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Status Updates posted by LilAcorn

  1. Sitting at the park letting the kids play for a bit after a one hour PTO fall festival meeting

  2. Ahhh EARLY morning for me.... Mickayla has her 1st day of Art History Club today. Something she always loved to do. While I wait at the school for start time, I will see if I can help Michael catch up with anything in class by his teacher.

  3. Lil one sound asleep still, other two are off to school, caught a moth and dumped it into the praymantist's thing. Think it has a name now. called Mantie. heh. I am gunna go eat and maybe rest some more since I am not feeling all that great. Still feeling like crap from being emotional for the past few days. My mom, Margie has been on my mind.

  4. I'm no football fan but i decided to share the news that Broncos won the game against Eagles.

  5. Kids got to see the new bug pet eat some crickets... Mike brought home 6 of em and it ate like 5 of them already... 2 in each leg/arm at once heh. It sure was a hungry one.

  6. LOL Mitchell is making sure fuzzy watches Oscar's Oasis on the IPAD 2.... He is even talking to Fuzzy as well.

  7. Chocolate lovers ice cream is considered poop-caca according to Mitchell and goes MMMmmmmM! as he eats it. LOL

  8. Mom is already off back to go back home. She took Michael and Mickayla to school so they wouldn't have to walk in the cold rain plus last few mins to spend time with them n etc as well. :) Love you and missing you already, come back soon!

  9. We had a blast at the lake today and then ate at olive garden.... we're all tired out... tomorrow we go to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.

  10. Today Mickayla was trying to show off to Grandma on a soccer ball trick that was taught by her Uncle Joseph... Makes me miss him more n more heh.

  11. Grandma left the house for a few mins with Michael and Mickayla to a store run real quick and Mitchell got all mad and cried himself to sleep... Hehe

  12. We can't wait to see our mom, Margaret here in our home for the next few days!

  13. Sleepy Hollow was awesome! Looking forward to next week's episode.

  14. cant wait to see Sleepy Hollow TV series and new season of Bones!

  15. HAHA loved it when the news pulled away from the president once he started talking about Chemical Weapons...

  16. My cousin Kim has a water all around her house and neighbors.... Hope it does not get into their house! stay safe Cousin Kim!

    1. 7Toes


      i think it time to fire up a bowl


  17. got around 12 inches of rain

  18. More storms again....

  19. off to bed, we all get to sleep in except for poor mike... :( Not going anywhere cause its not worth risking getting stuck anywhere or anything happening. So it will be some spelling, reading and math work a bit and some house cleaning with kids teamwork help. BTW Mitchell has been helping Michael and Mickayla out on some stuff at his best effort, it was sooo darn cute. "Monkey see, monkey do" is what he has been doing today.

  20. Tami & Noy no school tomorrow incase you didnt get the calls.

  21. So far the sump is staying bone dry and its heavy down pour outside.

  22. Mitchell had a good 2 hrs of playing at the playground today with a couple of boys around his age. Got a somewhat a new mommy friend that her 2 yr old plays with Mitchell. Also a HUGE weight off of my chest/shoulders... Michael is clear of any Genetic disorders like CHARGE syndrome that we were concerned about... But the concerns of possible LOW LOW spectrum level of Autism... This is NOT just from my judgement but his counselors from school and Psychologist that he sees monthly. And would no...

  23. waaaa my lil man just achieved another skill, pealing a banana

  24. Mike bought the Portal 2 game for the kids to have fun with. Mickayla JUST found it hehe... All three kids took their turn playing it for a bit today before bed time. The music on the other hand it put Mitchell to sleep after the other two kids went to bed.

  25. Mitchell did awesome at his physical check up today. Only had one shot and did NOT even cry! He only said OUCH! He was in awe of his shiny bandaid where he got the shot lol. His growth, weight and skills are on the dot and advance in most places. They even asked if he was in preschool, I said nope...

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