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About Cv/godisasniper

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

Cv/godisasniper's Achievements

  1. I can tell you that I would be on a CTF server constantly if you had it! I loved CTF back in CoD2...
  2. 3rdCdnInfty Welcome to the forums, this is a great place and we always welcome new people and glad to see you heading off to university, what do you plan to major in? I'll be majoring in Industrial Design. And I gotta say, your servers have the most team play on them I've ever seen outside of a legitimate scrim match, with everyone telling each other where the enemy is...it makes me really happy to see that, cooperation makes the game way more fun.
  3. Hey guys, love the servers. I was a regular on the XI freeze tag servers way back when I was in FF and Fx, now I've gone with a lot of my friends from those clans to Combat Veterans, and I've been getting on the MW2 freeze tag server a lot, since our servers are often empty, especially in the morning and early afternoon. I'm a really terrible player, so sorry to anyone who's team I've been on, I probably made you lose.... A bit about me, I'm 18, just finished high school yesterday (woot!) and I'll be heading off to the University of Cincinnati next year. I play guitar, bass, drums, keys, and I sing, and I've got a couple of bands, including my solo project, Mimic the French, which will have an album out on iTunes within the next month. Love your servers, the freeze tag mod is amazing and it makes the game way more teamwork-oriented, which is great. See you in the servers!
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