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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. HECK YEAH Sandra is GONE from the Hells Kitchen!

  2. Okay off to bed, got all caught up in a TV series and lost track of time... LOL shame on me :P

  3. Congrats to my niece, Danielle graduating from H.S. May she continue into College to achieve her goal in life. Keep knocking em doors down girl!

  4. confirmed tordano spotted in Watkins

  5. nite all.... cant wait for tomorrow's storms to come rolling in. I just love how they form, move above us in all kinds of shapes and etc.

  6. Tornado sirens going off and theres a rotation above our house....

  7. Hope to find out what is causing my knees to hurt so much since I have been injured on the job when I was 17. Certain physical activities tend to stop me from doing more of those physical activities. Sometimes annoying to feel the popping in my bad knee when biking. Would like to still run around and chase my monsters around from time to time and get in more better shape. So getting an MRI done on both of my knees since they both cause pain.... wish me luck

  8. Hope my family and friends stay safe in California with all those fires going on.

  9. Mickayla set up the coffee pot to heat up water to make some tea.... she prepped it all by herself, even made sure it was clean from any coffee. Prepped up my coffee cup for sleepy time tea. What is she trying to do? maybe put me back to sleep? lol

  10. Wow getting a bit too close to home..... this HS is down the hill and on evacuations due to suspicious activity..... Smokey Hill HS.... Hope everyone stays safe

  11. Gary Busey new commercial cracks me up with Amazon Fire TV....

  12. stupidest law ever..... "It is illegal for goats to wear pants in MS."

  13. Michael Jr is sick with some sort of infection to make his uvula and tonsils swell up red n etc... its even touching his tongue... my poor poor baby.

    1. longblade


      Sorry to hear Lil :( Tell him i said to get better ASAP! :) (Also make him watch him lots of funny Youtube videos >_> Laughter is best medicine :D

  14. Ahhhhh more snow.... I believe it started later than the weather forecasters predicted. It was suppose to start sometimes late PM yesterday.

  15. Oh yeah Rumpelstiltskin is back! And I believe he may be the Wicked Witch of the West's father.

  16. Spending the rest of the ER to find out what is wrong with my poor big girl. Hopefully they find out what is wrong with her stomach this time. Don't like being bounced around between doctors clinic and ER for her.

  17. Morning..... so far so peaceful and quiet..... LOVE IT.... cloudy and chilly this morning. So once the kids are off to school I am gunna crawl back into bed. Gunna pick em up from school later today to let Mitchell play for a bit i hope.

  18. nite world.... off to get some sleep

  19. I wish daylight savings never existed..... :/

  20. Mickayla has teased hair and done in rainbow colors and I tried to get her to do a PEACE sign but she wouldnt LOL... Michael Jr has spikes with the tips being blue, rest is all red with orange spots. All for their Crazy Hair Day at school.

  21. Update on Mitchell: Doc loves his 24 hr improvement but with him being on 1/2 of O2, he wants him to remain on it till Monday's follow up and see how he does then. He even high fived the doc and smiled for him and jumped heh.

  22. feeling a little more better today, now if I can shake this sinus headache away, I would probably feel a whole lot better.

  23. The joys of being a loving, caring Mom is that your kids get you sick too because you cant get away from the stomach flu. Happy Valentines Day everyone, hope your romantic day with a family, lover, friend or so is much better than mine. Enjoy it for me too :)

  24. wow someone tried to hack into my facebook account twice this morning.

  25. Sheesh I can't get on facebook on my pc... That sucks

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