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Andrew Anthony Gerst

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Everything posted by Andrew Anthony Gerst

  1. "The future has several names. For the weak, it is the impossible. For the fainthearted, it is the unknown. For the thoughtful and valiant, it is the ideal." --Victor Hugo

  2. iPhone - "There's an app for that"Ruby - "There's a gem for that"jQuery - "There's a plugin for that"Java - "There's a package for that"PHP - "There's a function for that"StackOverflow - "There's a question for that"Effort - "There's no need for that"

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes. You guys are awesome! pt2. Billy Bosley Travis Berger Kelsey Mosteller Gina Ramirez Estela Gerst Leslie Pence Kirsten Childers Linda Tran and Katie Butler.

  4. Three Rules1) Don't take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with.2) Try not to do something you can't take back.3) Something is what it is and and its not something else.

  5. The following sentence is false. The preceding sentence is true.

  6. Determining if an insect (such as a ladybug) is a boy or a girl is not an easy thing to do! Other kinds of animals, such as some birds and humans, have markings or characteristics that we can use to determine gender (whether they are a boy or girl). Female (girl) birds often have very different external markings from male (boy) birds. Usually, many bird females have pale coloring, while males of many bird species have bright coloring. Some human males have hair on their faces (beards and must...

  7. In the words of growth engineering manager Mike Curtis, "It's always obvious why the winning test won... after you've run the test."

  8. I keep scrolling the wrong way thanks to switching between Mac and Windows. It's driving me crazy!

  9. -webkit-transform: translateZ(0); puts element into red compositing layer.

  10. Finished with 1st Season of The West Wing it is a great TV series!

  11. Happy to be a member of Xtreme Idiots website. It's cool to be friends with people I've been playing with for so long!

  12. Happy to be a member of Xtreme Idiots website. It's cool to be friends with people I've been playing with for so long!

  13. Early in life, we are urged to study hard, so that we'll get good grades. We are told to get good grades so that we'll graduate from high school and get into college. We are told to graduate from high school andget into college so that we'll get a good job. We are told to get a good job so that we can buy a house and a car. Again and again we are told to do one thing only so that we can get something else. We spend our lives stretched on an iron rack of contingencies.Contingencies, no quest...

    1. Andrew Anthony Gerst

      Andrew Anthony Gerst

      Contingencies, no question about it, are important. The achievement of goals is important. But the real juice of life, whether it be sweet or bitter, is to befound not nearly so much in the products of our efforts as in the process of living itself, in how it feels to be alive. We are taught in countless ways to value the product, the prize, the climactic moment. But even after we've just caught the winning pass in the Superbowl, there's always tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. If o...

    2. Andrew Anthony Gerst

      Andrew Anthony Gerst

      If our life is a good one, a life of mastery, most of it will be spent on the plateau. If not, a large part of it may well be spent in restless, distracted, ultimately self-destructive attempts to escape the plateau. The question remains: Where in our upbringing, our schooling, our career are we explicitly taught to value, to enjoy, even to love the plateau, the long stretch of diligent effort with noseeming progress?

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