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Posts posted by X-RINGCUTTER>XI<

  1. Sorry for all the troubles you had Rugger, my sympathies  go out to anyone who wasted their money on MW2.2 or MW3 as they call it.  I for one am DONE with cod series. I might come back when they make a game using current tech like dx11 or 12 when released.  It's console port crap with shit graphics and its going to end up costing over 100 bucks  for the privilege of playing their outdated game.  BF3 FTW !!!!!!

  2. I don't think the 99ers want anything they just think that they put in their 4 years of hard work in college and now its time to retire @ $250,000 a year. Some others think they are smarter than everyone else and the deserve more than that just for walking the earth! Oh yeah don't forget all the trash that Acorn hauled in their just to stir the sit.

  3. OMG  The new record online now is 1938 meters, I have to say, no way in hell that shot is legit. Not saying hackers but not from  fighting in game they had to set that shot up just for the records.


    Nice shot spitfire you have bested me by 1/2 a meter!!! For now.  ya bastad

  4. LOL  I checked the stats last night and the longest in the game so far is 1200+ meters so I got some work to do too but I have the feeling that some of those guys have to be just letting someone shoot them in the head from  cross corner positions to get them that far away.

  5. your hardware will run it period!!!! I run everything on ultra, x16, 2xmssa, motion blur off(gives me headaches) @ over 60 fps on 1900x1200. I'm running I7 [email protected] and 2 470's in sli overclocked to 740 core, 6 gig of 1600 barley oc'd so really close to your set-up. Sounds to me like you need to bump some voltages  up a little on your overclock.  Are you using 3x4 gig stick or 6x2 gig sticks of ram? Cause 6 sticks will put alot more stress on the Imc of the cpu, and this game is still full of memory leaks. What type of crashes just to desktop, bsod, hard locks or what?  moebetta I would delete your drivers and reinstall using clean install and only install the main driver and physx parts of the driver, I got those to and this helped me. BTW you cant just roll back nvidia drivers anymore it will fuck them up bad.

  6. NO problem and thank you for the reply with clarification. I have seen many disconnect messages so I just figured when it said admin it was the real reason. I was removed from the x-fire community, I guess due to inactivity. In black ops steam does all x-fire does and now origin is the same with bf3. So  when i did a reformat i never put x-fire back on here as I dont use it to game. I hate being bothered when I'm playing lol . No hard feelings or misunderstandings here I just didn't want it happening to  members if it was is all.  btw what the hell is the Origin platoon name in bf3???

  7. I do have one request on this issue and that is that the admins NOT kick [XI] tagged members out of the server to make openings. It has happened to me twice now so don't say it isn't happening.  I'm not mad about it just dont think it right to kick members for other members. I have no problem kicking the public out of a server for members, but not members for members just cuase someones an admins buddy or whatever.



    before anyone replies,  for the record I dont even ask for someone to get kicked. If its full I just play somewhere else or different game mode   ie. non conquest

  8. Along with the rest of you idiots I have been enjoying/cussing bf3 but, I sometimes like to relax in there and just snipe. With that being said I was wondering what some other snipers are getting for long range headshots, last night I got a 763 meter headshot that crushed my previous 440 meter one that I had from day of release.  Post up those headshots Idiots!!!!!

  9. well as with any upgrade a budget limit is needed, how much money do you want to spend?  What else are the systems used for besides gaming? Sorry for all the ?'s, but I have one last one, how big are  your power supplies?  If you can run the 295 you should be ok just wanted to know just in case.

  10. OC'D 560ti's should beat that weak ass 590 lol but yes screen res is the main variable but if you weren't overclocking the cpu  and had 2 strong cards, it would bottleneck.  On stock speeds it would cut fps but you are also right fps won't go up much going from 3.6ghz(mild) to 4.2ghz(high as most 920 will go on air cooling).  The price of any 580-590 or 6990's or way too high! IMO

  11. EPIC FAILDOZER I hope nobody was using a pos com just waiting to get this cause if they did I feel sorry for them.  LMAO If it only performed as well as the last gen of cpus from amd or intel. Funny that it gets beat by last gen quad cores. Amd fanboys always had to go to price vs performance or performance vs power usage but now they lost both 2600k system is faster in most daily uses and costs the same as faildozer but faildozer uses mo power too LOL this is too damn funny !!!!!   Btw users are allready killing these chips trying to hit 5.0 so stay under 1.5v core unless on l2n or dice runs. I would keep my 1090 or 1100t too if I were you, in cinebench an  [email protected]  scored the same as a faildozer [email protected]. New chip ,same performance , and more heat and power draw= win win win for intel !!!!!  that world record run was done on a chip that was binned to be released later as a 8170 or better so not really the same thing you can buy at a store right now .

  12. MOFO is 100% correct about the bottleneck on your cpu, I wouldn't get a 580 unless you are planning/saving for a new rig.  If that is the case and your going to upgrade I would spend 100 bucks more and get the 3gb ram(2x as much as the card in your link) version from EVGA. The egg has it too, and it also was an ar model with lifetime warranty.  If you ever go 2 or 3d surround you'll want that extra v-ram!!!!!   If just going to get a card for now with no further upgrades I would save some cash and just get a 560ti or a 570.  Either of those cards should max all games right now at single monitor resolutions.(excluding metro 2033 and bf3 )  DAMN NICE CARD THOUGH MAN, making my 470's jealous, but I want the 3gb model to boost 2d surround performance.

  13. Give us your system specs it may help find the problem.  All motherboards have issues with bios thats why the make so many updates!  My board has had 2 issues with the sleep modes  and they finally got a bios revision to fix it, you may need a flash to newer bios depending how old your system is or how new lol new stuff always have more frequent updates . Good thing my pc never sleeps, like its owner, it just passes out every once in a while !!!!

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