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Posts posted by Dstraktd

  1. This is a re-post from a good friend of mine...

    Not making excuses for the ass kicking we got.  But even those who aren't LSU fans saw how solemn and dejected the entire team was for the whole game.


    The LSU Tigers got taken behind the wood shed  during the BCS National Championship game. It was more than embarrassing for the Tigers and their fans. LSU’s offense was never a Brees type juggernaut but, they did manage to  average 35.7  a game for 17th in the country.  The Tigers beat the living tar out of everyone they met sans the Crimson Tide in Tuscaloosa.  The LSU Tigers beat 3 top 5 teams and 8 top 25 teams.  They beat them all convincingly. There was no mistaking  who was number 1 for the regular season.   The majority of the college football world  would credit Saban and the  Alabama’s defense for the crushing win. I do too they worked hard for a month to perfect a game plan against the nation’s 2nd best defense.  But, Is there more to this crushing defeat than just a good ol’ fashion butt kicking?  We may never know. The Tigers offense seemingly played uninspired and unimpressive throughout the whole game.

    I’m not one to give credence to rumors or heresy but, sometimes where’s there’s smoke there’s fire.  Take what you will from the following I received from a trusted friend.  Did the Tigers get outplayed? Yes. Is it Les Miles fault? Not totally. Is the comment Bobby Hebert made ill-timed or inappropriate? Not what so ever. Make the call for yourself.  No matter what happened before the Tigers had their heads handed to them. Is this all a rumor or part of the truth slowly eeking out? Time will tell. Either way this shakes out the Tigers are looking strong for next year.


    The following comes from an unnamed source……..  Apparently about 3 hours before the game T-Bob Hebert and Russell Shepard and 2 other receivers and a hand full of linemen got into a heated argument with Les Miles and the Offensive Coordinator about Lee getting more playing time and possibly starting the BCS Championship game. It got so heated that Miles benched T-Bob and RS and 3 other players. He called Lee into his office and told Lee that he would not be playing in the game. The Offensive CO told Miles that he thought that Lee gave the team the best chance to win the game. Miles told the OC to start looking for a new job after the game and Miles will be calling the plays for the championship game. Apparently the O Line sided with T-Bob and Lee and did not give their all in the game to prove to Miles that the players are more important than the coach.

    Now I know that this is hard to believe but when you look at some things it kind of explains a few things: I will list some:

    Playcalling: Read option pass on 3rd and 10 – 4 times. Running the same 5 plays over 90% of the game. Overall, Horrible play calling. Running the ball in the 4th quarter with 9 mins and down by 21. T-Bob Hebert not taking a snap in the game. RS only playing 3 snaps and not touching the ball or getting looked at. Lee getting off the bus and walking 10 feet behind the team with his head down and looking dejected while walking into the Dome. Heated argument between receivers and JJ and O Line with O line coach on sidelines. And the kicker, reports that 2/3 rds. of the plays that were practiced up to the game were not run and the players were not told why. Again I do not know if this is entirely true but there seems to be a lot of truth in it just by seeing what happened in the game. 

    The LSU team did not arrive at the dome until shortly after 6:00 PM. It seems that T-Bob Hebert & Russell Shepherd met with Les & told him that they were not happy with Jefferson’s preparation & attitude leading up to the game. He was purportedly at Harrah’s a couple of nights & drinking heavily. Most of the receiving corp has been on Miles to play Lee & throw more. Well Les evidently took the criticism the wrong way & all shit broke loose at a team meeting. Hebert & Shepherd never got in the game. The offense was pissed. Jefferson lost the heart & soul of many of his teammates. Les was stubborn. Something evidently happened earlier between Miles & Lee & possibly Lee’s father after he was benched and Miles essentially dismissed him from the team for all practical purposes. Now not only is Claiborne leaving for the draft but so is Randle, Brockers & Shepherd (who may have no other choice but to leave LSU). Kadrone Boone ( a promising young receiver) has indicated that he will transfer from LSU. This is one of the worst internal problems that I have ever seen at LSU. This is not a black & white issue. It is an issue of team leadership (or lack of) & a coach that won’t listen to tenured upperclassmen.

    Please feel free to draw your own conclusions, but we all know that the LSU team that showed up to play the title game, was not the team we had been watching all season.

  2. Well Billy, most LSU fans don't like Les Miles either, and yes, I am very aware that Les rode into a national title on Nick's picks.  Nick Saiban is a great recruiter, I'll give credit where it's due. I'm just saying that due to a bad, BAAAAAAD decision (or lack thereof) we were completely taken out of that game.  I was just bringing to light the fact that our defense played a helluva game, given the piss poor field position they had to defend from.

