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Posts posted by =CS=Pain_Kill3r

  1. As Labob requested... copy/paste of messenger here... long story.



    "You were banned under the name Pain_Kill3r  back in 11/21/11. You were saying the N word and giving Russian Friends a hard time.
    Then yesterday you tried to come back in under the name kuukerinelli with same IP and GUID # and that name is banned."



    That was quite new thing to me indeed. Never knew he got my guid banned for your server because of breaking rules and with stupid attitude/behaviour.

    He was probably 13 back then and quite bad behaviour... sometimes. These days he gets usually top scores on R&G maps.


    Maybe I should steal his key and give my key to him... Not good solution because it might cause even more problems to me.

    These days he's very skilled player and usually many players suspect him as a hacker even though he's just simply good...

    You can only imagine what it couyld cause to me if I played with his guid.

    That word "kuukerinelli" explains everything... That's my son who used to play with my rig and my account that time.
    I'm very sure I tried with my own profile =CS=Pain_Kill3r yesterday because I removed his profiles when he got his own PC and own copy of codwaw about 2 years ago
    Probably you meant those names opposite ways because he always used name "kuukerinelli".

    Anyway... I don't have any idea what do you mean by N word... Yes, I'm from Finland and that obviously explains why I don't know that N word. Of course I have a small clue about it but not sure, probably something racistic?
    As you probably understand my position as senior server admin in our Christian Snipers clan I would never use foul language or any forbidden words on any server.


    What kind of proof do you need in order top believe I'm telling you the truth? Maybe I could send his guid to you and you can add it to ban list and remove mine?
    After all you didn't want to ban me but you wanted to ban player who used foul language, right?

    As far as I know some of your members are in our co-operative mapping project with 3D mappers people?
    At least I saw some of those names on this site...

    We are building new R&G map for codwaw. I'm not sure if you ever have been running my sniper maps on your servers. I've made about 10 maps, mostly for cod2 but also cod4 and one for codwaw.
    My "favorite child" is Dam Valley, released for all titles cod2, cod4 and finally for codwaw.
    These days I'm mainly mixing cod4, codwaw, cod ghosts and cod AW models to my maps running them via Blender 3D modelling program.

     But now this is going to blaablaablaa... so time to stop.

    Regards, =CS=Pain_Kill3r


    Good morning Beers and thanks for your reply...

     I'm not running any server. I'm just a long time member and mapper... first of all mapper and model maker.

    And of course I apologize my son's behaviour, he was way too young to play these games back then.
    And yes, his English skills aren't as good as mine... wasn't then, not even now.

    Btw... I learned yesterday what does that term "N word" mean.. I understand why it's so touchy subject.
    Even though I'm only a Finnish dairy farmer, I probably know more about American history than you know about Finnish history.
    That makes me understand those racism issues. I personally don't care about any colours, just people.

    But I think you understand parents can't be 24/7 watching what their kids do or how they play because being at work etc.

    Also gaming clan is kind of a family too...
    I know you can't be watching how your members behave on the other servers or do they follow the rules there.
    Sometimes even stupid rules but rules anyway...

    You said if I buy new game to get a new GUID and come in as =CS=Pain_Kill3r, then I get banned again? That doesn't make sense.

    I'm not changing my player name because I still don't have anything to do with that ban after all. Not arguing of it. That's just the way it is.
    It's like same if you ban every member of the family because one of them broke rules?

    I know what it is these days, running servers. Less players and no dedicated servers for newer titles.. no modtools for new games.
    Game makers try to kill clan based gaming... we're dinosaurs and every fair player counts. That's why I usually don't issue perm bans but only for hackers, they really deserve it.
    Finally I just ask if you could remove the ban because getting new GUID doesn't help and NOT going to change my name. That's the only thing I don't negotiate about.

    Regards, =CS=Pain_Kill3r

    Btw.. As far as I know ban procedure depends on the method in use, RCON, pb or B3. In all cases GUID is the most important... actually it is the only thing that matters.
    Ip can change, in many games there can be players with same name but different GUID. However codwaw works differently in this because of player profile is player's actual player name.
    Still I think GUID is only sure way to ban people. We all know PB isn't supported anymore for older games either... I didn't even find my codwaw profile banned in MBi list so I figured out it has to be RCON ban.
    Which means... with new guid but old name everything should be ok.



    PS... I haven't banned any of >XI< members from our server either, not even when breaking one important rule in online gaming. As I said COD community is getting so thin these days.


    One thing is sure. I don't want any bad blood between us because of this. No matter is it R&G or sniper map... custom servers and maps keeps us gaming friends together.






  2. Okayyyyy.. that explains a lot.

    Already sent pm to Labob and 2_MANY_BEERS, where I explain how it really was and is.


    But shortened version here because I didn't know if I was allowed to post a reply here.


    Back then 21.11.2011 you banned player "kuukerinelli", my son who was 13 in 2011 and same time you banned my guid. I don't have any idea what he did.

    Questioned him about it but he said he doesn't remember, ok..


    Now he has his own rig and copy of codwaw, do I need to steal his guid? not going to do that anyway.

    Giving you his guid and you remove my ban? I can do that...


    Tbh I don't have knowledge about N word or what does it represent. I have a thin idea what it might stand for but not going to type it here now.

    Knowing something about American history helps me figure some things out even though I'm From Finland.


    You make your decision and I need to live with it then... and make my decisions too.


    As senior admin on our server I know what kind of babysitting it is.



  3. This user has created an appeal with the following information.


    Sent by: =CS=Pain_Kill3r

    Sent on: 19 May 2015 - 01:14 AM


    Game server: >XI< SNIPER

    In-game name: =CS=Pain_Kill3r


    Appeal details: Hi guys.. Funny thing is that this was the very first time I ever entered your server because saw some of my friends there, downloaded the mod, downloaded the map, was going to press auto assign button and BANG, that was it... "You're permanently banned from this server" I didn't even join the game so I definately didn't break any rules... I guess.


    I can accept that ban if I only can hear a reason for it.


    If that ban was "autoissued" because of me making bad sniper maps, I can argue about that and map making for hours. LoL


    Ok, what ever... Maybe my HLSW was sending status requests or my ping is too high etc.. don't know.. you name it. I'm all ears from now on.



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