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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. I will always be filled with mixed emotions for the rest of my life. I don't foresee any improvement that will be permanent. I do have some very good positive times and on the other hand I experience some very low times as well. I know that I will be taken care of and not be in need for my basic needs. God has helped me to see that there are things I need to try and change and things I need to ready myself for. I believe those changes are happening just not in the way I had hoped but in a mor...

  2. I'm not sure which I am yet today, the windshield or the bug!

  3. I'm posting this for a friend....Ignorant people can be so cruel!! I'm posting this because recently I have been mocked and laughed at for things beyond my control... I have three of these illnesses as does some of my friends.... Not one of my Facebook friends will copy and paste (but I am counting on a true family member or friend to do it). If you would be there for me no matter what then copy and paste this. I'm doing this to prove a friend wrong that someone is always listening. I care. Hard to explain to someone who has no clue. It's a daily struggle being in pain or feeling sick on the inside while you look fine on the outside. Please put this as your status for at least 1 hour if you or someone you know has an invisible illness (IBS, Crohn's, PTSD,C.O.P.D., Anxiety, Arthritis, Cancer, Heart Disease, Bipolar, Depression, Diabetes, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, MS, AS, ME, , Epilepsy, hereditary angio edema , AUTISM, Borderline personality disorder, M.D.,D.D.D., CFS, Histiocytosis,O.D.D, A.D.H.D, RSD, PBC,RLS etc.) Never judge.I copied and pasted for all my friends who have one or more of these problems xox

  4. I've had a sweet tooth all day! There is nothing sweet in this place, with one exception, can you guess what that is? lol

  5. if i go crazy what would it be from ? plz comment ! then copy and paste so i can comment on u

    1. tsw 8.5

      tsw 8.5

      hanging out with all the idiots

  6. If I had to describe myself in just a few words I would simply say. I am just a simple ordinary man who loves with his heart and sees with his soul. I love to help others even at my on suffering. But and okay and doing well!

  7. If it wiggles I will look. If it giggles I will smile! If its tasty I will taste! If its soft I will hold.

  8. If tou see something here that doesn't sound like me today it's because I am just having a bad day. Nothing has happened but I have these cycles I go thru and right now I am in the down side of the cycle. When I am here the world feels big and dangerous to me. I can't seem to find much good with anything and I react very negative. While this will be normal for the rest of my life, I do hate this part of me and wish I could be the nice sweet me I love and makes me so happy at all times. Before...

  9. In a world where every thing is tipsy-turvy life has it's ups and downs. One day things are great and then for no apparent reason the next day is quite the opposite. All I can do is deal with which ever the best way I know how and hope my flimsy emotions don't get me into deep trouble. I am doing quite well considering all things but that may change at the drop of a hat. I do have any real complaints but things can always improve around me. Lol! The most improvement is probably needed with m...

  10. In about a half hour I am going for another Dr appointment about my leg! Had a super good week with it and maybe will be going to a wrap where I can take it off so I can take regular showers! Better yet is the fact it's getting better all the time! Love all you guys and keep praying things keep improving so I can be normal again! Whatever that is lol!

  11. In today's world we face a multitude of challenges as believers! Some are so sly as to hide within the very core of the belief system we incorporate to live by! I don't like using this but it's in the news everywhere so I feel compelled to use it as an example here. The way the extremist Muslims get children to do their most wicked deeds is they make them a promise. These young boys know what women are so this is an easy sell in a society and culture where life is not valued very high. They tell them if they wear a vest with a ton of C4 explosives into a crowd of unbelievers and blow them selves up that they will have a reward of 72 virgins waiting for them in the after life. What boy wouldn't be enamored by such a promise? They key here is it has to be non-believers! I use this to show how RELIGION pollutes any belief system. If you think for a moment this hasn't crept into the Christian faith you are sadly mistaken. I have asked many believers this question,"Why do you believe in God?" And almost unequivocally it is the following response! "I want to go to heaven." Why do you want to go to heaven? "Because the streets are paved with gold and all those other fantastic things." You see their first thought wasn't about how God loved them and saved them through the amazing precious "BLOOD" of Jesus it was about things they don't have now. I have learned that this life is so fleeting that the things we don't have are not necessary or needed! I also have sat in testimonial sessions and heard the same kinds of statements in testimonies! I am sure they love the Lord but He doesn't seem to be at the forefront of their minds. We as Christians and who believe we are nothing without Christ should take a moment each day to ask Him to help us in this change we should make to receive the fullness of His promises! We should be focusing on the re-warder and not the reward! This is an attitude of today's world we live in! They seem to always ask,"What's in it for me?" I have also heard evangelist use the reward to lure people into confessing faith in God when they were really confessing faith in the reward! You see there is a word that describes this and we don't think it has anything to do with ourselves as that is just wrong. Yet we let it slip in and corrupt us to where we take our eyes of the one that makes it all possible. Are you "GREEDY?" I dare say that there have been and still are greedy! I learned some hard lessons about this when I was out in that cold dark world among people who struggle just to survive. Some of us begin helping others when we could and the whole attitude of the ones we affected changed. We who have what we need should be able to accomplish this among us, right? I will leave you with that question and please speak your peace! God bless each and every one of you!

  12. In your own words what is a friend?

  13. inanimate things are powerless on their own. This includes guns, cars, alcohol, weed, and even dynamite. I dare you to show me one of these that harms on their own. For any to do damage there must be first a human being using or abusing them without restraint. Remove the animate problem and the "things" remain inanimate!

  14. It could be a hella lot worse

  15. It feels so good to be back in control of my life as much as can be that is. It doesn't feel good to loose control and now that I have regained control I will proceed with steps to get myself back to a normal life style! I need a car which I am in the process of procuring but it may take a month or two, but it will happen. I then will be well back on the road to normalcy for me. There are some other things I am working on as well. Though they are not quite as crucial for me yet they must be d...

  16. It just occurred to me that maybe the reason I have been to hell and back so to speak is because I have a whole lot of people I know and meet everyday that has been down and out on their luck. They seem to be going through test and trials of life that they need encouragement from someone who has been their. I know where they are and how they feel. I been totally broke and lost everything but by God's help and direction He sent me to the right people that could aid and assist me and I would fo...

  17. It seems I have a friend who got all bent out of shape because I deleted a post from my timeline because I disagreed with it. He was so bent out of shape he told me he was going to have to remove me from his friends list. My response to that is the following: So&so(I won't use their name here) if thats how you feel that's your right but in my honest opinion thats a pretty small minded attitude to have. In fact it tells me that I am better off without you as a friend! Hope you don't have to re...

  18. It seems like in these days that society has become a throw away society. We live such that if we don't like what we have we just throw it away and get another one we do like, at least for the moment. Even families do this with one another until the family unit is no longer there. If we don't like our marriage we just throw it away and get another. I know I am somewhere in the middle of this. I believe this all started with the idea that convenience was better than quality. Our automobiles ha...

  19. It seems some people just can't be happy unless they are irritating someone!

  20. It seems that with the last few years and all the school slayings and tragedies that our government seems to think that the way to solve any and all problems is they legislate some new law or program into existence and cost us the tax payers billions more with each program they conger up that has very little thought or reason behind them. Most of these programs does one or two things and most of them are not good for us the people. They first enslave us more to the system than ever before in...

  21. It's another Friday and I want to wish everyone a very happy Friday and even more have an excellent and safe weekend!

  22. It's been one of those days! Where do I start?

  23. It's finally time for me to hit my temporary grave and know nothing at all for a few short hours. I know some of you are thinking what do you mean temporarily know nothing. I will see ya'll in a few hrs! Night!

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