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  1. Let start with your clan name? Wildthing>XI< Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? My mother who past this last year would always call me James. James go do this James go do that. I asked her why didn’t you name me James and she said she didn’t want everyone calling me Jim. When and where were you born? I was born 5 years to the day that JFK was assassinated. 11/22/1968 in Binghamton, NY When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be like my father and a navy seal to serve my country. GOD had other plans for me because I had epilepsy growing up from 2 years of age to 20 years. One thing that my father taught me was to never give up or take no for an answer when people would tell me I could not do things. Where have you lived? I have lived in 5 States in this country of the United States of America. I feel that as a nation we have torn ourselves apart and really not looked at how we became one of the super powers of the world. I would like to share some music that I feel trully touches on the meaning of America. Feel the words and feel the meaning please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTSLRbm8L9E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q65KZIqay4E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruNrdmjcNTc What got you into gaming? My parents Your first game you played? Atari 2600 Space invaders And what do you play now? Too Many Too Name Why did you join XI? It was in the start of Call of Duty Two I had a 486 machine and just married my wife and had free time because of her being busy as a CAN working long hours. What do you get from being in this clan? Everything. I have made friends around the world. I have party with these friends, and I have help build the clan as a member. What is your favorite hobby? Shooting idiots. What is your favorite travel destination? Any >XI< Fest, I can make it too. Are you married? Yes poor woman Do you have children? Yes What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? cats that were rescued and a dog that was a rescue. Baby, Rusty, Sunny, and Coco Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? Sports is so overrated and over paid. Pay the soldiers of America more they sacrifice more! What causes are you passionate about? Xtremeidiots Do you volunteer? If so, where? I did for the greenfield Iowa tornado victims. What is an interesting fact about you? In my eyes I see myself as a nobody in this world because in this big world no one will remember me after a hundred years go by. Have you continued your education past college or university with career development seminars or classes? What kind? I am currently working towards my master’s degree in business administration Did you know what profession you wanted to work in when you started college? Yes Did you belong to any professional organizations? No What is your current job title? Dock Worker Did you win any awards or recognitions during your education? Nope Where do you work? XPO What other job titles have you had in your career? Too Many to Name Goal...To obtain a management position with a dynamic corporation where I can use my energy and skills to develop, motivate, lead, and encourage employee productivity. Accomplishments § I have experience in Human Resources, Environmental Science, Fundamentals of Business Finance, Intermediate Economics, Intermediate Finance, Financial Statement Analysis, and Financial Decision Making. § I have 40 years in a retail environment and helping customers. I have RMA/RA experience in working with suppliers and right to the manufactures. § I have 30 years in computer repair, networking, telecommunication repair and computer repair. I have worked in a management environment with restaurant businesses. § Training and Teaching Skills to new employees and bringing older employees up to speed on new processes. Special Skills § I have experience with windows 3.1 to windows 10. I have networking skills and telephone networking. I have knowledge in computer building and the need for a network in the business. I have worked with training people in new software applications to improve ordering and returning merchandise. Employment History Dock Worker: XPO Logistics(2023-Current) § Unloading and Loading crew Retail Support: Wal-Mart Supercenter(2021-2023) · Cashier · Sales Associate · Train new employees Technical Support: LTD Broadband (2018-2020) § Trouble Shoot customer issues. § Dispatcher over 16 Field Techs § Training of new Phone Support Techs Production Employee: Zumbro River Brand (2016-2019) § Extrusion Operator Cap 2 Supervisor: Wal-Mart Supercenter (2015-2016) § Oversee the unloading crew. Store Manager: Dollar General (2014 - 2015) § Serving Customers Jogger: Brown Printing Company (2011 - 2014) § Labourer Laborer: Express Personal Services (2010 - 2011) § Labourer Sales Assoicate: Wal-Mart Supercenter (2006 - 2010) § Serving Customers Computer Technician: Desktop Media (2000 - 2008) § Repair and Trouble shoot customer issues. Education Grand Canyon University Business Administration (2010 - 2014) Why do you like your job? Don’t have to deal with customers 24/7 How would you describe your career? One day at a time like my life. What are some accomplishments you've achieved during your career? Nothing Describe a time that your career was rewarding. When servers that worked under me as a boss came up to me and thanked me for being the boss I was and that I had gotten them ready for what the real world was going to be like. What do you hope to accomplish in your career? · Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” (Confucius) · “It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.” (Carlton Fisk) · “Work to become, not to acquire.” (Elbert Hubbard) · “Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.” (Katherine Whitehorn) · “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” (Michael Jordan) · “Failure doesn’t mean you are a failure it just means you haven’t succeeded yet.” (Robert H. Schuller) · “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” (Abraham Lincoln) · “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” (Thomas A. Edison) · “I think everyone should experience defeat at least once during their career. You learn a lot from it.” (Lou Holtz) · “I want to look back on my career and be proud of the work, and be proud that I tried everything.” (Jon Stewart) Are you involved in any professional/ non-profit/sports organizations? If so, do you have a title or rank within these organizations? No What is your favorite sport? None Do you play any sports? No If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? God’s rule over the earth. With that I will leave you with one last song to feel with and know me better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tatKFXlYiY
    24 points
  2. We're going to be interviewing various XI Fest attendees to get their perspective of XI Fest. It is our hope that more of you will consider joining us this year after hearing about their experiences Let's start off with asking a few questions of XI's founder, Rugger: So, Rugger, how did the idea for XI Fest come about? After 6 years of the clan running, we thought it was time to have a meet up and see how it went. It was a huge success and we've been doing it ever since (except Covid years) How many Fests have there been? 11, this year will be #12 What has been the biggest turnout? 57 Nashville, 53 Niagara Falls - a close 2nd Does everyone stay the entire time? Some come for a day and just visit and leave, others stay the whole time. What sparked the switch from getting a block of hotel rooms to renting a house? Once the Fests started getting bigger, we couldn't hang in hotel rooms anymore without security coming up all the time. That's when we knew it was time to switch and look for larger houses and man it was the best thing we did. These houses we get are massive! Who's traveled the furthest to attend? Bosun (AU), Olive (FR), Duc (UK) Have you ever missed a Fest? I missed one in Canada What's your favorite or funniest Fest memory? There are so many, Side Bets come to mind first. Syckle tripping down the stairs, Johnny Nashville have a little too much to drink, hanging with Johnny Dos and hearing his vast knowledge of weed. Trying to find Bob Barker in the camp ground and using his game name and not his real name. Seeing the stars and planets with ghostfacejims telescope, seeing Angus and Syckle leg wrestle. I could go on and on. Do you think it's worth spending the money for 5 days/4 nights? I would do it without hesitation if you can, or just come make a visit for the day it's so worth it. The house actually works out being cheaper than a hotel room in most cases. What would you say to someone who's never attended before? There are so many people that were nervous to come, like I'm sure everyone is that is thinking about coming the first time, but within 5 mins you will understand why 90% of those same people come back year after year. The comradery you get at these Fests is what it's all about, you just hang with these people and have great conversations, you get to know the personally, you get to know their spouses or friends who ever they bring if they bring someone. You don't have to drink, we have plenty of people who don't drink and have a great time and keep coming back year after year. We plan some activities but you don't have to do them, you can just chill at the house or go off on your own. I can't be more clear on this, if you like this clan and the people you will LOVE these Fests, we have the greatest times, we laugh our asses off, we play yard games, we play cards, we watch sports, we jam out to music, we have camp fires. If you're on the fence about coming to one, just do it, you will not regret it
