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Posts posted by awollangk

  1. Hey i know this is coming late Awol, but the power armor (which can have a jetpack installed) can be made invisible.... Thats why you never saw me wearing armor but i was wearing armor ;)

    But you still have to deal with keeping things charged and I don't really want to bother. I have just been not flying at all. I've also heard that jetpacks are no good for building which is actually what I'd want flying for. I don't enjoy flying all over the map looking for fortresses to raid. I go mining for materials and build. That's the way I play Minecraft. And I don't really want to go through a thousand steps to get the stuff I need to build what I want.


    A lot of games these days seem to think tedium = difficulty. So if an easy quest is "collect 10 x" a hard quest might be "collect 1000 x". This isn't really changing the difficulty. There's a mod that is sometimes included in FTB called GregTech that is a prime example of this. The only thing this does is change recipes so that they are more tedious to build. A good example of this is a quarry. Normally it takes the following items to build a quarry:


    With GregTech this changes to:


    This increases the tedium and makes players build a bunch more machines before they can build a quarry but it doesn't really make it any harder.

  2. will you now? with our money? we have less players supporting minecraft than we did bf3 and look what happened to the bf3 servers


    Fir3 started out paying for this server out of his own pocket.  It has become his project and he is the head admin.  And it's not your money, it's clan money and Fir3 is part of the clan as is Chappie.  There may be fewer players supporting Minecraft but those players tend to donate significantly more money.  And if money becomes a problem either Fir3 or I alone can afford to support the server by ourselves if needs be and one or both of us would step up.

  3. I vote for /fly to come back.... its an XI server not a FIR3 and chappie server


    I'm not upset that they disabled /fly.  They are the admins and make the decisions on what they are going to allow and what they are not going to allow.  They are trying to set things up that the game is the most fun they can for the users.  The best guide for that is what they find fun for themselves.


    If they change something that you don't like, tell them what you don't like and why and if enough people chime in objecting to the change then they'll most likely change it back unless they changed it for performance reasons.  One person logging on and acting like an ass isn't going to influence them to change things.




    One thing to keep in mind: Minecraft is a game and only a game and there are a crapload of Minecraft servers out there.  Try not to invest too much into it emotionally because it's really not worth it.  If you're having fun, great.  If not let folks know why and maybe they'll fix it.  If they don't there are always other Minecraft servers and other games besides Minecraft.

  4. I don't like jetpacks.  I've played with them before and they are a pain in the butt to build and keep going.  If you don't have fly mode they're great but compared to /fly jetpacks suck rocks.  Most of them you have to keep charged up and the only way to have them charge on their own is with a dorky hat.  Even then you can't just fly all you want without running out of juice because the hat doesn't charge the jetpack as fast as flying discharges it.


    Chappie has said he thinks they look cool but I don't even like wearing armor.  I'd rather cruise around in just the skin I always use.  Every piece of armor or jetpack or whatever always looks clunky and lame to me.


    I like to build.  Anything that gets in the way of that like having complex recipes that are made of things that all have complex recipes that are made of things that have complex recipes... etc... isn't fun for me.  It's just grinding and a pain.  I don't feel like I've accomplished anything significant by building and upgrading items.  When I first played FTB that was fun for me but now I'm bored with that stuff and don't want to deal with it.


    My vote is definitely to turn /fly back on for donators.  Let the non-donators build jetpacks if they want but I'd rather stick with /fly.

  5. Yep, they're adding the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog to Minecraft:


    From http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/14w27a


    • The killer rabbit of Caerbannog
      • 1/1000 chance of spawning; it is hostile and deals 5 (9px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Half_Heart.svg.png?version=c86745f18) on easy, 8 (9px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc3) on normal difficulty and 12 (9px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc39px-Heart.svg.png?version=527ffebca5dcc3) on hard
      • A reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail
      • It is perfectly white except for its mouth, which has a blood red outline
      • It can be directly spawned in with the command /summon Rabbit ~ ~ ~ {RabbitType:99}
  6. Just went through the challenges on SkyBlock and figured I'd post how many times I'd done each one:

    Rank: Easy
    cobblestonegenerator: 6 times
    applecollector: 90 times
    wheatfarmer: 146 times
    cactusfarmer: 364 times
    sugarfarmer: 67 times
    melonfarmer: 381 times
    pumpkinfarmer: 143 times
    Rank: Medium
    monsterslayer: 1 time
    expertfarmer: 5 times
    fisherman: 1 time
    lumberjack: 9 times
    cookielover: 1 time
    adeptbuilder: 1 time (non-repeatable)
    homeowner: 1 time (non-repeatable)
    Rank: Hard
    netherportal: 1 time (non-repeatable)
    pearlcollector: 1 time
    slimefarmer: 0 times
    baker: 56 times
    explorer: 1 time
    expertguilder: 1 time (non-repeatable)
    Rank: Master
    woolcollector: 1 time
    maestro: 0 times
    emeraldcollector: 1 time
    topchef: 1 time
    skylord: 0 times


    So I have completed a grand total of 1279 challenges.


  7. the shop needs to sell glowstones

    and also crackled stone bricks, well all the special stones


    If you place a piece of stone brick and with an empty hand right click so that it says "**YOU READY YOUR FISTS**" and then left click the stone brick twice quickly in succession it turns into cracked stone brick.  If you right click on stone brick with seeds there is a chance of turning it into mossy stone brick that depends on your mcmmo herbalism rank.



  8. I would join you but I lost my mine craft game lol.


    So what your saying is sort of like scroll shooting in COD lol


    If you still have access to the email you used when you signed up for Minecraft you should still be able to go through the "Forgot my password" process to get your account back.  If not it gets more complicated.  You can still email their support department but they might need to do something like verify the credit card you used to pay for it or something.


    I don't know what scroll shooting is, so I couldn't comment on that though.  There have always been macro enabled keyboards and mice so Auto Hotkey is no more cheating than those would be.  If you have moral objections nobody is going to make you use it though.

  9. Is your middle finger worn to a stub or have you resorted to resting bricks, books or beer cans on your mouse when harvesting your cobble generator in SkyBlock?  There is an alternative:  AutoHotkey.


    AutoHotkey is a little program that allows you to create a script to bind keys to certain behaviors.  In my case I used the following script so that when I press the "Z" key my left mouse button goes down until I press the "Z" key again:

    Send % "{Click " . ( Toggle ? "Up}" : "Down}" )

    I first came across this utility in this forum post:


    Minecraft, hold left mouse button


    Later I also found these additional Minecraft related scripts:


    Minecraft Scripts!



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