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Posts posted by Chilado

  1. s'up Chill. Shit close to 15, 'eh? Funny what people will put up their butts theses days. Oh, and I've submitted your name to 100 small dick porn spammers since you're apparently adverse to the big dick variety.



    Belted, not "Balted."

    Site, not "Sight" (the latter you have on your gun or is a function of your eyes.)

    I'll, not "ill" (unless you're puking or something. Being shit close to anything as a freshman will make you puke, I suppose.)

    And, what is it that you wanted me to call Chilly or Chill?

    There will be a re-test later.

    Please submit the name and email of yor freshman English teacher.

    Lol 1st. first time I met him and thought it may have been Belted 2nd. Yeah sometimes when I sound this out in my mind my brain is like autocorrect and fucks up words. 3rd probably Chill 4th. Did I pass? and English teacher First: Suckmah Second: LongDeek
  2. Im the original CHILLY..Dont use this name as I have contacted my lawyers for copyrights infringements..


    See you in court...

    My lawyers a homeless man who offered me a blowjob on the street. So we shall see!
  3. Terms and conditions of registration to this site state that you cannot "Legally" register on this site under US law if you are below the age of 18,


    Must be an Illegal user then ..............................


    Welcome to the forums Chilado, you are going to read/see things here that are of an adult nature so if that offends you, tough shit because you should have read the terms of use :)

    I AM DEEPLY FUCKING OFFENDED BY THAT :( I will sue but will settle for 2 pennys and a baby kangaroo. :) jk I know there is above 18 site but I have 2 older brothers so it cant be much worse.
  4. My name is chilado. I'm an alcoholi...wait wrong message board.

    you can call my chilly or chil.

    I play Vietnam Ftag and other XI servers on COD5.

    My friend Chris69928 told me I should come play COD5 ftag with him one day and from then on I play in between minecraft and playing other games. I'm a freshman in high school and shit close to 15.

    Balted I think his name was told me I should register on the forums so i did and for all I know this could be a stalker sight and ill have 100 ads in my email for big dick porn but I hope thats not the case. LOL

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