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Gomer Pyle

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Posts posted by Gomer Pyle

  1. PrimalFear
    Gomer Pyle

    This is not a new subject, we have talked about it in the politics section where it belongs.


    First thing the gay community asked for was tolerance, once they achieved tolerance they expected acceptance, now they are seeking celebration and the changing of our laws for their own special interests. Baby steps vs Brass tacks:


    Marriage (Matrimony) is a sacrament, a holy sacred union between a man and a woman and god.


    Homosexuality is an abomination against god.


    There are tons of passages but one will do, weather people want to confront the issue or not, it is our culture and religion of the overwhelming majority of our country and therefore valid to mention. But inappropriate to debate. (Leviticus 20:13 If a man has sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman, the two of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves.)


    Gay marriage is asking holy people to condone an abomination against god. (not gonna happen, not realistic and certainly not reasonable)


    The only solution I see to this problem is to create a civil union process, a contract where any two adults can agree to share property from a strictly legal standpoint, it could be two siblings, a male and female or two people of the same sex.  It does not ask people with biblical viewpoints to condone anything, while still offering a solution to include all people in their right to their own pursuit of happiness.  I believe it is the only solution that has any chance of passing a bill to include everyone without attacking our culture our religion or our freedom.  I'm not necessary speaking my own viewpoints but rather representing those of many many people in this country and we have to be real about it.  They want a bill to include them, they will have to meet the majority in the middle with something that both sides can live with, plain and simple.


    This is how we have done it in my state, they get the rights while still protecting the sacrament of Matrimony:



    PrimalFear,  I agree that the civil union is the least painful process to end this strife and still give gays civil rights. However one thing I cannot understand about many Christians is the absolute certainty and conceit that their God is everyones God and should be judged accordingly. So how do you know that they are following the same God you are Primal? And if they are not then how can you deny them marriage by their God? Now if they are getting married by a Baptist minister of your sect then by all means feel free to admonish the minister by not following your particular flavor of religion but that has nothing to do with the gays themselves or their rights that you take for granted. I just want one question answered in all of this, what right, justification  does anyone have to speak for everyone in this country with absolute conviction and conceit that they speak for God. By the way, your God came to me in person and told me that you were wrong, now go ahead and try to prove that I'm wrong. It is just as wrong to say because it is written in the Bible that God spoke to you and said it was wrong, That is your bible not everyones bible, go ask a Hindu what he thinks of Leviticus 20:13, I'm quite sure he would not find it in his bible. Tell me how you would feel if he started to quote passages from his bible and tell you how wrong you are in believing differently. How is it that Americans are so conceited and self  righteous that they cannot entertain the thought there are other religions in the world that don't agree with their beliefs, I simply do not understand this.  Most people here are disagreeing on what Christian sect they belong to in particular and  what that sect is saying about the subject matter and their beliefs and completely ignor and evade the reality that other religions exist have the right exist in this world that may believe differently, and that my friends is the crux of many of the problems of this world, and unfortuantly with the possible exception of the Dahli Lama who does preach religious tollerance most other religions of this world are just as intorlerant and conceited as Christianity, if we  are ever to have peace in this world and attain the one fundamental of Christianity, (do unto others etc.) that everyone seems to miss entirely, then we are going to have to come to understand the real basis of the message and take the high road. Nit picking on individual rights as to being able to marry or not according to THEIR God is missing the boat, perhaps we should really be more concerned as to the most heinous sin and most fundamental one, and that is the one of killing each other off by the millions. But do to state agendas that is the one thing no one seems to want to talk about or reverse.

    Your doing exactly what I feared would happen, your arguing whether people of faith should or should not have an opinion of life based on that faith.  That is a useless direction to take and you will only frustrate yourself, it would be equally useless to try and tell a gay person to not be gay.  Keep in mind that biblical point of view that I posted is not necessarily my own. 


    The issue here is that the vast overwhelming majority of the USA are people of faith, believers in a just and loving god that use the bible as their compass in life.  That book makes it very clear in several chapters how homosexuality should be looked at.  We have to respect that people follow it and believe in it and leave it at that. But let's look at the other two great religions for a second...


      The Torah is the primary source for Jewish views on homosexuality. It states that: "[A man] shall not lie with another man as [he would] with a woman, it is a to'eva" (Leviticus 18:22).


    The Muslim Koran:

    Our'an (7:80-84)- "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" -  An account that is borrowed from the Biblical story of Sodom.  Muslim scholars through the centuries have interpreted the "rain of stones" on the town as meaning that homosexuals should be stoned, since no other reason is given for the people's destruction.  (The story is also repeated in suras 27 and 29).



    Those 3 great religions represent almost everyone in the USA, at least in terms of percentages.  I don't think that either of us can expect that it is realistic for people to give up the afterlife that they believe in to accommodate people that their creator has identified as essentially "unholy" all in the name of equality when those respective books mean more to those people than the Constitution itself may/does.  That is of course absurd and would not yield any kind of result.  It is important for us to respect that each of those people from each of those religions have their beliefs, whether you or me or anyone else agrees with them or not, to do anything other than that is a useless waste of time and energy.  As Americans we have a responsibility to "embrace" that those people have those beliefs and to try to work out a mutual cooperation to both respect those great religions while still upholding the Constitution. 


