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Posts posted by Venery

  1. having waded thru several years of server monitoring, with AA, and other games via the ever exploitable punkbuster and  hunting for the latest and greatest of how they do it....i present to you .....the how...i give you the punkbuster screenshot cleaner......actually its quite ingenious, you gotta respect the effort that went into its development




  2. having watched you play that particular game......i noticed you have your sniper rifle set so you can rapid fire..now thats not illegal, but frowned upon....rather than post all the times i observed, ill direct you to time 4:03 to 4:07...when it appears your rifle tracked and shot someone coming into view...i think as people watch you...it would appear..that you can perhaps .. see into the future. your superior gaming skills, allow you to just put your rifle in the right direction................mutiple times in the previous games...i was shot by you...in hidin positions...other players in that server who play there everyday who always have very hi scores, ...complained of the same thing......one could only surmise something amuck......but, alas....it could be you studied under the master himself....bruce lee.

  3. Open Task manager (using Cltrl+Alt+Delete)
    - Click on menu File ->Open task
    - Type regedit and Enter to open Registry Editor
    - Search for the key word ED7BA470
    - Delete this key and close Registry Editor
    - Restart Windows Explorer and everything is back to norma

  4. sorry about that dark...you should be able to boot into safe mode and remove the folder ....if you still have probs...do this

    Open Task manager (using Cltrl+Alt+Delete)
    - Click on menu File ->Open task
    - Type regedit and Enter to open Registry Editor
    - Search for the key word ED7BA470
    - Delete this key and close Registry Editor
    - Restart Windows Explorer and everything is back to normal

  5. Although its name suggests perhaps even grander capabilities, Windows enthusiasts are excited over the discovery of a hidden "GodMode" feature that lets users access all of the operating system's control panels from within a single folder.

    By creating a new folder in Windows 7 and renaming it with a certain text string at the end, users are able to have a single place to do everything from changing the look of the mouse pointer to making a new hard-drive partition.

    The trick is also said to work in Windows Vista, although some are warning that although it works fine in 32-bit versions of Vista, it can cause 64-bit versions of that operating system to crash.

    To enter "GodMode," one need only create a new folder and then rename the folder to the following:

    Code: [select]

    Once that is done, the folder's icon will change to resemble a control panel and will contain dozens of control options. I'm not sure it's my idea of playing God, but it is a handy way to get to all kinds of controls.





  6. GNRL i've been around here for a year or so and have not been invited. i have observed your gameplay as well. your an average player at best, and if you have been observing XI its more have fun play than comp play. if its comp you seek try my old clan MCAU. enjoy the servers they are the best in the game as far as folks gettin along and having fun....think most people here are tired of the comp thing...only leads to arguing

  7. at least get a good antivirus...might i suggest nod32 by eset..its light weight and is not a resourse hog...your computer wont notice its there and its great at seeking out viruses....as for malware and spyware i use malwarbytes, spybot search and destroy, hijack this and norman malware cleaner all 4 have free versions which work great. norton and mcafee are both ram killers and in my opinion are popular cause they spend more for advertising...as for windows defender... its worthless at removing malware and spyware. as a computer techie thats my 2 cents.....V

  8. from an outsiders point a view.......wheres the damn loyalty! your admins made a tuff decision. support them! for the good of the squad. allow yourself to be influenced by a few...thats "mutiny"... now thats whats politcal....sorry to see you leave mike. your were a good nemesis

  9. ahoy all, being an non-member i,ll try to be brief. Warrex is very high strung and perhaps not the right fit when it comes to dealing with people....basically hes not a people person, however, i noticed that he ruled over the servers watching for persons cheating and glitching...and spoke up when he saw a violation, and kicked if need be. he was a bit rude, but hell this is the internet and you gotta be firm...it aint like you can enforce the rules without getting flack back.....multiple times he helped me with my knifeing skills and was looking out for the best interests of the server......i dont know what happened or what the admins talked about but i personally liked him on the servers...cuase the occasional cheat that came thru was dealt with quickly....but if the other admins saw fit for a total ban ...than i think more was going on or said.....

  10. yes i use xfire...venery1155 is user name for same ....hey that rhymed....i could be a rapper. let me try this...three cheers and a beer for budsr...hmmm i think i gotta another career bustin lyrics....V

  11. just a suggestion, ive worked on a bunch of computer recently that have had the same problem. if you have not turned off your system restore i would scan for malware. ive run into some comps in the past several months that have been removing the computers restore points. on some of the machines ive been able to access the restore feature using a boot disk, like erd commander, techies toolkit, road starter etc.....good luck, Venery

  12. AHOY XI, Venery here. been meaning to join the forum for some time now. i enjoy playing on your servers, as there are always people on playing. havent seen anyone from my clan in some time, so ive settled on yours. lots of good solid gameplay. thank you for having me....k, about myself...real name is gene. been a gamer since janes advanced tactical fighters. im married. lots of kids, all out of the house thank god....recently retired from the baltimore police dept. i now work for the aberdeen police dept in maryland, and build computers and install home networks as a side job. in my spare time im an avid hunter, run a tactical airsoft team teaching squad combat tactics....those swat teams need lots of practice....the rest of the time if im not gettin the stink eye from the mrs..im on your server drinkin beer and runnin and gunnin...lol and sometimes i camp...{shameful i know} but i gotta be me. the machine im playing on has a asus m3n-ht deluxe motherboard, quad proc, 4 gigs ram, western digital raptor with a evga geforce 9800 vid card inside a thermaltake mozarttx chassis which i built ...it heats my bedroom as i gaze into a 22 inch screen, getting sniped by warRex and laughing my ass off listening to friedchickin talk....anyway nice to meet everyone. again, ty for having me on your servers. Venery

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