess the proof is there. I just wish I could prove to you all I don't hack. And yes I understand PB just doesn't accuse people. I guess I was playing well enough it looked like hacking I don't know I really don't. I guess it's just annoying to be told I'm hacking when I'm not. Will hope I can gain your guy's trust sometime down the road. Good Game to you all.


                   Tao Warrior

  11. greywolf2

    Ok first off listen to what you said. Someone from PB accused you of wall hacking!!!!!   Ok they will not kick you or ban you for just I think he is wall hacking.

    2nd ) If they (on the serv banned you via pb)  It would only be for that server.

    3rd) To get your guid banned by PB several things have to happen.

    A) A video used as evidence was submitted and ran through the anti cheat guys to see if a cheat is there

    And trust me they just do not look at the video--- they run several programs used to find the hacks....

    B) A file has been altered by a hack (99% of the time) installed on to your game by you or someone using your pc


    If you are able to play on other PB enabled servers then you ban is only for the server who thought you were hacking.


    So The statement "So I look into this found out some guy from PB excused(<------- spelled accused)  me of wall hacking." Does not fly with me


    Is your in game name the same you use while playing in game?  If so i will look for you on Ace server logs and run your guid through my resourses.


    I've talked to admin on the server for the one I was banned on. They said they released all ban's for players because of the issue with false ban's. He said that I had to take it up with PB. So I had my brother look on PB for me and its there accused of wall hacking. So let me rephrase what I said before either the admin on the server accused me of wall hacking or PB did. Which likely doubt its PB. But can't rule them out yet. It's mostly likely the server. Also sorry I missed spelled accused I have a reading disability and spelling disability so sometimes what I spell is not always right. Thank you for the correction Grey. Well if your able to check my GUID and its clear. Then I will keep on track to apply on your clan.


               Thank you,


                     Tao Warrior

  12. Yeah I checked on there i had my brother help me figure this out and they say on the PB that I wall hacked. I don't know how they came up with this. I don't hack at all I play fair. Its just BS! make's me look bad to and I'm a honest guy.I don't wont you guys to bend the rules at all. You should keep it the way it is you know. I have a lot of respect for you guys and your clan and what it stands for. I hope PB makes the right choice you know. And whats really weried is they claim I wall hacked which would kick me from all PB servers right? If that's the case then how am I able to play all the other PB servers but that one server. My guess is someone got mad because I was winning and call hack on me.


               Tao Warrior

  13. Well this pisses me off I wanted to sign up for XI. Well I can't now because I find out some BS. When I first started playing COD2 I was on a server called christian sniper. I practice and practice like I do on XI ace mod server. And I've gotten good over time. Well I was really kicking ass on there and all of a sudden I was kicked from the server. I was pissed because I didn't do anything wrong. So I never went back well then my bro Ratinka was in there recently mind you this has been like 3 years ago this happen. I try going in there and it says I'm banned from playing on there server. So I look into this found out some guy from PB excused me of wall hacking. Which i never did i don't even know how to do that shit and I hate hackers. So now I have to appeal the banned with PB and haven't heard from them for a while. So as part of your rules to join you have to have a clean GUID well because of the jerks at PB mines not clean. Oh well I guess I think its BS PB has to be that way. I'm an honest, good sportsmanship player and to be treated like that is BS! Well I'm done ranting now.


               Tao Warrior

  14. Lovyan - Tattoo Idea

    I have thought about the Tattoo Award, and I know you gotta show proof and take photos of your tattoo's, I was thinking why doesnt one of the Admin's on the XI websites create a forum area for the people who aren't a Chicken Shit and gotten some tattoos create an area for them?



    Anyways Took A photo Tonight of Mord's Tattoo.... I know All so Well When he gotten it too, because he didnt even discuss it with me Nor where I knew where he was for couple of Hours....oh yes, Wifey was MAD! LOL Anyways here it goes :)






    I know Im Sorry its a little blurry thanks to Mord and the Camera, he kept movin just like a little Kid! LOL



  15. Reign of the undead is pretty cool. I use to be in a clan called the undead |uD|. Had a lot of fun but then it got boring after a while. Off the subject a little try Killing Floor the game. That game has to be the best zombie killing game out there.


         <OTR>Tao Warrior

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