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Posts posted by MONGRELXI

  1. ahhh...well...erm...


    My intention was not to see Warlord removed-but it's OK by me.


    My intention was only to use it as an example of the difference between a glitch and a 'feature' if you will. Many of us-me included-have "been to the dunes" in Warlord, so much so that I thought everyone knew about it by now. (Admins have alos played from out there giving it respectability and the seal of approval).


    Again, my intention was not to bitch about Warlord, I have no problem with that one. Corregidor is a much more likely candidate I believe because you really cannot tell someone is up there unless you really look hard for them. I'm also not here to drop a dime on anyone either so please don't take it that way.


    Also, while we are all here, what about Derailed? You can jump over the fence all over the place and get into most of the houses surrounding the map and kill from them. Maybe we need a decision on that one? Again, I think it's intended (because it's so easy to do it) by the mapmaker but what say ye?



    back to the doghouse....

  2. *sigh* (I wasn't going to come back but...)


    We may need to clarify our definitions...


    Glitch vs. 'intended but not obvious feature'


    Here's what I think is a glitch (and verified by yours truly, but never used thereafter):


    Map Name: Warehouse

    Glitch: If you go the the area to the right of the largest warehouse building there are two trucks backed up to the wall pretty tight to the building. If you jump up on the back of the left truck and then jump up on the back wall you can jump down between the building and the back edge of the map. This area will drop you down below the map and from there you can kill without being seen. I found this when I jumped up to 'perch' on the little corner there and fell into the gap.


    Now I don't know if anyone else has done this or found it yet, but that is definately a glitch that would be illegal inmo. I believe I mentioned this in a post about a month back btw.


    Ok...so what is an 'intended but not obvious feature'?


    Map: Warlord

    Feature: Escape the compound through the large back gates where the trucks are lined up by jumping over the tank traps. From here you have access to all the dunes and can shoot into the compound and kill players. BUT they can also shoot at you and kill you from inside the compound.


    That to me is the difference between a glitch and an 'exploit' of feature of the map that the map maker intentionally left in.


    Now, it does get somewhat harder to judge on a map like Corregidor where you can very easily climb the mountains surrounding the map 'proper' and kill from up there. You can also be killed, but it is not so obvious where the shooter is as it is on the map Warlord.


    Both Warlord and Corregidor and similar to Cabentuan in my opinion in that you can really work the outer edges of the maps but it is very difficult to counter attack because of either the walls, the barbed wire (difficult if not impossilble to shoot through), or the vegetation.


    Also, in the last three maps I mentioned, these areas are really not "outside the map" in my opinion. They are on the border of the map as intended by the map makers.


    There are others I'm sure but I have to go for now.


    May not have helped but...

  3. You guys really crack me up! Seriously-the counter bitching is twice as loud as the bitchin' LOL Laughing


    Hmmmm...you don't like marty? Let's take out the kitchen sink! Where will it end? hmmm...take out the couch and the chairs...harrr harrr harrr.... And yet one of the most popular XI servers, the original "ACE MOD" COD4 (ok...formerely most popular) pulled marty out, so it couldn't have been that far off the mark to at least consider it for discussion.


    Johnny, why did you take this so personally? Frown I mean, it sounds like "that's the way it is take it or leave it!" Maybe you didn't mean it that way but for real man... And no one ever even suggested that this has something to do with your picks. Innocent


    It's a very simple thing: Some of the maps are broken-and it's been a know fact on many of them for a long time. They should be removed-it's not anyones fault and no one is blaming anyone. But if a map spawns you in a freakin' dead end it should be pulled. That's all, no drama, no harm, no foul.


    Not looking for a debate here fellows, I'd rather spend the time gaming,... so... Tongue out


    Peace to all, Cool


    Mongrel out

  4. I guess it's my turn to open up the wine....


    This will never fly but it's fun to bitch about it anyway right?


    The guy who needs no introductions: MARTY


    Can we take of poll to see how many would support removing it from the COD5 server? Lately it seems like more than half the guys are using it and it has ruined more than a few gun and knife fights.




    Can we take a poll to see how many would support removing maps with mucked up spawn issues (like CANAL for instance)?


    It just sucks-period. I'd rather have 20 maps that aint broke on a rotation than 40 maps with three or four broken ones. Let's just dump 'em. Even if we have to lengthen the round times to make it work.




    Can we take a poll to see if the maps we all think suck can be removed?


    Start with BridgeFHunt or whatever the frig it's called....that huge supersized freak-a-zoid thing.


    I'm sure that we could find several others that could get the boot also.


    Thanks for listening.


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