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Posts posted by cpl-chPetz

  1. :welcome: Hello and welcome

    to 300 ping, so annoys :2guns: 

    Ping always has something to do with the distance. Location - server farther away you live, the high ping. Of Luxembourg to the United States is the ping in Call of Duty 130-160 ping.

    It is also due to the speed of the provider.


    cpl-chPetz cod5 Vietnam freeze tag fan :thumbsup: 

  2. Hi I'm Dee Van dePetz and come from Luxembourg, since there is Call of Duty, I play call of.
    + - two years ago I discovered in COD 4 alls first XI Freeztag the server, and since the games I understood only COD5 Freeztag.
    (LUX) is not a clan but the acronym for Luxembourg.

    Since I'm the name on all games  Cpl-Ch Petz

  3. Hello my friends,


    I have to stay for some time, the problem when I'm in a game my points not saved.


    for example: before the beginning XP needed 59815


    End of the Game XP needed 59140


    terminating call of duty 5 , and go back inside to the call of duty there are again :XP needed 59815


    also the deleted server is back and the new I have attached disappeared into the favorites sin.


    Can someone give me a rat.


    My Pc is a Win7



  4. As you are probably well aware, Hurricane Sandy is teaching the east coast a whole new defintion of the phrase “disruptive change.” New York was hit very hard by the storm; flights are grounded, trains are not running, and as an ex-New Yorker myself, I find it hard to comprehend these images of subways full of water. And in addition to being the home of the Ghostbusters firehouse and delicious dirty water dogs, it’s also the home for lots of data centers — including some for Activision games. Until the power is stabilized, you may have some trouble connecting in the following games:

    • Call of Duty: World at War (all platforms)
    • Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)
    • Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, PC, Wii)
    • Guitar Hero (all titles and platforms)

    Activision is working on restoring full functionality as soon as possible, but I don’t know when that will be. Your patience while they deal with the storm’s effects is appreciated.



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