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Posts posted by Rhyanon

  1. This appeal and its replies are in a public forum and can be seen by all.

    What server were you banned from?: DM Custom Maps 2
    When did you get banned?: around 19:45 GMT
    What was your in-game name?: Rhyanon
    What is your game GUID (if known):
    Why do you think you were banned?:

    Honestly i dont really know. I know that my playstyle can be construed as hacking because theres a lot of deep impact spraying at walls and foliage, and my gameplay has certainly stepped up since I managed to get some earphones a couple of days ago so I'm no longer playing in mono and can now hear where other people are coming from but idk why someone would ban me for hacking when I'm not sure I was even top of the leaderboard, I had a realistic k/d and anyone speccing me would have seen that the vast vast majority of wallbanging attempts were met with failure

    It could have been spawnkilling as i did have a couple of kills in spawn, but when i realised what I was doing I got out of the spawn so


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