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Everything posted by Unarmed

  1. Thats right, you cant put anything not true on the internet.
  2. I'm sorry for this, but I can't pass it up. It's lucky for you Alabama women that your men only have a couple of "tooths" or part of this exam could be painful.
  3. Lol, he is going from looking at 1 fence to another. Although this 1 he wont be smashing down.
  4. Just do not knife her fellows, instant member of the shit list. Well maybe you should, I could use the company.
  5. Chili I wish you would teach me the art of the knife. Im not very good at it yet.
  6. I wasnt there when DImas glitched that map, but I do have a video of Dimas glitching another map on my xfire videos.
  7. You can by stock in duct tape and not fix the amount of stupid that guy has. You cant fix stupid.
  8. I have noticed that if someone is downloading a map and is showing 999 on xfire inside the server, i get the server is full notice. But when they are finished, the server redirects a nonmember. I think this is how it works.
  9. I got the game for Christmas, spent 3 hours installing it, setting up Steam and when I go to play the game, it opens a small box that says preparing to launch call of duty black ops 2 and then nothing.............ever.......it will not open. I reinstalled it, verified the files and still........nothing. I want to believe its because I still run XP. Does anyone else run BO2 with XP? Chit, found it.....not supported for XP. Wasted my money.
  10. Angel, I'm sorry it took this long to post here. My thoughts and prayers are for you, your brother and the rest of your family. It takes a special person to put on the uniform on a daily basis and knowing that the risk for falling is always there but still going out and doing it. When your brother recovers, please tell him Thank You for what you do.
  11. Has anyone else had the issue that I had on the Arkona map? I came into the server and didn't show on the players list at the top. It allowed me to kill the enemy but not defrost team mates or be killed. Was i just a glitch in the server?
  12. So has what heppened to me happened before? I was in game but not showing up as a player, my body was there and I could kill the enemy but not defrost or be killed. I try to be like Drama but crap that was taking it a bit too far.
  13. I had something happen earlier on the Arkona map. I entered the server as the 33rd person and got the server is full message, I then hit the ` key and reconnect. When it let me in the map, my team showed 3 players unfrozen. I then ran over to a frozen Crack and could not thaw him, I thought one of my boys had changed my use key so I ran and went prone beside him and still could not thaw him, I told Crack that I couldn't defrost that something was wrong. I then encountered an enemy and froze him, after doing so I got the sound get it done you are the last hope, but the team count showed 0, then all hell broke loose. I was getting shot to shit by everyone on the other team and I was shooting back, I showed to be taking the hits and my screen went red on every hit but I wouldn't die. I even stood and they knifed the shit out of me and still no death. I had to leave the server and rejoin and when I came back it was normal.
  14. Ive met so many people in real life that make me think, oh my god, this guy is freaking loony. Truth to the matter is there are people walking around with some serious mental issues, some have medication that keeps them in check, and others do not. If Manthis has real life issues then she needs help and support, yes maybe the support shouldn't come from XI and I agree that they need to be gone and forgotten. Great job by the Admin team in uncovering this mess. And on a side note, I agree with the Dallas guy from Damage inc's youtube video. I also think that Jenna or Danielle or whatever her name is, is kinda hot.
  15. I just switched my kill streak perk from the rc to the care package because the car always gets jammed before you can defrost or kill anyone. Kinda defeats the purpose of having the car. I dont mind if a teammate gets my package if im frozen before I can get to it. I tried to give one away to Yellow the other night after I died. I would want a teammate to get it before the enemy can get to it.
  16. Oh the Piggies have problems. We will be lucky to win 3 games this season. I have no idea why John "Smile, this is the State of Alabama's football team" Smith hasn't been fired yet. Dear lord, how the floor has came out from under them this year.
  17. I think the Hogs did more to help the Tide roll than they did for themselves. This is by far the worst a team can fall without hitting bottom.
  18. That was some funny stuff. Looks like I'm gonna have to visit server 2 and kick the shit out of Bob now.
  19. I just found a big ole bowl of Fu Llama on the side of the highway. Thought I'd bring it here.
  20. I am doing something wrong here. When I click on the more section to go to the arcade, I get nothing. Is there something that I dont have installed on my system that doesn't allow me to view the arcade?
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