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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. I am no football fan but happy that Broncos won this game and a chance to get into the Super Bowl. May they win the Super Bowl.

  2. three videos of my kids having a blast with 2 of their favorite songs.... if ya dont see it look on my facebook profile.... they were posted on here via youtube...

  3. Time for this mama to head off to bed... Ill upload vids tomorrow to youtube of the kids having a blast with a couple of songs that were played by the DJ at the kids school

  4. awwww Mitchell has not cried about the kids leaving in the mornings.... up till after he said bye have a good day to Michael and Mickayla today.

  5. one shelf up and its between the two couches... looking really cozy n etc... now to add stuff to the shelves and thinking of putting fake plants at the top of it when i find some really nice ones to go with it.

  6. Working on more taking the xmas decorations down in my home.... then attempt to put the shelf together.

  7. "Always keep your heart open and love will find it's way in."

  8. Nap time for a bit... Mitchell is falling asleep as well as i am.

  9. LOTS of good news about Mickayla except for that she needs more confidence that she CAN do math all by herself.

  10. Raked the front yard and let the lets play with the leaves and cleaned most of the leaves up at the best of our efforts, ended up with three trash bags of leaves, all crunched up too. Sheesh....

  11. NO NO NO! They took Shaun the Sheep off of Netflix!!!! BAD BAD Netflix LOL... Mitchell asked me to find it, so he is on the hunt to find another "cool" show to laugh at. Poor guy. Looks like we will need to get him the DVD collection for Christmas. heh

  12. Would like to thank those who have served to help protect our people... my grandparents, pops, nieces and nephew, cousins and uncles. LOVE you guys!

  13. Ahhhh Saturday..... Woke up and took a look at Mitchell. He sleeps like I do hehe. I love looking at my sleeping lil ones.

  14. I swear Mitchell is going through another growth hunger spurt.... he has been eating A LOT of food lately... For dinner he ate alone 3 pizza slices tonight

  15. LOL OH YEAH! Netflix FTW, SO LONG Blockbuster! Stores and mailing!

  16. Applebee is giving Vets a free meal, it's their way of saying, "Thanks!"

  17. kids get to carve out their pumpkins tomorrow then trick or treating....

  18. burrrrrrrr time to turn the heater up a bit....

  19. Michael Jr is sick.... :( He has been congested for a long time and now is coughing horribly and fever.

  20. LOL Mitchell decided to raid his daddy's food while he was tucking the other kids to bed. Good thing there was some extra. I am off to bed, can't keep my eyes open anymore...

  21. Kids in school, Mitchell is sound asleep on the top bunk, he likes being on the top bunk and I can't keep that bugger off the top bunk and he ends up sleeping with his brother. Don't worry it has guard rails ALL AROUND it. So I am gunna go take a bit of nap.

  22. I am going to Rome for 12 months

  23. LOL watched the TV series called The Blacklist. So far I like it. PLUS it reminds me of Hannibal tricks.

  24. I REALLY hope the gov gets their act straight cause one of the nice neighbors I talked to is a Veteran and fought in Afghan. AND also depending on disability income. He has three beautiful little girls. Don't want them end up having to move away.

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