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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. LOL this will be a fun family movie night out when it is in theaters.

  2. so many people are freaken ignorant and not think of possible future problems with the choices.... *head smacks the desk*

  3. love it when i play music while cleaning n taking breaks n etc... One of the songs i listened too Massive Attack - Everywhen has put Mitchell to sleep. at first this morning after the other kids took for school, Mitchell got pissed about me playing music without headphones. Told him to hush and go play. 4 hours later he is sound asleep on the couch.

  4. off to the rock museum show whatever... will take pics for sure!

  5. Mickayla walking home again. Gotta see about getting her to ride her scooter n etc.

  6. yikes hope everyone stays safe in TN due to the floods going on over there...

  7. Mother Nature is trying to snow here. Right now grounds are all wet. Will probably a slippery morning. Mickayla walked home today, proud of her.

  8. blah out of breath from just chasing the recycle bin that was being washed down the hill from all of this rain.... Having to fight this cold does not help. but my new umbrella kept me dry mostly.

  9. Why cant the Kirby door to door people get the hint NO MEANS NO and I was in the middle of my daily cleaning. But they cleaned my stairs and one of the couches for free LMAO.... SUCKERS! TY for taking some of the cleaning load off of us.

  10. Happy 4th of July everyone. Thank you to those who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. Today also would have been mops who was my step mom's birthday. Love you and miss you dearly.

  11. nite family n friends..... time to snore away....

  12. OWIE OWIE........ This mama is sunburnt again even though i applied sunblock on TWICE separate times. Most of all I enjoyed seeing the kids playing in the pool and Mike went in the pool too with the kids since I couldn't.

  13. lol Mitchell is turning into us on taking pictures of storms n etc. He is taking pictures with the Childrens iPad 2...

  14. Burt, Duane and Larry Happy Fathers Day.... May you guys have a nice relaxing day or a peaceful one.

  15. okay off to bed..... very grumpy like mood :( and hopefully the night will stay cool.... House was feeling very MUGGY blah like....

  16. Thank you everyone for the wonderful Birthday Wishes, may all of you have a wonderful weekend with your friends and family.

  17. unfriended those who dont appear to be on anymore, super annoying, deactivated accounts and those who i felt that were "stalkers."

  18. Awwww Michael Michael Jr lost another baby tooth today and he pulled it all by himself. :)

  19. Video is now currently being uploaded to youtube of today's news. LOL

  20. wooohoo gunna be on the news at 5pm or 10pm

  21. think its time to recycle/trade in my hisense tablet cause it wont stay powered when off the cord.... Was trying to upload pics and take a video with it and it shut off within 1-3 mins being off the cord.... Was nice while it lasted.....

  22. hehe raining pretty good and the kids are having fun

  23. okay this mommy is beyond exausted, sunburnt n etc.... gunna go curl up in the bed and relax... might pass out too since i have a bit of a headache from being out in the sun from 9 to 2-2:30ish. Kids had a blast during field day. I got pictures, i will probably upload them later today or after mickayla's continuation graduation thing since she is going to middle school next year for 6th grade.

  24. OMG kids were like HYPER n etc at Olive Garden. Mickayla's BFF invited us all to dinner night. I dunno how many times I told them shhhhh and sit up sit down, dont do that, eat n etc... But they had a good time and so far no complaints about how they were. Her BFF is protective for sure. Mitchell hit Mickayla and JJ put his arms around her looking behind her and told him to stop.

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