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Posts posted by BANNPIRE

  1. you know this is pretty rediculas i post warnings about cheaters all the time never once has anyone said anything off color to me till now  and doubting my credibility never mind the fact that im ranked number one on the server in gamer tracker or 2 what ever and i been playing crysis since it came out so i wouldnt know a hacker or if someone walked up behind me wen theres a wall there in stead of teleporting  . i just wanted to post the hacker let you guys know then i get scrutinized for it that is not fair  no matter what they are thats not fair i guess i got to comfortable here im sorry i will not post anymore hackers I am very sorry for pissing everyone off  i thought i had alot of friends here that would support me telling u guys people are ruining ur servers  .  I did not mean to disrespect anyone

  2. for one i have all the admin on xfire noneof them were on and im not accusing i dont accuse i saw these guys with my own eyes i dont do drugs so im not hilucinating and heres a vid fer ya http://www.xfire.com/video/365552/

    and some time it may be the map but this DoDken guy was teleporting behind a few playing and it wasnt even spawn points and him and another was shooting from behind a building right through the damn thing killing people in the front again i dont cry wolf or waste peoples time with false reports ive aided some admin in catching more than one hacker and people were complaing about them not only in the arica map



  3. me and 760 grom were in the hard core server he told me a few guys were hack i specd them and sure enough this is right after wizid left this morning and there arent any admins online there names are Dr. Suess , (DOD)Ken###,Kristiano,MJ

    all these guys had pin of 100 or littles bit more wich isnt that bad but they came in as a group and using aimbot that was obvious and i saw all of the fly through the floor to the tops of building from the ground   and walk through walls plus they alway knew where me and grom were we spawn they came straight to us

  4. yeah there are ping hacks ive recently read where sometimes this is done on purpose u cant hit them like with normal ping issues they see what u see so if they are glitching around then u r to them but in some cases with 1000 ping these might be hacks  it works like u see them glitching and it im posibble to hit but they see u just fine so watch out for that stuff admins people go to sick lengths for hacks wen all they have to do is play and get some skill

  5. i know im not in the clan but i think that is kinda chezzy the grfix are fukn AWESOME BUT I THINK IT SHOULD SAY SOMTHIN LIKE .......................HAVE  YOU BEEN MERCD TODAY?.........................GET PWND?  

    OR ....GET SOME!..................OR SOMTHIN LIKE .................IF YOU READING THIS YOUR OBVIOUSLY LYING ON THE GROUND .   on the back and front lol

  6. http://www.xfire.com/video/35d21e/


    im not saying people with high ping shouldnt be aloud on your servers

    it just in this particular incident  this ping gliching would be unfair to other player for reasons that u cant hit them or see them ,and i hope that people who glitch around like in this vid arent in the tourney . I know alot of u idiots have high ping and ive played with alot of u who do but none of u glitch like this ,and this ping glitching gives them an advantage wich is unfair . whatch torward the end of the vid it get really bad and most of the game play was like that


  7. i actually thought it was kinda cool last night we were playing the blood sactuary and it was all dim i guess its for good players /and if u cant pwn without a riffle then um PRACTICE//CHANGE IS GOOD THATS HOW THESE GUYS R SO SUCCESFULL AT KEEPING PLAYERS SCREAMING FOR MORE !!

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