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Posts posted by DTWilly

  1. Any possible way we can get the key binds changed. Havin the scope zoom and the use key the same really is troublesome. i cant thaw without zooming the scope all the way in.


    Also you might want to look at the accuracy on the m21 sniper. its my fav gun but now it seems to be over done. im pretty good at sniping but now i cant miss. 60 kills 32 of which are headshots....all at range. i dont think so. im not that good. im going to be changing my rifle till this is looked at unless given the go ahead.

  2. Why are RAGers the style of choice..... who is anyone to say camping is a dumb style of play. Play the game your way and ill play my way. i camp 99% of the time. Now i play Freeze Tag all the time. I'm usally defrosting all the RAGers that get shot in the back. It gets real old listening to players in game or reading post that bash the way i play. There is no right or wrong way to play. Playing this game is for MY enjoyment. NOT anyone elses. 

  3. i was just curious as to why the "R.A.G.er" style is so much better.... so campers are fuckers. RPD users are campers by default....making them fuckers. No one has said anything about the G3 whore but im sure its coming. Or heres a good one no one has said....."noobtube" or "claymores should be banned" Who is to say one style is better than the other????? Who created the game style rank and made RAGers Gods???? i just say play your style of playing and quit bitching about the other styles......

  4. Ok so im sitting in the breakroom at work and ive finally found out why i feel so uneasy in there.

    First off this damn Coke machine has been in there for at least 4 years. I never payed any attention to it. Then I saw it. I nearly fell out of my chair.


    Can you find whats wrong with the coke machine......besides being "coke"


    Subliminals are everywhere


    coke machine.jpg

  5. yup server 1 is great. was playing the new MW2 server just to see if it grew on me. Nope.... dont care to much for it. weapons to strong. thawing sucks. points suck. night vision really sucks.  i love the run speed though. there  are some bugs to work out on it. personaly i dont RAG (run & gun) to much. id rather defrost my team. if people will start playing server 1 again ill be back there in a flash

  6. hackeklaus

    i can do it a lil bit better Laughing



     Hack its no suprise you out did me...very well played. Got to work on those defrosts though 




    That map was great.  My m60 was working for me that night. i NEVER  rack up that many kills. i usally sit back and defrost.

  7. hey hammertime....i have that very same screen...thats my record for defrosts..349. and my camp ground was only found 12 times...heheheh.   i havent come near that number again. i remember that match. that took so long i had to get up and go pee like 3 times.

  8. well ive played at several gaming communities in the past. ive admined at one for several years. i thing the main issue is "gaming community" or clan.  gaming communities general have no rules regarding the use of tags or the use of multiple tags including their own. all are welcome. however they tend to police there servers very aggressivly. banning for such thing a bad language or in some instance camping to much. ive also found out the hard way that "gaming communities" dont last real long.

     "clans" on the other hand have a much better stucture. more organisation and respect from the players and organisation. yes some clanners take it way to far and are total assholes but those a few and far between and senior admins usally wont put up with it for long.


    in my case for example i chose to ask for admittance into >XI< only after watching the players and the organisation as a whole for a long time. ive played here for months before asking.  im really not into "clanning" at all. but i do see these servers as both a "clan" server and "gaming community" it has a good mix of both. since i spend all of my online gaming time here i thought it was best to support the group in some form or another. i am unable to donate cash at this point so the tags are the next best thing. i guess tags for me is all about respecting the guys that work so damn hard to give me a place to play. if you dont respect the group you play with then i say you should wear any tags at all.

  9. Noears711>XI<

    Hey DTWilly is Carswell AFB is there

     Actually DFW international is right in the center. im just north of the airport. its a bit loud at times when theres a northern headwind. Carswell is now the Joint Reserve Base... on the west side of Fort Worth. Navy Dallas is now Executive Airfield.

  10. i could care less at this point. after the 3rd or 4th game most games go to shit. there are exceptions though. im waiting for Fallout New Vegas...and Fallout online. Im hoping Rockstar releases Red Dead Redemtion on PC at some point. that game looks sweet. plus there are alot of simgle player games with high replay value that are due in the next 18 months or so. 

  11. i get temp. lag on all maps when they first load. 5 sec good....2 sec. lag for the first minute. That sucks. you prob will see me sit way back for the first minute or so.  once the map gets going and everyone gets settled in the lag goes away and im fine till the next map. i havent figured that out eather but ive learned to play around it.

  12. i would be real carful about working for cisco. my brother worked for them in Austin Tx for a few years. one day when he went to work the door was locked and had a note that they have moved the center to india and all employes need to call a hotline. 650 shitcaned...no notice...just a note on the door. He made good money they just treat there help like shit.

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