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Posts posted by iFuerza

  1. i took my class from the US Coast Guarx Aux, it was a good idea, sailboats when uder sail always have the right of way, you learn what 1,2 or 5+ horn blasts mean, light signals, learn that if there is an accident on the water regardless of who hit who, both people are at fault, what to do when fueling with an inboard gas tank as pooposed to a external commonly found on smaller outboards, what bouys mean, i mean this is shit that people need to know, its like driving with out a license, and no idea of what to do, boating is fun, but safety is paramount. it costs 30 bucks to get into the class and it pays off and could save u thousands. also all boats need certain things depending on their sizes, and even if you meet the requirements, its a good idea to have redunancy, for example if you need 1 fire extingisher, have 2 1 in the front and 1 in the rear, and if you take a course you will know why. i a not a worry wart either, but i have been effected by a boating accident where a family member was paralized due to a mishap, so i preach it, but then seccondly have fun, also your states BAC level is usually the same for boating so dont get a DUI, and the beer, it can wait

  2. there are pros and cons to everything

    Fibeglass: does a great job as absorbing bigger waves found on lakes because there are a lot of people doing what you are looking to do, but then again fiberglass needs maintance, gelcoat, waxing, and not to mention if you hit something with it, it can be a hefty pricetag to fix it. i would reccomend this for your application

    Aluminum: easy to take care of, needs repaining every couple years, very durable, not as nice of a ride, a hole is easy to fix, but they are also not as nic eto ride about in, and in cold water the aluminum lets you know its colder water because everything gets cold

    Outboard: great type of motor, maybe could cause obstructions for the rear observer, most crusing and ski boats are i/o o believe 

    I/o: inboard/outboard: the engine is inside the boat and the prop is on the outside, this is a good feature because you can trim your engine which means u can adjust how the boat rides in the water my adjusting a knob, for example if your bow is sitting high when on plane and its hard to see in fromt u can trim the motor down and it lowers the front, it gives it a nice ride and if timmed right your motor can get better GPH (gallons per hour) because it doesnt have to wark as hard. bad side is if something goes wrong, theres more places for it to go wrogn in

    inboard is untrimmable, personally i dislike these but they have less to fix if something goes wrong.


    honestly do your homework, i can see your are doing it right now by posting here, all boats are great, create memories, but the most important thing to having a boat is making sure you keep on top of the maintencance, unlike cars boat engines are much more suseptical to breakage because of the enviroment they are used. but keep up on the maintenance, also i would reccomend taking a safety class some states require you do, and in that class you learn about all the parts of a bat, what you are legally required to do and so on and so fourth. 

  3. hey guys since where i live in the stae of illinois is the last state to grant citizens the right to carry concealed. what are your thoughts on this, good? bad? indifferent? i find it outrageous that we dont have it yet and that its even taking thought to put it in action. the people here are crying out to get it legalized, and to make it avalible to RESPONSIBLE citizens. feel free to chime in on your thoughts on CCW in illinois or at all, do you carry (i realize this is personal some people dont like being asked this, so im not trying to intrude just trying to get advice)? what works for your carry solution, how has it changed your life?

  4. yessir im on a crew that bails hay here, we do about a 30 acre farm a day, then when thats all done he have to get into the barn and organzise them, after that its out to herd the cattle back to eat, which i may add is quite the task because its 115 here today, and im walking in jeans and boots through a shitty field thats hot. i accept im big, but i dont let it ge me bent out of shape, and i agree no one wants to be fat

  5. RDKL first i want to say thank you for your service that speaks volumes about you as well as how you carry your self in your writing, the hand you delt surly isnt good. and people dont think, why is that person that big, they think what the fuck, seriously? or hes lazy, or what ever the fucks think, i get it, not to the severity of others but shit. im much like you in your early years, big but athletic, and built, even was considering the marine corps before i pussed out, but i lead a very active life, so its not all people stuffing their pie holes, its also people being different, and no im not bigged boned because that statement is horse shit

  6. im a big kid 6 foot 260lbs, i am outside everyday busting my ass in the illinois heat, still big, and eat right, workout, i get picked on and honestly i dont gaf because i know from where i come from and what i do for work i am touger than them. i have stuggeled all my lif with weight but i dont let it get me down, yea im bigger, i need to buy another ticket? okay heres my money, i dont have a problem, infact id rather have 2 seats to me than having a crying baby or weirdo be next to me. not once have i looked at myself and went shit this isnt fair, come from a long line of biggies, we all work(ed) our asses off in some serious heat all day lifting heavy things (in my case hay bails on to a hay wagon), so what i feel fit, can run 3 miles no problem, its people who want shit handed to them, and want to be treated the same at others expense.
  7. but like yoda said dont use the adapter, unless you absolutly need it, it can and prob will cause crashes because it can have sudden changed in the volts and amperage going to the graphics card, they are senitive peices of expensive plastic, and over volting or under volting can and will cause crashing and failure. ps i know my spelling blows

  8. yes all the cards should be powered, if your power supply says that it is 3-way sli compatible then it should have 3 of the power cords, im assuming its got the 8pin pci-e and the other one not sure of what it is because i havent had to upgrade graphics since i have an asus gaming laptop, but if they come with two, then look into the manual that came with your power supply and see if they specifly certain molex cables for using an adapter that should come with the graphics cards, usually they will since the graphics cards are on their own rail in the power supply (to the best of my knowledge)

  9. i used to own the same system almost except for my graphics card i had a shity mx400 or something, not sure what slot you have, but on mine i had pci :( none of the express shit that we got now adays, i gamed the shit outta that computer, its what sparked me into pc gaming. Medal Of Honor Spearhead Demo for about 2 years man, and then finally found the full game and its history from there

  10. thanks guys for the tips, i know its not gunna b eay, but knowing a bunch of idiots did it, why cant i? and yes i agree with it being hard when hunting, i started using it mostly when i was fishing or hunting, and im going on a trip, btw imma b gone wed thurs and fri due to a camping/ fly fishing trip, but that will b a hard test

  11. Hey guys as you may or may not know, i have been a heavy user of chew/dip for about 4 years know, went to the doctors a few days ago, and he told me i better quit to white patches in my mouth, as i am addicted to it its hard to quit, and i figure theres a few people who have quit smoking or dipping and would like to give me some advice on what they did, right now ive been done for a few days cold turkey, but it gets fucking hard as the days go on. anyway i know i will keep clean of it, but wish to have some advice

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