    17 points
  3. Well the girls and I decided to practice bottling a test run of honey from my hives. We only used the large and medium filters. As most honey contains pollen we weren’t worried. Every batch will taste different depending on what flowers the bees are collecting nectar from. We are very pleased with our first attempt. It’s delicious. Always great to have my little helpers lending a hand.
    15 points
  4. Let start with your clan name? Black Rose Do you have any nicknames? Personal or in game? Rose, Rosie,,bitch I'm sure,,hahahahaha When and where were you born? 1963 Lindsay Ontario Canada When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? no idea Where have you lived? Ontario What got you into gaming? Long ago I started with BB boards,,, when the internet was very young. Your first game you played? I cant remember the name but have played so many. And what do you play now? cod 4 and cod5 mainly. Why did you join XI? I have know a lot of ppl here for a very long time. What do you get from being in this clan? friendship What is your favorite hobby? gardening,, reading,, playing with photo shop etc. What is your favorite travel destination? I'm not a big traveler. Never been out of Canada. Are you married? Yes Do you have children? 2 beautiful girls. What kind of pets do you have, if any? What are their names? 2 dogs, a sheep doodle and golden doodle Are you a sports fan? If so, what is your favorite team? I use to watch Nascar,,and the Redskins and Dallas. I used to play tennis and badminton when I was a teen and roller skated. Now i would kill myself trying,,hahahahahah What causes are you passionate about? environment,,helping others Do you volunteer? If so, where? I have done so much volunteering that it would be a very long list, from helping in office and classrooms at my girls school,, running a non profit group about ponds/waterways in nature and backyards, and everything in between. And of course working on Gaming Clan things. Just wanting to help others. What is an interesting fact about you? I am not a stripper...lol old joke when idiot guys(in gaming) thought because of my name and voice I was one What is your current job title? retired mom and wife. If you could give a younger person career advice, what would it be? Please don't believe what social media tells you, be kind because being a hateful person gets you know where. Follow your dreams. If you were granted 1 wish, what would you wish for? win lottery and escape to an island and spread world peace by dropping weed by airplane all over the world,,heheheh Pictures of my 2 girls our dogs and my hubby that I am so proud of!!
    14 points
  5. Hi All I've been asked to re-introduce myself, probably didn't give you enough info last time, so here goes. Bloodrunner real name Steve Been playing on the XI servers a bit now, previously under the name of Smudger, so you'll all probably have killed me....several times or more. I'm not that great, pretty poor at gaming too but I get by and I enjoy it. Live just outside London UK I'm still working and also volunteer for a BloodBike Group that delivers emergency blood to hospitals, hence why I have to quit a game suddenly, no no it's not a rage quit, honest! When I saw my sons playing COD I was fascinated by the fact that you could interact with people halfway round the world so I bought a copy and here I am. I've been in a couple of Clans, [DaD] that was UK based but went under then [MSOB] which was crouch only, probably the reason why I can't handle the bunnyhoppers out there, you know who you are! It's while playing on their servers that I saw some XI players and stalked them to their servers and started joining in on the XI servers. I got booted off the [MSOB] clan through lack of activity, spending too much time away working, so started stalking the XI again. As I was useless on the freezetag ones I played on the deathmatch servers as it was only me I could let down, anyways I improved a bit and started getting onto the freezetags. I was still useless but liked the members and the banter, not too many keyboard warriors or seriousness, that kind of suits me. Oh! and of all my marked favourite servers yours is the only one with any activity I am a casual player but lately have become a bit obsessed in trying to get my stats up and yours down, one can only try!
    14 points
  6. tsw 8.5

