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  1. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Fir3Marshal in Where does your BF4 soldier name come from?   
    Your name isn't Bill?!!!  This entire time...I've been calling you Bill.  Oh wait...I know what your name is, cause you're one of my subs, LOL.  I just put two and two together based off your picture!
  2. Like
    SidTri reacted to Fir3Marshal in Where does your BF4 soldier name come from?   
    I got my name from the Jim Carrey character, Fire Marshall Bill Burns, from the 1990's TV show, In Living Color. I used to love that show.... Now as an adult I am a volunteer fireman where I live and so I felt it was somewhat fitting.
    My name is not really Bill and I am not really a Fire Marshall but I still enjoy it.
  3. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Fir3Marshal in We can now have 200+ members in foXI   
    Can I be in foxi????! 
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    SidTri reacted to acucats07 in Nansha Strike, Naval Strike gameplay footage 3-31-14   

    Here ya go mouse. Some help tips and tricks from Xfactor. I knew it was one of the YTers. 
  5. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from mouselad in Latest BF4 Footage on Guilin Peaks Obliteration   
    Sorry Mouse, just saw your post.  I use a Razer Mamba.  Only 1400 dpi, Polling Rate of 500Hz.  In game sensitivity is down to 10% now.  I used to be at 20%.  I've been lowering it slowly over the past few weeks or month.  I plan on lowering it still. 
    Because all mice are different, everyone uses different dpis, and in game sensitivities etc.  The best way to find a standard to measure your sensitivity compared to others is to go in game, put your cursor on a feature (I use an edge or corner of a room) and do a 360 degree turn.  Physically measure on your mouse pad the distance it took you to do the 360. 
    I just measured mine.  It takes me just around 5.6inches almost 5 and 5/8ths to do a 360.  I just recently discovered that a lot of 'Pro' bf4 players use a MUCH lower sensitivity.  Closer to 20 inches or more to do a 360, which is why I've decided to start lowering mine more. 
  6. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from OddJob001 in Gameplay Footage Guilin Peaks Conquest   
    In terms of SPM I can't really see anything you'd wanna change.  Those were prob some decent SPM rounds for you.  Maybe throw down ammo or health more often?  Even while running.  I do that a lot, and get random health points while I'm running around and some hurt friendly finds my health pack.  
  7. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from OddJob001 in 3 More Videos!   



    My latest gameplay footage from about a week or so ago! 
  8. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Fir3Marshal in Battlefield Friends!   
    LOL.  I remember watching about the first 10 or so when I first heard about them.  I hadn't watched any in a LONG time.  I didn't realize they had made so many.  I binged on the latest ones the other night.  Thanks Bill, haha.  I heard that xfactor and levelcap cameod in some.  Now I understand where some quotes like 'bipod for my knife' come from, lol.  
  9. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from mouselad in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    My point is, you can actually get people to move up quicker and 'wake up' if they see a friendly running around safely on the opposite side of one of those C-D or C-B tunnels/entrances.  The guys back inside C will realize that it's clear and start pushing through to B or D if you make your presence known.  Otherwise, it might be 5 tubes later that they begin to realize they're not getting hit makers or kills and check the minimap and realize the fighting is now at B and D instead of in-front of C.  
    And I didn't know the MP-APS didn't give you points, that's ridiculous.  I'm surprised anyone uses it then at all.  
  10. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from OddJob001 in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Related to this.  It's very important to let your team know sometimes when routes are clear.  When people get tunnel vision at C for instance on lockers.  Multiple times, I've helped backrage B or D, and I then run to the entrance of C, or at the very least, make sure the rest of the team camping C entrance, can visibly see me running around where the enemy was just a second ago.  Otherwise, people will stay stagnant for too long at C, thinking there are still enemies immediately infront of them when they could already be pushing to D or B.  
  11. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from mouselad in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Related to this.  It's very important to let your team know sometimes when routes are clear.  When people get tunnel vision at C for instance on lockers.  Multiple times, I've helped backrage B or D, and I then run to the entrance of C, or at the very least, make sure the rest of the team camping C entrance, can visibly see me running around where the enemy was just a second ago.  Otherwise, people will stay stagnant for too long at C, thinking there are still enemies immediately infront of them when they could already be pushing to D or B.  
  12. Like
    SidTri reacted to OddJob001 in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    The video and review are awesome.
    I agree on Sids main point.  Pies.  Its all about angles.  When you get accustomed to the maps, you really know what angles to take to make sure you are least exposed, while ensuring that you are watching the angles enemies are most likely to come from.  For instance, never run down the middle of a hallway, use the left or right side while keeping your crosshair at the door ahead of you.  When you get to the door, then move to the middle and enter.  