    Our opinions of those religions are not valid, it doesn't matter what we think about them.  All that matters is that we understand that they exist and are valid and important when it comes to creating law because those religions will not be checked at the door on election day and I have nothing bad to say about any of them, I have only mentioned them because this is an issue of morality for them, and what they think matters, especially when they represent "most" people in a democratic process.


    I want to post this to anyone reading it (not directed at you Pyle) Rugger has made it very clear that bashing of any religion is a violation and will not be tolerated, so let's be careful what we say about any of these these great religions please. I don't want to cause any problems with anybody for any reason.  There is no need for that and we have members in this clan from all 3 religions and their views might differ from those I stated as well.

    Primal, I fully agree that everyone has a right to have faith, I in fact have a deep faith, and I appreciate that you have quoted Rugger about bashing any religion, and to that end I know now now that you believe the way I do since intolerance of others beliefs based strictly on your own faith would be bashing others peoples faiths, so at least now I know that you are a tolerant person and believe in the sanctity of live and let live as well as allowing others to believe the way they wish.  While might makes right (and numbers), is certainly a good argument, there are many other people of faith not associated with the three main religions (ie Native American beliefs as an exsample which I happen to be a part of 2 different tribes) which are just as valid and important. I am truly glad to see that you accept these as well and feel the same way I do, thanks for being astute and tolerant  of your fellow man. This has been a good discussion and I take nothing personally and appreciate  the fact that you do not either, in most of these things we are really in agreement.

  2. PrimalFear

    This is not a new subject, we have talked about it in the politics section where it belongs.


    First thing the gay community asked for was tolerance, once they achieved tolerance they expected acceptance, now they are seeking celebration and the changing of our laws for their own special interests. Baby steps vs Brass tacks:


    Marriage (Matrimony) is a sacrament, a holy sacred union between a man and a woman and god.


    Homosexuality is an abomination against god.


    There are tons of passages but one will do, weather people want to confront the issue or not, it is our culture and religion of the overwhelming majority of our country and therefore valid to mention. But inappropriate to debate. (Leviticus 20:13 If a man has sexual intercourse with a male as one has sexual intercourse with a woman, the two of them have committed an abomination. They must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves.)


    Gay marriage is asking holy people to condone an abomination against god. (not gonna happen, not realistic and certainly not reasonable)


    The only solution I see to this problem is to create a civil union process, a contract where any two adults can agree to share property from a strictly legal standpoint, it could be two siblings, a male and female or two people of the same sex.  It does not ask people with biblical viewpoints to condone anything, while still offering a solution to include all people in their right to their own pursuit of happiness.  I believe it is the only solution that has any chance of passing a bill to include everyone without attacking our culture our religion or our freedom.  I'm not necessary speaking my own viewpoints but rather representing those of many many people in this country and we have to be real about it.  They want a bill to include them, they will have to meet the majority in the middle with something that both sides can live with, plain and simple.


    This is how we have done it in my state, they get the rights while still protecting the sacrament of Matrimony:



    PrimalFear,  I agree that the civil union is the least painful process to end this strife and still give gays civil rights. However one thing I cannot understand about many Christians is the absolute certainty and conceit that their God is everyones God and should be judged accordingly. So how do you know that they are following the same God you are Primal? And if they are not then how can you deny them marriage by their God? Now if they are getting married by a Baptist minister of your sect then by all means feel free to admonish the minister by not following your particular flavor of religion but that has nothing to do with the gays themselves or their rights that you take for granted. I just want one question answered in all of this, what right, justification  does anyone have to speak for everyone in this country with absolute conviction and conceit that they speak for God. By the way, your God came to me in person and told me that you were wrong, now go ahead and try to prove that I'm wrong. It is just as wrong to say because it is written in the Bible that God spoke to you and said it was wrong, That is your bible not everyones bible, go ask a Hindu what he thinks of Leviticus 20:13, I'm quite sure he would not find it in his bible. Tell me how you would feel if he started to quote passages from his bible and tell you how wrong you are in believing differently. How is it that Americans are so conceited and self  righteous that they cannot entertain the thought there are other religions in the world that don't agree with their beliefs, I simply do not understand this.  Most people here are disagreeing on what Christian sect they belong to in particular and  what that sect is saying about the subject matter and their beliefs and completely ignor and evade the reality that other religions exist have the right exist in this world that may believe differently, and that my friends is the crux of many of the problems of this world, and unfortuantly with the possible exception of the Dahli Lama who does preach religious tollerance most other religions of this world are just as intorlerant and conceited as Christianity, if we  are ever to have peace in this world and attain the one fundamental of Christianity, (do unto others etc.) that everyone seems to miss entirely, then we are going to have to come to understand the real basis of the message and take the high road. Nit picking on individual rights as to being able to marry or not according to THEIR God is missing the boat, perhaps we should really be more concerned as to the most heinous sin and most fundamental one, and that is the one of killing each other off by the millions. But do to state agendas that is the one thing no one seems to want to talk about or reverse.