  3. Bigmeandean
    As I was watching in the second quarter it was rather obvious nit wasn't the same LSU team  cus their body language said they didn't want to be there! I wonder if they thought in their minds they really lucked out the first time or not but Bama kicked ass last night for sure and the score actually did the game an injustice from Bama's perspective! LSU didn't even show up!

    No, the first game was a slugfest with the 2 best defenses in the NCAA.  Granted, on Monday, our offense didn't do anything, but the defense did a great job at holding bama to the score they did, especially with the crap field position the offense was leaving them with.  I don't think you should fault our team when it was Les Miles call to not pull Jefferson.  Nobody lucked out the first time, it was a good game, and LSU came out on top, and with the SEC title.  And as most of us in this thread agree that the SEC is the hardest conference in the NCAA, that title seems more pertinent than the national title.    We knew it would be a tuff title game, cuz bama had a grudge, but yeah, it was a total lackluster showing on the part of LSU.  And as far as their body language, I think they were just as frustrated as ALL the LSU fans because Lee wasn't given a shot to play, and none of us could figure out the fuck why...


    p.s. Nick Satan was the coach for LSU before he left to coach in the NFL (where he could not hack it), only to come back to the SEC and coach for our arch rival.

  4. Ferret

    The SEC is BY FAR the toughest & best college football conference.... I just hate that it is getting watered-down by allowing in teams that aren't even in the friggin' Southeast.  Damn sellout asshole SEC Commissioner.... fucking up our elite conference for a few more $$$$$.  That sucks a fat dick & I hope he gets fired for fucking up a good thing.

    I concur!

  5. I can't even call that a game.  2 teams may have showed up, but only one actually played.  Congratz to bama for stellar defense.  Les Miles lost that game by leaving Jefferson's sorry ass in and not giving Lee a shot. What's the worst that could have happened, them losing?? I feel sorry for Jarret Lee, he carried the LSU offense to the first Bama game, and what did he get in return? He got to take a knee on the last play in the SEC championship game. What a slap in the fucking face.  Forget any chance Lee may have had going pro.  If I were him, I would have walked up and punched Les in the fucking mouth.  Hell, I wanted to punch Les in the mouth.  I hope whatever favors the boosters called in to get Jefferson off on those charges was worth losing the title game. Should have left his dumb ass in jail.

    >>>Let's recap:

    Option - fail

    screen pass - fail

    shovel pass - intercepted

    run game - fail

    Jefferson throwing accurate passes - fail

    dropped snaps - 2

    4th and 18 - fumble

    stupid looks on Jefferson's face when his plays failed - well, damn near every play

    Common sense to take your failing QB out and give your accurately passing QB a shot (because you sure as hell have nothing to lose) - absent

    OMFG what a travesty!

    Only redeeming trait of that game, is that it was the end of Jefferson's football career.

    I still bleed purple and gold, and always will!


  6. WiZiD
    Why didn't you head butt him a couple times or Carry a small pair of vice grips with you and if you ever see him alone...ya thats the ticket right there......just be careful with your prints. hehehehe

    I got into a fight with a drunk friend of mine one time. He broke a window and came in my house. I did everything I could not to hit him because he was intoxicated. After pinning him to the ground, he tried to gouge my eye out, and then tried to fish-hook me.  I don't really care to fight much, because I'm a really big guy, and my fists have been known to do a LOT of damage.  So I head-butted him one time, thinking it was a better course of action than punching him.  With one quick head-butt, I broke his nose and both cheekbones.  And the worst part, he called the cops, and I got arrested for aggravated assault.  All that just for defending myself, and giving him every conceivable opportunity to stop.

  7. Pharticus

    I have a niece with Spina Bifida.  She is the most kind and caring person I've ever met.  I think God gives more grace to those born with physical challenges.  My brother and sister-in-law have been exceptional in taking care of her.  Even though she can't feel or move anything below the knees, she still gets around just fine.


    It's ok to be vulnerable with your wife, she needs that from you.  Too often as men we try to portray ourselves as strong and unshakable, but your wife also needs to see the sensitive side.

    I had to stay stoic, because she was a wreck.  She needed me to be strong.  Now, when the doc told us everything was fine, I fell apart.

  8. Ok, we just got back from the hospital, and all is well. It seems the test had a false positive.  Our little girl is healthy and happy, with normal measurements and growing.  Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers, Val and I appreciate it more than any of you can imagine.

  9. Hello all my idiot friends!

    As some of you know, my wife and I are expecting our first child together mid-May.  Well we found out today it is a girl, but also found out that the triple screen that they do came back positive for neural tube defects.  For those that aren't familiar, this can lead to Spina Bifida and other neurological disorders and/or birth defects.  Needless to say, we are pretty crushed.  I am putting on a brave face for my wife, but I feel utterly destroyed inside.  Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we go thru the long testing process that will likely include an amniocentisis, which is VERY invasive, and can cause miscarriage.

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