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Status Updates posted by BANNPIRE

  1. New planet in our solar system guys!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LtLaszlo


      Hats off to our Sr. Admins forall the hard work in putting together this new site. Got a few rounds coming to them at XI Fest!!

    3. LtLaszlo


      oooops! Double duty!!

    4. LtLaszlo


      oooops! Double duty!!

  2. "The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama presidency. It is l...

    1. FRENCHI


      before obama america was sentenced have collapsed. I'm not s how did obama to prevent it from falling pay, but all told me congratulations I did not think that is possible. Like what you say in America today: yes we can. Because you have done thanks to the obama bravo. Of course nothing is done on the right track but I think lol



      I think i need a decoder ring to read your message lol

  3. What we are is the SUM of 1000 lies. What we know is almost nothing at all. But we are who we are untill the day we day die or till we don't have the strength to go on.

    1. Spartacus


      I Could Not Have Said That Better Myself!


  5. Things become clearer when you realize some people are immune to logic and reason

  6. Things become clearer when you realize some people are immune to logic and reason

  7. They called us a dead generation,

  8. They called us a dead generation,

  9. They called us a dead generation,They told us that we wouldn't survive They left us alone in the malestrom As you can see we're all clearly aliveWe know where you are and were coming Let's see you say that shit to our face 30/30-150 Remembers 30/30-150 HATES

  10. On distant forign shores were we dance just to please the god and oh the ask for and so i goes..but still we give ourselves to this cant spend our lives waiting to live.

  11. On distant forign shores were we dance just to please the god and oh the ask for and so i goes..but still we give ourselves to this cant spend our lives waiting to live.

  12. On distant forign shores where we damce just to please the gods and oh they ask for more..and so it goes but still we give ourselves to this can't spend our lives waiting to live.

  13. On distant forign shores where we damce just to please the gods and oh they ask for more..and so it goes but still we give ourselves to this can't spend our lives waiting to live.

  14. On distant forign shores where we dance just to please the gods and oh they ask for more..and so it goes but still we give ourselves to this can't spend our lives waiting to live

  15. On distant forign shores where we dance just to please the gods and oh they ask for more..and so it goes but still we give ourselves to this can't spend our lives waiting to live

  16. All we are is entertainment caught up in our own derangment Tell us what to say and what to do all we are are pretty faces Picture perfect bottle rage Packsged synthisized versions of you we all made pretty fortune but cant afford to live forced to pull out quotes and hotel rooms but cant you see the end is coming soon Come one come all The new sensation Gauruntee's then obligations Spotlight follow every move and if we care about this unknown plight then we'd do something more to fin...

  17. All we are is entertainment caught up in our own derangment Tell us what to say and what to do all we are are pretty faces Picture perfect bottle rage Packsged synthisized versions of you we all made pretty fortune but cant afford to live forced to pull out quotes and hotel rooms but cant you see the end is coming soon Come one come all The new sensation Gauruntee's then obligations Spotlight follow every move and if we care about this unknown plight then we'd do something more to fin...

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