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Posts posted by Greed

  1. Well it seems steam used the H word in their response to the Question. I'd like a further consideration of the situation and if at all possible all members playing MW3 to give their opinion on this topic. I can't ask for my tags back until this issue is put to rest.

                                       Please  what say you all ??????????????????

                                                    Brother Greed

  2. So it seems some members of  >XI<  think joining to a server knowing it will max your rankout in the prestige your working on is ok in other words an auto rankup server?? And not only that / then leave and rejoin the server again and again until thay have the prestige thay want.

                  Hummmm somehow it just dont seem right. And on top of that it seems I didn't get around to loggin into the XI web site so I talking to you as a former clan member @ the moment. Sorry to do it but I've got to ask everyone to make a call on this. Thats my 2 cents what say ye all?


  3. Hello All ,

                  Been a long time since I put up a post , I guess for the most part I'm short for words, thought I'd put this Idea out there

    to see how we all feel about the game and the the idea of being able to vote to change the maps and even the game type? What say you all????

                                                               I'm coming @ ya:)



  4. Hello all,

              here are some changes to your black ops config MP file that should make a large difference in the way the game plays for you.

    1. First you'll want to go to C Drive  located in  my computer 2. then go to program files 3. Then go to steam  4. Then steam apps  5. Then go to common 6. Then go to blackops folder 7. Then open the players folder. and 8. Open the config.mp  file by right clicking the file and opening  the file with wordpad. You may have to tell Internet explorer to open with... and then go down to the very bottom of that list and you'll find WordPad. Here are the changes you need to make .

                                   1. cl_maxpackets "100"

                                   2. com_maxfps    "120"

                                   3. sv_maxrate     "25000"

                                   4. snaps              "30"

                                   5. cl_packetdup   "0"

     if you can get into the console you can type in the changes there and not have to go into the config.mp file .

    Well I really hope this helps you all it helped me out tremendously look forward to playing with you all in a game soon.

                                   Yours truly

                                    Greed >XI<


  5. Just a test to quick word or two, I think it's great if our European brothers and sisters  have a better ping for a change. That's my two cents :) By the way, cute picture Belle :)


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