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Posts posted by freeagent

  1. Yeah the GTX465, 470, and 480 all run hot. You cant get away from it, other then going with an aftermarket cooler. The newer 5 series run super cool. I thought it was getting warm at 65+70c running sli 570s. With a single 570 its running at 34 and loads at 55-60 @ 900/2000, they are pretty decent.

  2. Intel Burn Test is much better then P95, and quicker too. I know you play games Don, and so do I, but if you are going to overclock, you have to check it :) IBT only takes a few minutes, and you will see load temps approx. 20c greater then P95.  If you are running 7, and overclocked, but have not checked for stability, check your system error logs, if they are large, then you have an issue. These are big calculators pretty much, wrong settings will make it spit out the wrong numbers :)

  3. Oh its not the tags, my handle in cod5 was freeagentxi because someone stole my freeagent name lol. Either way its ok. I didnt quit either, I just didnt have the time to play. I worked all the time, had a demanding gf, friends, bla bla bla.. I was pretty bummed to hear about Killa, we had some gg's since cod2 :(

  4. Oh yeah canada rocks :) And we were pretty much the only ones to get away with it.. :P I guess maybe thats why we are so connected in everything.. Its funny.. I know I am canadian, but feel kind of american because I have your tv channels.. But when I go to the states, its crazy! Lol its the only place where Ive ever seen a 24 hour liquor store/gun shop lol

  5. Hey guys, good to see you are still around :) I used to be part of XI many moons ago, things happend and I just quit playing for awhile, pretty much dropped off the face of the earth heheh. Well Im back and thought I would say hey :) I used to be awsome at this game, now I am just "ok" I think.. Need to play some more :P Anyways, Ill cut this short and end by saying its good to see some old faces, or names here, and Im glad the site, and the servers are doing well :) I still have my XI profile in cod5, but Im not sure if I should log in with that or not.. I dont want to catch any flak :) Its prestige 10 too lol.


    Anyways, good to see you all!


    Peace and hair grease

  6. Thats pretty cool you guys feel that way. Youd be surprised at how many americans dont know anything about us. Hek, in Grand Forks ND I was trying to hit on a girl at this gas station, and I mentioned I was from canada, and she asked if we really lived in igloos.. I mean cmon! I only lived like 2 hours away lol. And it was colder there then it was at home lol :) Good to see you guys again.



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