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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. Did you know that the bible we have today wasn't all that common just a couple hundred years ago. I was written over about 1500 yrs. The first printing was about 1454 AD and was the first book ever printed. It was written in 3 languages and interpreted into English in 1382 AD. Western Christians teach that if you are not a Christian you are doomed to hell. My question in light of that is, what about all those people through all those years that had no way of learning about Jesus and why He ca...

  2. Do unto others as "YOU" would have them do to to "YOU"! What does that mean exactly? Does it mean we treat anyone we consider different any way we decide so maybe they change how we want them to? Is that how "YOU" would really want to be treated? How would you really want to be treated just because you are different? I am glad the world is a world of diversity or we would all be puppets run by puppeteers! Some how that sounds soooo mundane Our differences is what makes us as people great! IF we were all like "I" want then you would probably be very miserably unhappy. The thing is we get one shot at life and we will make mistakes but let's do our best to not make those mistakes because we want others to be what we want and not what they want to be. Again I ask how do you want to be treated when you don't fit in the mold?

  3. Do you know how to love?

  4. Due to some unforeseen circumstances I was not able to see my Dr today as originally scheduled and I had taken my bandage off to shower to go, but I had to cut it off so now I have no one to help me put a temporary one back on so it stops hurting so bad! I rescheduled for to morrow but I hurt so bad and I need to wrap my leg from my knee down through the arch on my foot. I have some stockings for that but I can't put them on over an uncovered wound that is still seeping. Please remember me so the pain eases enough where I can at least rest and relax. That would help me in other ways for my health also! I stress way to easily and I need to keep my blood pressure down! I really need some relief from the pain!

  5. Einige Tage Ihres der Bug und einige Tage Ihr die Windschutzscheibe! Wie ist Ihr Tag heute?

    1. Mercy


      Bug heute LOL

  6. Everybody has a calling of some kind that you can have a very positive or negative influence on the lives of others. You only have to see what way and how you affect people around you to know which it is. I choose to concentrate on a very positive energy right now, but I know there are times I cast a negative shadow. I don't let it stop me from trying to do better and move on with my life. I feel some very positive energy flowing right now and I feel some very good things are about to happen!...

  7. Feeling bored out of my mind but nothing I normally do to break the doldrums has helped. I think I am having an anxiety attack but different than before! Also in a very weird mood today!

  8. For all my friends who love to watch animal cams here is one of a great horned owl that just was turned on again as she is nesting! http://www.ustream.tv/okcowlcam?utm_source=crowd-live-backend&utm_medium=visit-channel&utm_campaign=notifications

  9. For all those that I know... I ask you a personal favor. Only some of you will do it,, if you know someone who has led a battle with cancer and passed away or someone struggling again... Please add this to your status for 1 hour as a mark of respect, and remembrance.

  10. For some everyday living is not according to normal society standards. Its more like driving on this very curvy mountainous road and never having been there before. The ups and downs and ins and outs of daily living are tough for them because they see the world through eyes of what if?

  11. For some reason trouble seems to just follow me. Where can I hide from it? If anyone knows please speak up.

  12. For the most part things are going pretty smooth, but there are some things that trouble me. It seems like I am a magnet for the type of people that want to use me for their own personal gain. This last week I have been dealing with a situation that for me is particularly difficult for me to handle. Those that have known me over the last several decades know I am pretty level headed until I get pushed into a corner. Well when I am dealing with such a situation I try real hard to use tact but...

  13. For those of you my dear close english speaking friends who are wondering why I put a German post on my timeline, it's because I have many German speaking friends also from meeting them over the years. I want to pay respects to them as well as you! :):):)

  14. Freinds when I reply to whatever you write that goess on my wall please note that I am not doing it to disrespect you or even angry at you. I seem to have this crazy ability of clarity to see situations and ideas and things with such a lear view that I can see the whole picture. I sure didn't use to have this ability. It's like if you ask me a question I would ask you a few very simple questions just to get what you are thinking then answer the original question from the vision of clarity I...

  15. Friday! It is the universal symbol of freedom to come. Yet in my world I really never see Fridays anymore as they are all hump days!

  16. Friends and loved ones there is a part of my life most of you do not know. I am a online gamer and have been for several years as my health and knees have gotten to the point I needed something to keep my mind sharp and active. About 5 years ago while I was gaming with no thought about what was to happen to me over the next 2 years I met someone who has become since then a very special part of my life. She has 3 children and she lost her husband so she has her hands full most days just dealin...

  17. God made Anjou pears for me! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

  18. Good morning all! May God Bless you with a bright sunny day and may you enjoy your family, friends and loved ones!

  19. Good morning to all my wonderful English speaking friends have a very happy safe day!

  20. Great lesson of life!

  21. GUILTY? You are sentenced to be my friend for life ! NO BAIL! Copy and paste to all your friends, including me if you get 3 back your friendship is worth keeping...!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

  22. Happy FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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