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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. I feel like I am being overwhelmed in my personal life! Yet I feel good about it. I need to take some deep breathes when I begin feeling this way!

  2. Well gonna try to sleep now am tired but am most nights and cant sleep! See ya later my fb friends! Nite nite!!!

  3. Just when it seems it can't get any better something else happens to prove me wrong! :) My daughter Alicia and her b/f have moved back home from a 2-1/2 yr hiatus in Hawaii! Baby I have missed you so much! WELCOME HOME!!!

  4. Today's one of those days that I usually have a semi routine but am not feeling up to my usually vibrant self, but I will see what happens when its time to go!

  5. You give your heart and soul and you get run over!

  6. Am super worried!!!

  7. For those of you my dear close english speaking friends who are wondering why I put a German post on my timeline, it's because I have many German speaking friends also from meeting them over the years. I want to pay respects to them as well as you! :):):)

  8. Good morning to all my wonderful English speaking friends have a very happy safe day!

  9. It could be a hella lot worse

  10. Life has its ups and downs, but it does not stop for anyone or any reason. We need to role with the flow if we want to survive the lows. The highs takes care of them selves but we need each other during the lows. I find that you my friends help me in ways you can't imagine and when you don't even know you do. :) I love you all and yes I am ok and having a good day so far today! :):):)

  11. I am the sort of person who needs the special kind of person who personify s the word "soul-mate". I get to the point sometimes I don't think I will ever be happy that way again. I know if and when it is time it will happen and I can move past all the life that tore my world apart. I know that people say you make your own bed and thereby you must sleep in it, but I beg to differ with that on one point. Sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control and that means you have to deal with...

  12. I don't intend on leaving anybody out so if you dont see your language and I will post it in your too if possible!

  13. Thank you Jack Thompson! A man told me one time the way he got to be boss, He said when he first got married him and his wife were riding in a buggy, they were going down the road and the horse stopped he couldn't get it to go so he got out walked around looked the horse in the eye and said thats once, got back in the buggy and the horse went a little farther and stopped again he got out and looked it in the eye again and said thats twice. got back in and a little farther it stopped again s...

  14. You have my attention!

  15. Labels of others or self designed are nothing but walls of separation. Some build them for fear, some for insecurity, and others out of ignorance. Regardless they separate you from others and thus hinder your own agendas. I believe that if you build walls because you believe a certain way and you separate yourself because you are afraid someone may change your view then ask yourself the question, "what is my belief if it won't stand the test of questions?" If you have that much faith in your...

  16. I keep saying to myself, "remember when?" I think it would be cool to start a conversation with this and let everyone chime in and put their thought on their memories and you would be surprised how many other memories you have from reading them all! I remember when we only had radio and stereo was the "IN" thing!

  17. I just want to say one more time for those of you who missed it the first time. This is my facebook page and I will put what I want on it. I will not ask permission from anyone ar anything. If you don't particularly care for it then by all means delete me as your friend. I don't have to explain myself and I won't for that matter. If you think I need prayers then go ahead and pray for me because i NEED THE PRAYERS AND YOU IF THIS BOTHERS YOU SURE NEED THE PRACTICE PRAYING! i LOVE EVERYONE BUT...

  18. It's kind of funny when you think about it, how we seem to think our ways are the only ways to do and believe. I remember a story about the people in the old testament where God gave them confusion so they wouldn't build a tower to reach the heavens. The reason was if the are all one mind then there is nothing they could not do. Here we are today and because we just want to be ourselves we are condemned but the mainstream and told we should conform. Well people I will no-longer conform unless...

  19. sometimes I ask myself this question, " who are you and what are you?" By doing so I take a look at myself and make sure I am true to myself and what I believe!

  20. You and I are handcuffed together in the back of a cop car. Using ONLY 3 words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and paste this to your status so I can comment on yours as well. Be a good sport and play along.

  21. In a world where every thing is tipsy-turvy life has it's ups and downs. One day things are great and then for no apparent reason the next day is quite the opposite. All I can do is deal with which ever the best way I know how and hope my flimsy emotions don't get me into deep trouble. I am doing quite well considering all things but that may change at the drop of a hat. I do have any real complaints but things can always improve around me. Lol! The most improvement is probably needed with m...

  22. Tonight am feeling really good and no anxiety what so ever! LOL! :):):)

  23. I had a dream a couple nights ago and while at first it was rather frightening it ended up being really cool even tho it woke me up in a very tense moment. It started out where because of what happened in Aurora Colorado that a friend and I were out doing awareness work with the public. It so happened where this work was was right where a group of gun protesters were demonstrating for tougher gun laws. Unawre to us was one of the friends or family members of a fallen victim of the rampage...

  24. If I had to describe myself in just a few words I would simply say. I am just a simple ordinary man who loves with his heart and sees with his soul. I love to help others even at my on suffering. But and okay and doing well!

  25. There are times when we as humanes seem to be overwhelmed with all the stresses of life. I remember one specific time I was dealing with a tremendous amount of stress for me and just wanted to talk to the person involved and after disappearing for several months out of the blue they show back up. Well after spending countless hours in treatment about this stress I thought I had it all worked out, when they show up out of the clear sky and I experienced what I refer to as a wall of stress come...

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