    I think understanding angles of attack is probably the key feature in survivability.  
    Along with something I do not have alot of when it comes to FPS's.   Patience.  I am starting to realize patience will get me more kills and less deaths.  Albeit sometimes I dont care.  Many times you will see me run into a room where I know there are 4-5 guys.  But if I can take down 2-3 I am happy.  I just dont give a shit about deaths in FPS's.  Provided one thing happens, the rest of my team follows me.  Ive notice from years of FPS's, most people are afraid to move up, but once one person does, the rest of the team has a tendency to follow.  I will happily be the guy that gets the rest of my team to move up.  
    100% of deaths in BF4 are virtual, after all.
  13. Like
    SidTri reacted to mouselad in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Thank you for the in depth Breakdown. I think these tips will be very useful to me, and help me improve my game. A lot of them I was aware I was doing, and I knew I shouldnt be doing, but then I kinda get err too excited I guess. I need to work on playing calm, and not getting overly excited when i get a good flank.
    I like to drive mostly in 3rd person mode unless I am going to be engaging in combat. It gives me better situational awareness. I do the same thing when I play chivalry.
    Yea I do always try to drop AMMO and medpacks. Hell why wouldn't anyone? It gives you bonus points, if you supply your squad your suqad meter goes up. Plus it keeps your team in the action longer.
    I have improved a bit since I first started playing. This is really my first time heavily playing a more in depth FPS. I played BF3, and BF2 a bit, but nothing really major.
    The only other FPS I have a lot of time spent in is TF2. funny thing is im always checking corners and shit in TF2 (damn sticky bombs and backburner pyros lol). I think I just gotta get back in the habit it of it.
    I'll reply more in a bit. I need to watch my video, while reading your notes.
    Also. Tonight I'll try to record a video of me playing Conquest (i'm still kind of new to obliteration mode), and concentrating more and paying closer attention to my minimap.
    Once again Thanks for the advice, and don't worry about coming off as too critical. I am made of stone. One of the main reasons I post videos is so people will review my performance and give me tips. I know I'm still knew, learning, and frankly not that good yet.... Here is what I see I need to do to improve my gameplay
    - slow down. don't rush into the action head first
    - stop when shooting with my LMG, especially at medium-longe ranger
    -don't get over excited when i flank people. take time to set up shots
    - check corners
    This is one of my favorite youtube players on BF4. He isn't the best player around, but he gives pretty good advice that is very similar to yours actually.
  14. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Fir3Marshal in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Ok.  Take into account, it's always easier to see things in hindsight.  
    :30-45.  You were gunning on the LAV.  This is just kinda minor, but it probably would have benefited your driver and your team more to help clear infantry on C.  Obviously you want to take down the enemy air to keep them from flanking, clearing roofs etc, but the littlebird was a long way off, and the .50 cals in BF4 are notorious for doing diddly squat.  You guys took a rocket hit around :45 and if you had been watching C, you may have prevented that from ever happening, plus you would've gotten the kill.  You just focused a little too long on the littlebird probably.  
    I noticed you were bursting a lot with it which is good.  You want to avoid overheating to keep a constant stream of fire up.  I also liked that you switched to 3rd person, even as the gunner to help spot potential C4ers.  You typically want to be watching a direction OPPOSITE of where you're driver is facing in armor.  When you are engaging engees in front of yourself, obviously shoot em, but if you think you're driver has it under control, be watching flanks and rear for C4 and good enees trying to get those critical flank shots.  
    1:21-1:29  You probably should have STOPPED to shoot the guy in the crushers at D at the 1:21 mark.  Moving while shooting, ESPECIALLY with an LMG is a big NO NO in BF4 .  Obviously, move if you're getting shot at, but at range, and if you have the drop on someone, stand still, you get much less bullet deviation and will be MUCH more accurate.  Once you had killed him from behind the safety of the wall, you probably still would've seen the inf. on the minimap to your right, and you could have peaked that corner to take them out 1 by 1 from safety.  Always be trying to minimize your angles of exposure.  See image! hehe

    1:38.  Always check your spawn location before you hit that deploy button.  I always wanna get into the action quick too, but you don't do yourself or your team any good by deploying in a dangerous position only to get killed right away.  Whoever was in the woods at C would have been a safer spawn, and still would've gotten you into or near the action quick.  You may have even spotted or gotten the kill on the enemy that ended up killing you through the C building if the walls were down by that point.  
    2:10-2:15.  Always be checking your minimap, especially when there's a lull in the action.  If you had, you would've noticed the littlebird chase going on behind you.  You could have turned and gotten a potential quick multi-kill.  
    2:30.  Be aware of where you are in relation to the enemy spawn.  You put yourself in a dangerous spot, if an enemy tank had come from their spawn down the road behind you, you'd be dead.  Also, if you had looked left, you may have spotted enemy inf. trying to push from their spawn toward the bomb.  
