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Posts posted by AdultSwimZ

  1. Frankly I don't care how I "look". I'm a Juggalo.

    I'm very knowledgable and have looked at both sides and see your points.


    I completely respect all your views, this is my last post on the matter.

    As I don't want to get in trouble for my freedom of speech.


    Maybe you should look at the history of the Swastika and Germany in general.

    I just wanted to provoke an emotional response and I have.

    So GG  Swim 1 you guys 0.


    If you feel those people in your videos are a good representation for you then more power to you!

  2. Lol Trolling...


    Everyone says it's their "heritage". 

    That is the lamest exucse ever.

    Guess being a slave owner is in your "heritage" too.


    How about I hang a Nazi flag and say I rep it for heritage and before hitler got to the symbol?




    I live in Florida (Can't get anymore south then that) I rep the Dirty South all the day.

    I have no problem with country/southen people.


    But drunken dumbass racist rednecks. (Who most of the times are liars and bullies.) I have no tolerance for.


  3. Zeppelin
    @AdultSwimYes, I don't really want to take the prize again, I feel like winning everytime is a dick move. But if I were to take it I'd give it to another friend or something... I don't need it. I just want to win for the win. And what do you mean by 0 votes?



    Honestly I have no idea what that o vote thing was o.O. I edited it out.


    Your a person of honor.


    I can humbly suggest that your prize goes down to the next person. So if you place 1st players 2-6 can get prizes!

    I hate to see anyone make it that far and not win anything.

  4. Zeppelin

    winners that move on to the Final round are..











    This is the correct list of peeps moving to the finals.

    I would like this done at 3:00PM central standard time this Sunday. The finals may consist of two or three short rounds in a few different levels. Best over all score wins.


    Hopefully it will end by 4:20 cause that is when I leave for work that day.


    4:20 huh? Sure that's not when you have your smoke break? :P


    Before the match started you said you did not want the prize.

    Are you going to back on your word Zeppelin?

  5. Wait so now you guys are letting the top 4 advance? I thought it was only the top 3?

    I don't know how I stand on that...


    Shark could not make it? I thought for sure he was going to make it to the finals.
    I also was looking forward to owning guidebot. Where my hentai friend go? :(


    All in all GG everyone! That map was crazy and everyone really tried hard.

    I don't even want to think of what map you guys use for the finals.

    Zeppelin was crazy. I did not even see him most of the map. So I hope advancing XI have fun playing with a human aimbot lol.


    Also he said he did not want the prize?


    Thanks  for everything XI brothers and sisters!

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