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Posts posted by sgtsmellyfinger

  1. I was onboard the USS George Washington CVN73 off the coast of North Carolina doing excersises. After the second plane hit we got the call to head to New York. We steamed hard north and arrived on day two off the coast of Long Island providing support. I remember standing there watching the smoke billowing over the city skyline. It all seemed so unreal. We could watch CNN and see the news footage of us arriving. I remember watching people on the shore cheering us on! The US Navy had arrived and we were going to kick some ass!



  2.  YEAH!!!! I'M A SOMEBODY!!!.....I'M A SOMEBODY!!!! I SAW MY FACE ON THE WALLLLL!!!! THAT'S SO COOOOOOLL!! LOL!!! VERY NICELY DONE!!! I'm in the slow process of building my own map for COD4 and am trying to put my own custom decals on my map. Maybe you can explain the process better than most of the tutorials I've read. I've got the decal imported and it shows up in my texture selections in radiant but shows up as a white box on my wall in the game. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  3. LOL WolfTiS.........I don't feel so old now!! My first deployment on this ship was in '92. I haven't done much work on the interior yet...just part of a berthing area. There is so much detail left for me to do. I hope I can get it done before COD4 isn't played anymore.

  4. Hey Guys and Gals.....I haven't been playing for awhile and there is a reason for it. Ever since I first started playing the first Half Life online many many many years ago...I've always wanted to create my own map but didn't quite have the hang of it...this frustrated me to point that I gave up on it. Well guess what.........I'm attempting it again and this time I'm making a map for COD4. I've always wondered what it would be like to run through a recreation of some of the aircraft carriers I've deployed on. I've been working on a recreation of my first carrier...USS Saratoga CV60. Although this is not a completely accurate reproduction...it's as close as I could possibly get. After doing a few test runs of my progress....I can honestly say it brings back memories. I feel like I've once again boarded her for another deployment. I still have scripting issues to work out but I've slowly figured some out. I've got the smoke and rotating radar antennas...but I also want to make my aircraft elevators go up and down. I also need to make some custom decals but I am still having difficulties with that. Here is a video I put together showing some of my progress. Let me know what you guys think and let me know of any suggestions. Send me a PM or two. Thanx!



  5. VERY NICE!! I'm working on a map for COD4 and have a feeling I'm going to have to get some help with it. Any volunteers? I'm doing an aircraft carrier pierside based on an actual carrier I had the privelage of doing 2 Med deployments on. I need help with some of the scripting. I'll post a short video and some pictures here real soon.

  6. I have a sick sense of humor and for some reason I enjoy offending snobs and people who think they are better than anyone else. By no means does my name refer to my finger ending up some foul place or that I have a hygeine problem. I was working in a calibration lab in California and we had a new female co-worker who just started working there. She came in with an attitude and I found out quickly how to get to her. One day I was talking to her and sniffing my fingers. Everyone but her thought it was hilarious! Looking back that was pretty childish of me to do.......but it sure was a hoot back then!

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