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Posts posted by RogueKill

  1. I am 44  been wrenching for 23 years, been with chrysler almost 14 never unemployed in my life---layed off in Feb.Feel your pain Bro--but you know, I've been thinkin--the best years of my life have been when I was the most broke-when we are doing well-we take a lot of things for granted-you know?, sounds like you and your misses' are working as a team,that is awesome--you guy's will get through it just fine and look back later, say "wow" and laugh!

    P.S I will still kill you just the sameTongue out

  2. Stay away from the 5830!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a VGA processor that didnt make the grade for the 5870 or 5850 so they just shut off a shit load of transistors so it cant overload---piece of shit-- The 5850 is the biggest bang for your buck!! GET The one your looking at---you will cream when you FIRST RUN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. My computer I believe got hacked and crashed. I re-installed everything win 7+ now I try to play cod5 and cannot get my character name to install--it says its in use, WTF?? Cant play because all it has is my first name-- roguekilla. Anyone have a suggestion----- been working on this thing a damn week now, and still can't play.

  4. Just a little heads up--I installed google chrome a few months back---hard drive crash. Didn't put the two together though, so I just installed it again about a week ago--- things started goin stupid, lots of crashing, unhandled exception errors, directx stopped working--------CRASH!!!! Still wasn't for sure but was narrowing it down. Reinstalled win 7 (64bit) yesterday things were good again--until I re-installed chrome ---freeze ups, files not downloading--- more freeze-ups---  uninstalled quickly--everything back to normal.NOW I KNOW FOR SURE IT IS GOOGLE CHROME!!!

    stay away!!

  5. Very proud of our military!--This is what keeps you from eating chinese food 24/7! You know there are always a few that hit the headlines for being dumbshits -we were all there when we were 18-20- but being former military( 84-90 4th ID) and living in a city with , Norad, Schriever AFB., Peterson AFB., FT. Carson, AirForce Academy-----These guy's are professional!! They still walk in our dealership and say yes m'am and no sir --you don't see that anymore--especially Untitled-1roguekill.jpg while we should be offering our gratitude first--and I see the the tags on both their arms, and can only hope that they will be okay, cause they deserve the best our country can give them. I also extend that to Canadian's, Aussie's and the  Brit's you guy's are some bad-ass mofo's to.


    Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
    Ronald Reagan

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