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Status Updates posted by <OTR>GingerMass

  1. Iron Sky... death by high heal - good stuff.

  2. SocialBa! connected successfully! About more: http://socialba.com/

  3. #stdrally you say... no wonder no one is going to these events here in Fort Wayne.

  4. What are your top three destinations in the good ol'USA?

  5. Neighbor wars/pyscho/revenge/etc., this could be a series of its own - all the raw content is on youtube. I have found a new genre of youtube videos to watch.

  6. Sad Face :( / Happy Face :)Had to cancel our VDay plans Thursday due to all 14 rooms and suites being full. Going to be a big breakfast Friday morning...Good stuff!

  7. Well, lurking around and finding some basic exercises to start working on. Sparta is April 28th and I want to have some physical shape done before then. Also, I have the time and no excuses! Time to get this "MUG" trimmed up...!!!

  8. Nice evening, spent dinner with Clark this evening at the "Old Gas House" for my birthday. Chicago Burger with a couple Sam Adams winter lager = FTW.

  9. Thank you all that came out tonight to our simple sb party. It was so great to see you all and I am glad to hear you like the chili.Take care!Niners should of went for the 2pt conversion in the third...

  10. Big clean up.I am scaling back the list of "friends" on here. My plan - I am going to delete everyone as a friend. Then I plan to add my family back on. Then those that want to stay engaged in what I am doing can add me as a friend.May sound crazy, but I am finding some of this culture here to be just too insane - time for a big clean up.(funny thing - only a handful really care or engage in conversations, which is fine - just an easier method for me to sort you all out.)Take care,Jason

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