  3. Pharticus
    Gomer Pyle

    They also believed in the separation of church and state so that no particular religion dominated or ruled this country, and that all men were created equally and with inalienable rights and the right to pursue happiness unless it infringed on others rights.


    Almost right Gomer, I hope you just mis-spoke.  They didn't believe in the separation of church and state, but rather that there shouldn't nor wouldn't be a state sponsored religion.  Don't fall prey to the progressives rewriting our history.

    You are more correct on that statement then I was, its not separation of church they believed in, but rather no state sponsored religion, thus Budaism, Hiduism, Muslim, or others,  take your pick have equal rights in determining our morality standards just as Christianity does, given our forefathers were Christian has no bearing on what the national standards are or were ever supposed to be, that in fact is exactly what they were trying to get away from such as what was happening in England and the Church of England, and why  they fled the oppression of freedom of choice and religion in the first place. Thus no state sponsored religion will be allowed INCLUDING Christianity, so all religions and freedoms from religion have equal rights and footing in this country. The citizens of this country have the right to vote into law what they feel the moral standards of this country will be, they being of every sect and religion, and even non religion, no specific religion can do so, and for that I am grateful and proud to be an American, and even though on a personal basis I lean heavily on Christian mores I yield to the rights of others and their religions to have equality and religious freedoms in this country as long as it doesn't infringe on my rights.

  4. Pharticus
     My point is that regardless how you feel religiously we shouldn't be making others live by our standards when we don't have to live in their shoes and deal with the things they deal with!


    As Americans we used to have what I would label "community" standards, which to some degree, we still have.  For example, don't parade around in public naked, public drunkenness, or pedophilia.  Those standards were established by our forefathers and were based around the Christian faith (that's not a religious argument, but fact).  As we have moved further and further from that standard we have abandoned any sense of moral decency and lost any concept of truth, or even right and wrong for that matter.  There is a group of people whose primary agenda is to remove God, faith and morality from the public eye and eventually from our private lives.  Too many people are afraid to acknowledge their faith publicly for fear of being ridiculed or have baseless claims thrown at them (like not being "tolerant").  I am not looking to discuss the finer points of the Christian faith in this forum but I would love to see your questions in a PM or email Dean (I'm not one to get angry about these things, but I will defend the truth). 


    Yes its true that our forefathers or founding fathers of the constitution established our standards for this country and were in fact predominately Christian, smoked and grew marijuana, and owned slaves (that's not a secular argument, but fact) .  They also believed in the separation of church and state so that no particular religion dominated or ruled this country, and that all men were created equally and with inalienable rights and the right to pursue happiness unless it infringed on others rights. I'm not quite sure how smoking pot has become the devil weed and gays are outcasts, just how does the Christian religion justify just how our forefathers felt this about this, I can't see the connection. I really am unable to see how either one is infringing on my rights even though I don't know of any gays in my family nor do I smoke pot. I'm truly baffled by how the Christian religion has drawn conclusions based on,  and justified by our founding fathers when I see no evidence for this. However you can say that your particular religion or sect  believes in this and you have ever right to do so but it only applies to your sect, I go to Unity church of Christianity and I'm very spiritual and we don't believe in any of these things and YES I have the right given to me by our forefathers to do so,  just like you do.  And I'm not even taking into account all of the thousands of non Christian religions that do not believe the way you do either, also all protected by our constitution.  One thing I am certain of and that is that I do NOT speak for God and I am also certain that you do not either.

  5. Thanks everyone for the great fun and  friendship, it was a great time, also congrats Laz and Joe you both deserve your prize. I especially want to thank Pete for his generosity in the prizes he provided and  setting this tourney up.  I am now a proud owner of the Pimp medal and very happy with it ...... I especially like that purple color and ermine head band on the hat, if that ain't Pimpin then I  jus don't know what is..... nice touch Rockape .... lol.. .


    Lets have some more fun on the COD 2  DM server, see all of ya there.   WATCH YOUR BACK  !



  6. It has been fun guys and I'm not letting up anytime soon, its true I want that number one spot bad so keep up the competition. I've come so close before just to lose it in the end to Pete, Pete you still here ?   You Rat Devil, we will miss ya buddy.


    With a little help from my friends like Joe I might even have a chance on getting the number one spot, if he can just remember its Pete he is after and not Gomer.


    Ferret you weasel leave Gomer's head alone.


    And Laz the month is only half over you still have a chance of catching me, you are gaining daily.

  7. Blackbart
    Driving is a privilege not a right so the laws pertaining to the safe operation of a vehicle does not infringe on your rights...I agree hands free voice is ok but the rest is nothing but a distraction and should be illegal...SmileSmile

    +1   also good post Joe.

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