    in memory of

    my wife
    14 points
  7. Took the granddaughters and my son in-law fishing the other day. The girls Skunked both of us. First time for both of them catching a fish. They each caught a small mouth bass and the oldest got a perch. They hooked them all by themselves. lol the younger got so scared when the bass jumped she threw me the rod and ran to her father saying she didn’t want the fish to bite her hahahaha.
    13 points
  8. LOCO

    I had a accident

    10 points
  9. StormCrow

    Newest Ink

    Went and got some ink done today on my leg, need to go back in 3 weeks to finish it off, but LOVE it so far!!! He used these 2 pics to capture my lil girls charecter PERFECT!!! And this is what he came up with!!
    9 points
  10. @wildthing Thanks for sharing and this couldn't be more true Sports is so over paid. Pay the soldiers of America more they sacrifice more!
    9 points
  11. Today, we're going to hear from GhostFaceJim: 1. So, GhostFaceJim, how many Fests have you attended? I have attended two Fests! Georgia and Tennessee. The last two years! 2. And who or what got you interested in going? I have always wanted to go, but it was always seemed too far for me to travel or just not a great time for a vacation. "I like to drive on vacations rather than fly" 3. Which activity(ies) would you say you like the most? Going to the gun ranges are at the top of my list. Both times I was able to fire guns I have never gotten my hot little hands on before! 4. Do you bring anyone else along, or do you attend alone? The first time no, but the second time I dragged my Brother along. 5. So, were you nervous to attend your first Fest? I was nervous as I am an introvert, but had the best time ever making friends in person! 6. That's pretty awesome! So, what is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? My favorite memory was going and renting Humvees and shooting all kinds of amazing machine guns and that freaking flame thrower! I was in the military/infantry and had more fun that day on the range than ever before! 7. Finally, what would you say to someone who's never been to XI Fest? You should come and have fun! Even if it is for one day if you are in the area! One year Extremekille showed up just for the afternoon and we probably had the bestest time ever just making friends, going to lunch then the range! Yes, I do remember that! And, to let everyone know, XI Fest isn't just for XI members. There have been several non-XI members who have come to meet us, or who have stayed the whole time with us and had just as much fun as all of the XtremeIdiots
    8 points
  12. Hello Idiots, A few of you know me back from 2018/2019/2020 as FunkyJosh, I used to assist moderate the COD4 >XI< MW2 F-Tag server after that heading off to run Arma 2 DayZ, however that went down the shoot for a reason that it shouldn't of but none of the less I did not retaliate appropriately to the SR-Admin team afterwards regardless whether I was right or not. I am a big believer in the past is the past, forgive and forget. I now run my own community nothing like >XI< but it is only for my Arma 2 DayZ servers and my COD MW3 / Fortnite teams.... btw RelentlessFools is dominating COD MW3 atm and I don't have a very good name on their for kicking ass This re-introduction is just to bring people up to speed and let you know that I'm back and around the COD4 servers with a 3 year break I am pretty rusty lol Big shout out to @PickleRick for being awesome and my gaming buddy.
    8 points
  13. Hi, all! BIggie, Totty and I have been spending several hours each week testing out new maps to add to our MW2 freezetag rotations. We are testing the maps to make sure that they don't crash the server, and then that the perks, airstrikes, choppers, etc., do work. However, we don't truly know how a map is going to behave until it's played with a server full of people. So, here's where we need your help. We are asking that you allow these new maps to be played when they are first introduced in a particular rotation. That way we can finish the testing process. Let's give these new maps a fair shot, and let's try to avoid skipping them without giving them a chance. We totally appreciate your cooperation, and if you are interested in helping us or would like to make your own rotation, let us know. We have had several members and non-members alike, submit rotations and would welcome yours as well.
    8 points
  14. Today, let's see what wildthing has to say about his experiences with attending XI Fests: So, wildthing, many Fests have you attended? 11 Oh, wow! That's all of them so far! What got you interested in going? Meeting the faces with the voices in the game. Do you travel by plane or by car? Car Which fest has been the furthest for you to travel to? How far was it? Who cares they are all worth it and a blast. Which location has been your favorite? All of them. The best group of idiots you will ever meet. What is your favorite or funniest Fest memory? When everyone was sitting down for breakfast and sitting was asked how he would like his eggs. A confused look on his face he replied “cooked?” What is your favorite Fest activity? All of them for not only do I get to spend time with idiots but also the friends and family I have made of the years. Why should someone go, who's never been? If you don’t go you miss out on the good times with everyone and how these people have also stepped up to the plate and have helped members out in need. It is a family reunion every year and a lot of fun for everyone. Watch out for Wildthing; he always has his chicken or monkey handy. Thanks, wildthing, looking forward to seeing you this year at Fest #12
    7 points
  15. snaFU73

