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Posts posted by bubbaTodd

  1. Ok, so I've finally saved up some money to get myself a new card. I've got a budget range of $150 - $300. I'd prefer to stay way low on budget as that leaves me more money to spend on my weekend grilling. :) 


    Anyway, being and old timer I used to refer to Tom's Hardware for video card comparisons but recently I'm just not getting what I need to know from there. So I thought I'd turn to some trusted references.


    So, my question is:

    Can I get some feedback on other player experiences between NVIDA vs. Radeon chipsets? Gameplay, shading, performance, 'running speed' in COD 4, overheating, overclocking etc.


    Need some help.




  2. I lost some good friends there on 9/11. They were firefighters that served with me in the Navy.  I will never forget and I will always honor their memory. They were truly heroes in my mind.


    I am saddened when I remember the horrible news of the event. I will never forgive or forget what they did and I will never forgive or forget the stupid cowards that committed the act. They and all those who believe like them are cowards.


    I would say other words but I would not want to be banned.


    God rest the souls of our heroes.





  3. Ok. I played MW 2 server last week with fellow XI friends and it totally rocks. I for one think it totally kicks ass.


    Any chance of scheduling a time during this upcoming weekend when we could get a few players in game? I'm up for getting slaughtered! 


    Hell, I'll even take a knife from Ferret. :)


    Any takers? 



  4. Way to go Ferret! I never thought anyone would surpass BigMeanDean. While I am no where near Dean's nor your skill level, I too like a good knife fight. :) I especially enjoy pistols and knives fights. It's all fun!


    Anyway, I'll see ya in game and I'll keep watching my back. ;)


    Dean! How are you doing? Haven't seen ya around buddy. Hope everything is all right. Give me a holler when ya can.


    Gotta go jump on ACE Mod server. Looks like fresh meat.



  5. It's just a game. Enjoy it and have some fun. That's why we play isn't it???? All I know is my world does not revolve around my KD ratio or whether I made the top 3 in the map. Hell, I laugh when I do cause it's so rare. I play on ACE MOD server to have fun and enjoy some good times and fun with everyone. I know sometimes I complain about martyrdom and tubes in game but its all part of the fun. I enjoy it. So if you like the perks use em and bring it. If ya don't holler about em in game. I enjoy it either way. :)


    Anyway, not trying to say your incorrect or anything lilgreasy. This is just my two pesos.  I would have said cents but 1: US dollar is weak and 2: I'm not all that smart. :P




  6. I laughed my freaking @ss off!!!!


    That was so funny.


    Think I'll send this to my ex-wife. All her CDs and movies are fudged up. This could really help her fix them and show her that despite all that happened I am still willing to help out. :)



  7. OHHHHHH.... YEA....!!!!


    I love'd the old Duke Nukem.  I've been waiting for this vaporware to materialize for almost 20 years it seems. Keep posting on the pros and cons. I'm interested in buying it but I'm holding off for now while I catch up on some bills.





  8. I registered awhile back but it seems I had a problem with my email account tied to my old XI username rexkwando. Anyway, been through some rough times, divorce, lost a sh*tload of money, job, but I kept my son and just a small bit of sanity. Thankfully, now I got my head on back a little better. Came back to XI about a month or 2 ago as 'bubbaTodd' and just started having fun again.


    Anyway, I've always had nothing but fun here and I'm just glad to finally be able to login and say Hi!


    See you all on the servers!


    GG ;)




  9. I use NOD32 works great for me. It's protected me from some RootKit attempts caused by my son visiting "his" sites. I picked up a 2 pc license for 34.99 off newegg.com awhile back. It runs a very small footprint in the background and has yet to interfere with any of my games. Frequent virus updates, patches, and good firewall.


    Just my 2 cents.


    Good Luck!


    bubbaTodd (Mark)

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