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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. First day of school done n over and everyone fed dinner.... Think we're all tired out for the day. thnk early bed time for all of us i hope.... Feeling like crap for some odd reason, blah...

  2. Both of my big monsters are in school and I only have one lil monster left.... Who seems a little tired out from playing at the playground with a bunch of kids around his age. And I feel tired myself, as if the bed is calling our names hehe.

  3. Kids are thrilled about their classes as teacher wise and Michael is bumbed about his BFF not in his class, however mickayla is doing the happy dance about her classmates. Now to get the kids in all kinds of school activities.

  4. During dinner time, I gave Mitchell some crab meat off of mine and he goes, "MMmmm Dinosaur meat! Yummy!"

  5. Michael Michael lost another baby tooth today... another one is about to be pulled in a couple of days from now.

  6. Kids had haircuts before school starting in just a little over a week from now... then went to the lake together, had a good time. then we went to Cold Stone to treat ourselves to ice cream. Now we are enjoying the evening thunder storms.

  7. Children of our hearts are not replaceable, so take every moment of your breath, beating heart and much more of your life to spend with them. Don't worry about objects around you, because those can be replaced.

  8. Ahhhh I can see now! Mike stopped by a store on the way back from Michael Jr's appointment for a glasses repair kit.

  9. I wonder if I need to ask my doctor for a special allergy medication for me cause over the counter brands doesnt seem to be helping me with my allergies problem. I go outside i end up with sinus headaches n feeling like crap. :(

  10. hmmmm some sort of app playing some very relaxing music on my ipad put mitchell to sleep and he has been asleep for a very long time and its still going LOL.... However im getting impatient for the pizza guy to bring our ordered food and im feeling like crap and super duper tired

  11. had a great time at the lake today...

  12. We need parents to teach their kids it is not nice to pull other kids hairs or spread rumors or gossip of other kids... Please teach your kids manners!

    1. Cross


      adults cant stop doing those things.... you expect those same adults to teach their kids?

  13. Michaal Jr spotted a 3D puzzle at a yard sale and just wouldnt take his eyes off of it, so I got it for him... He is now attempting to put it together. And Mickayla scored a lot of books to read.

  14. All ready to see Mickayla Margaret Bell's Wax Museum and Stage song performance. She is acting as Clara Brown for this event.

  15. Hope everyone is safe in TX from the Tornado season so far....

  16. O M G! I was watching some clouds n etc going by while getting some fresh air... one of the neighbors across the street was loading one of her kids into the car and just took off and then 1 min later shes hauling ass back to the house and runs into the house and gets her infant thats in a carseat out of the house. Thats some messed up family for sure... If you cant control your dogs barking at ANYONE like who is in their own backyard on a deck having a good time and their dogs are barking at...

  17. I soooo wana watch "Mama" one of these days.... Who here has the guts to watch it with me LOL!

  18. Happy Mothers Day to Margaret Perez Jones, Marguerite Baker and Annette Chateau. May you guys have a wonderful time today. And to all of you other Mommies may you enjoy your wonderful day too! *hugs*

  19. Saw a male and female duck at the neighborhood playground after dropping Michael off at school. Mitchell chased them both heh then saw some bunnies and chased them around too. Got pics of the male duck and Mitchell then my cell phone died. >.> Mitchell got thirsty and hungry so we had a nice walk home till we had to walk by the carpet cleaners van that had a scarey machine in the back of the van(according to Mitchell's eyes n mind). He nearly ran into the street to get away heh, quickly grabb...

  20. LOL Even the school staff sometimes get my family of M's mixed up.... Was calling to make sure Michael Jr didn't need a Doctors excuse note yet for his absent and the lady on the phone said yes he does from a doctor or a nurse then she said wait no after checking records, that is Mickayla that does not him. Heh Little moments like this makes you smile for a little bit through a day like this when a little one of yours is sick. Michael Jr is sick with possible tonsillitis. His glands are swoll...

  21. hmmmm gunna need help for my daughter's hair bun for wax museum day.... never did a hair bun... >.> and in a hunt for a complete set of victorian maid costume... panty hose, shoes, dress and "hat"

  22. walked the kids to school on a cool breezy morning.... let mitchell play with other kids around his age level at the neighborhood park for a while, he shared his bucket and shovels with an older kid and a 1 yr old baby since a girl his age didn't want to share. He is already feeling tired out from playing so hard this morning.

  23. crawling back into bed since lil one is still asleep.... a little nap should not hurt.... :)

  24. good nite my families n friends.... take care and hope you guys had a good sweet day and hope tomorrow will be just as fun and good for you like today was... Enjoy mother nature!

  25. Mitchell went peepee in the potty!!! WOOOHOOO! Rewarded him with handful of M&Ms, high fives and couple of kisses.... hopefully he will soon realize hey going peepee in the potty aint so bad. Now just to get him to keep his thing pointing down when he sits LOL... the potty does have a shield but those work for only a little area. >.>

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