    I had a accident

    I knew you sat down to pee.
    7 points
  16. At first I thought this was just a very cool rock. In person it's hard to see how much detain is really on this rock. It appears this was a piece of tablet but not sure. I'm having pictures of it analyzed at Texas University via a contact in the archology department so I should get word soon. . This rock is Blue Limestone and you can find these kinds of rocks all around here, but never did I expect one to have pictures on it. It rained two days ago and I wanted to see what new rocks came up in the Wash and it was facing up in the middle like it wanted to be discovered. Next rain it probably would've be gone forever. I'm still in a bit of disbelief. I wouldn't accept this had man made marking on it but it does. Complicated ones. Someone spent lots of time on this little section/piece. I can't make out what the images are.. only guesses on one.
    7 points
  17. 7 points
  18. Today, let's hear what Angus has to say about his XI Fest experiences: So, Angus, tell us, how many Fests have you attended? 5 Which location has been your favorite? That's a hard one, They all had something about them that made them all special. Nashville was a great party. Charlotte was best location. How do you usually get there? Drive. Do you bring anyone else with you, or do you attend alone? I bring the women! I think there might even be a shirt somewhere that says that lol What is your favorite or funniest memory from a Fest? That I can share? hehe. Making a cheese run with Syckle will never be forgotten! And seeing how many idiots we can get in a hot tub in Nashville! And being cornhole champions every year! Which activity(ies) do you like the most? Truly just hanging out with all of our XI family, Gun range with all skill level is the best of times. O and side bets when Syckle passes out and who will end up in Pigdog's bed lmao. And finally, what would you say to someone who's thinking about going this year? Do it! Don't hesitate! You will truly be surprised at the awesome time you will have and will never regret it! We plan it every year as part of our vacations! Unfortunately this year for the first time in five years Gatorgirl and I cant make it. Family member health issues. But til next time my friends!! Thanks, @ANGU5! Truly going to miss you & GG this year - it won't be the same without you two! VID-20180929-WA0041.mp4.c3cc03cdddd2333acce1d7e6bd08c739.mp4
    6 points
  19. Not a meme, but a screenshot. Still brought a smile to my face. Good riddance.
    6 points
  20. 6 points
  21. Here is a video I pulled together from our boat trip to D.C. with our dockmates. It was hotter than Haiti but everyone had a great time and got home safely. https://youtu.be/Nq45XTik60k?si=cROo0doHHAYMeJZL
    6 points
  22. 6 points
  23. 6 points
  24. That's what happens when you trust a Marxist Communist Fascist's Prostitute (MCF'sP) Big Guy.
    5 points
  25. DEI Harris has slept with every race and all the mixes as well. It was her job
    5 points
  26. XtremeIdiots would like to wish all members celebrating their birthday today a happy birthday. Trailrtrash (60)window (58)Zaubermaus76 (48)
    5 points
  27. So today, let's get the perspective from a female XI Fest attendee, BurnnBright, affectionately known as BB: So, tell us BB, how many Fests have you attended? 6, I think And did you bring anyone else with you, or did you attend alone? I used to bring a senior admin with me but now I just bring Bama>XI< with me Do you remember what or who got you interested in going? Being able to meet other members in person is what got me going. Spending time with those members, who are now friends, keeps me going. Which location has been your favorite? That's' a tough one as they've all been great. I guess I'd have to say the one in South Carolina that was on the lake and we had use of the pontoon boats. I can't recall the name of the town but it was near Ft. Mill, SC just south of Charlotte, NC. Which Fest has been the furthest for you to travel? How far was it? Nashville and Indiana were both 7 hours away. What is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? A goodness! I can't pick just one!! Watching people nearly choke on moonshine was funny in Gatlinburg. I enjoyed learning to salsa dance with Roxy. Seeing Duc experience anything for the first time is always a highlight for me. The games are always a lot of fun. There is always a constant roar of laughter. I'm smiling just thinking about it all. What would you say to someone who's never been to a Fest before? Do it!!!! It's always a good time!!! It's great to put faces with names. People are usually very different when you meet them in person than from who they are behind a keyboard. I've been blessed to make great friends through these Fests. Thank you so much, @BurnnBright! XI Fests are always more fun when you and @Bamaare around!
    5 points
  28. Today, I've asked Olive some questions about XI Fest: So, Olive, how many XI Fests in the U.S. have you attended? I think maybe 7 or 8? And tell us where are you traveling from when you go? Paris, France Oh wow! That's from pretty far away! What or who got your interested in going? I was curious to meet the guys I was playing with on the COD5 servers - JohnnyDos in particular Which location has been your favorite? Gatlinburg for the location, Charlotte and Nashville for the location and the gorgeous houses we stayed in. What would you say is your funniest or favorite memory from a Fest? There's a lot, but I'll pick that night in Vegas with JohnnyDos and Captain Tenneal where we went on adventures on the strip. Good memories. As the weather is so hot in Vegas we took this 'stay hydrated' thing a little too seriously and I'll never forget Johnny making weird zigzags between slot machines on our way back Were you nervous to attend your first Fest? Not at all, and I was right. Everybody is easygoing and they make you feel comfortable. And finally, what would you say to someone who's never been to XI Fest? What are you waiting for? Thanks so much, @Olive, it will be great to see you again in Branson!
    5 points
  29. skuzapo

    New Rotation for OWFT

    New rotations maps are map mp_1078carentan map mp_82ab_richemont map mp_akushima map mp_alcazaba map mp_algiers map mp_barracks map mp_boneyard map mp_burma map mp_camp_merc map mp_dugin map mp_get_lost_3 map mp_jsvacant map mp_jungle map mp_kneeriver map mp_konigsberg map mp_maquina map mp_opcenter map mp_shallowgrave map mp_stanjel
    5 points
  30. I actually did do a project though. 20,000 gallon pool was getting too hot this summer 88 degrees, so I bought 2 fountains. Put one in like it was suppose to be put in but water only shot up 2 feet. Took forever to cool the pool. Took the other fountain and took spray bar off and capped it. Put it in the other pump inlet hole then turned the flow control pipe towards shut and the spray came up a lot higher on the other fountain. Cooled the pool down to 82 degrees in 2 days.
    5 points
  31. Yea all the high prices for food today is your fault as well. You voted for him. My trap was thinking I was at a toilet. One of the reason I quite drinking. Got rid of my headache. Matter fact China is doing the world a favor. WE NEED MORE CO2! I'd still be confused.
    5 points
  32. Timmah!


    Adding to my collection. They make more than Swiss Army knives. Super sharp & keeps its edge. I like their chef's knife, too; though it must be used with a modicum of caution as it's prone to chipping due to the high carbon content.
    5 points
  33. Rea

    Just information

    Got news from {ESC}Veector that {ESC}BamBam from their clan has passed away unexpectedly recently, just sharing over here in case anyone over here was friends with them. Played with them a few times on some servers, seemed like a really good person.
    5 points
  34. J3st3r

    Just information

    Veector said that he had a massive heart attack. He was 56 years old by what it says on his profile over on ESCs forums. Gona miss him.
    5 points
  35. Welcome again to the forums, and it's always fun playing with you in the servers. Massive respect for your volunteering work as well
    5 points
  36. Update. I’ll be donating this to the School I’ve decided. Then it can be seen by others and protected.
    5 points
  37. ALanHim

    Can't get enough of me??

    Are you related to Bladerunner? if so cool. oh man XI has some of the finest Bunny Hoppers around. @loaderXIand @Crack being one’s. We got some classic no good for nothing dirtbag campers too. At least that’s the description of heard others say about them. Do you think the real robots coming to a war near us will be crouching? We are basically controlling robots IMO. I believe I’d kick a robots ass with my robot if I had a robot and a robot to fight. That is if my robots a COD2 robot or a COD5 robot and even a cod5 robot. Then they’re real but I can do whatever the hell they wanted to be. As long as they don’t send me a nightmare mode robots, then i’ll take them. Being related to BladeRunner you know what I talking about. I love a good bunny hopper thread debate. Hoppers always win here. Lol haha jk but for real they have always won. Stupid campers win too. Or at least I’ve been told they’re stupid. Enjoy the dumb posts others make. I keep mine to the point and never ramble about nonsense ever today till just now. Welcome!
    5 points
  38. LOCO

    mw2 146b9 map rotation #19b

    MW2 Rotation #19b 25 maps put in rotation 06/27/2024 by LOCO map mp_bog map mp_kabul map mp_4nuketown map mp_convoy map mp_burgundy_bulls map mp_usmall map mp_firingrange_v2 map mp_outset map mp_thunderville map mp_construction2 map mp_area52 map mp_blue_compound map mp_desert_dock_2 map mp_prunis map mp_atp map mp_backlot_2 map mp_lumberyard map mp_tehaleh map mp_gb_port_b1 map mp_blutstadt map mp_disputed map mp_beat_k map mp_fsd_witp map mp_powcamp_v2 map mp_corningstone Server Restarted 7:45PM PST Enjoy
    5 points
  39. Looks like a peice of my old bathroom tile lol. But seriously that is cool nice find. Should be interesting to see if they can figure out some details of your find.
    4 points
  40. I got a surprise visit from @PickleRick last week after opening a jar of pickles owned by the Vlasic family and I just got the pictures developed. PicleleRick first wanted to check out the Killer Bees but they were a bit put off by his smell. PickleRick got to witness a Killer Bee gang attacking a bee from the wrong neighborhood. Before I knew it PickleRick jumped in the Bird bath the Bees took over that didn't have much water in it. Silly Pickle. We tried playing basketball but PickleRick was afraid of the net. PickeleRick needed to take a crap and after he wanted to climb a tree. You can hardly see him but he's right here. PickleRick was enjoying the view.... Then he fell.. or Jumped. He said he fell but I think he jumped. PickleRick then wanted to try climbing a Ocotillo bush. He's hanging on by a thorn here. For a pickle he has amazing grip. PickleRick said he don't smoke weed so I offered him an edible off a magic cactus. Technically I didn't lie to him. Besides how else did an edible bud get on a cactus... it's magic and a magician never tells his tricks. About twenty minutes later PickleRick was sitting on some Mistletoe reminiscing his sex life and after a bit asked if I have any beer. I told him no but I could go get some. He was instant so I went into town to get some. He asked for Canadian beer so I had a plan after telling him, 'I'll see what I can do". The Edible hadn't kicked in yet when I left and when I got back about an hour later I find @PickleRickin my bed with one of the Vlasic daughters doing the Dilly. I hung out and watched for a bit while taking some pictures. Seems the Kodak photo developing place kept some of the good ones. It got real interesting. Here's a closeup shot. You can almost smell the Dill in the picture. To end the night PickeRick and the Vlasic daughter hung out in the Bird bath with the Killer Bees drinking a fake Moosehead, because really it was a Bud Light I pored in this old bottle I've had for a couple years. But PickeRick was so backed on fake magic Cactus edibles he had no clue. He did complain it tasted like piss and I said, "that's Canadian Beer for you". How he knew what piss tasted like, I don't want to know. The End
    4 points
  41. Happy birthday all. And a special Happy Birthday to White Dragon, Dont know which side of the grass your on but let it be known you are greatly missed !
    4 points
  42. skuzapo

    New Rotation for OWFT

    New rotation maps are map mp_agxstlo map mp_ax_neuville map mp_contra map mp_convoy map mp_db_snowypark map mp_dome map mp_freedom1 map mp_frenchvillage map mp_industrial map mp_stalemate map mp_mohdv2 map mp_newvillers2 map mp_psycho map mp_rtcwchateau map mp_snr_arnhemwt map mp_snr_vimyrd map mp_southfrance5 map mp_townville2
    4 points
  43. I forgot about this very good one !
    4 points
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