    3:00.  Good job listening, and hearing the parachutes behind you.  After you killed the first guy, you probably should have angled left and backed up, across the road, not straight backward.  You never want to drive near an obstacle that a potential C4er or Engee with mines is hiding behind (remember that they can THROW over things).  If you had chosen a wider route around the blocks, you probably never would've been hit and ended up being killed.  
    3:25.  Be careful getting a one track mind or tunnel vision as I call it.  You saw the LAV and wanted that C4 kill.  If you had checked the minimap you would've realized there were infantry directly below you on bombsite A, and probably behind it in the road.  You could've gotten a couple easy picks and had a safer route toward the back or flank of the LAV.  And then you ran into one of my pet peeves with BF4, the grenade proof glass...it always gets me at the C tower on Lockers.  
    4:06.  That angles of exposure, slices of pie thing again.  You probably should've dropped straight down or further back, instead of landing in front of the enemy with no cover.  
    4:14.  You probably hear and saw the DMR shots going off next to you.  You should've at least checked to see if it was an enemy behind you.  A few seconds later you can see an enemy coming from behind on the minimap.  If you had looked, you may have been able to get a kill or two.  
    4:43-4:54.  You had a great flank, but kind of wasted an opportunity at A LOT more damage.  You could have effectively CLEARED the enemy from around the bomb.  Try to be aware of what the enemy is thinking or aware of.  You had just picked off a couple guys in the hallway, and missed another.  Your rounds probably passed by the guy you missed, not to mention, you may have killed his squad mates.  The enemy is now aware that you're behind them.  You probably should've stayed in that spot to pick off the enemies that would turn around looking for you or even gotten up into the hallway or the room to the left of it.  When you moved to your right, you completely exposed your back to the enemy that you had just shot at.  Yes, you got a pick on the right, but got shot in the back in return.
    5:52.  Target prioritization.  Maybe you weren't aware that it was an enemy dropping in front of you, but obviously, you should always shoot the biggest threat.
    6:10.  Angles of exposure and target prioritization again.  You should've stayed inside, behind window-frames and the cover of the floor infront of you.  You could've done a quick scan and seen the enemies behind the wall and statue.  You exposed yourself to an enemy to shoot another and got killed for it.  
    6:20.  This is kinda small, but when trying to C4 vehicles, try not to stand directly infront or behind them.  All they have to do is move forward or back and they'll run you over.  You also should always be ready for an enemy to jump out to try to shoot you.  When you know it's a 1 person vehicle like the AA tank, you can always jump in immediately and steal it from them which you could've done to the assault guy that jumped out of his AA tank to kill you and that other support.  
    6:53.  Hug either corner of the doors on elevators (you'll see this in my footage as I start to upload).  Do your slices of pie and check your roof!  if you had, you could've kept that entire enemy squad from deploying on that roof
    7:28.  It looks like your secondary is laser guided?  Don't only use your primary when in dogfights.  Once the enemy have used their countermeasures, use your rockets.  Protip I learned from watching Widgitybear, probably one of the best littlebird pilots in BF4.  When using heatseakers, lock onto the enemy chopper, which will usually force them to use their countermeasures (at least if they're using ECM).  Once the ECM is activated immediately switch over to your cannon, burst fire them down, and immediately switch back to heatseakers and shoot both.  You'll get an immediate double hit with the heatseakers, switch back to primary and keep bursting them down until their dead.  If you're accurate, you're first burst, and the 2 missiles should've nearly killed them.  Your second burst should finish them.  
    In your case, you probably should've avoided trying to fight their littlebird so close to the enemy spawn where their AA tank probably is.  
    8:12.  You may have been able to jihad quad the enemy AA tank.  
    8:39.  This kinda comes down to play style preference.  But be careful about blindly going for the bomb.  Most enemies are focused on that damn thing, which means when you're standing near it, you become a huge target.  
    I wanna be careful what I say here, b/c I don't want to change how people play if you enjoy playing the objective.  But there are smart ways of playing the gametype and less smart  ways of playing the gametype.  I myself, rarely go for the bomb, unless I KNOW, or am fairly certain, that it's safe to pick up, and there's a good clear route to a bombsite.  But I get accused of playing TDM on every gametype by my friends, so take that as you will, haha.  
    I would've gone to the crest of the bridge and shot the enemies approaching the bomb.  Or even driven the quad to the opposite end of the bridge, planted C4 on it, and tried jihading their LAV.  B/c their LAV was close to the bomb, they could've had someone grab it, jump in the LAV, and away they go to your bombsites.  
    Needless to say, you should've shot that engineer before jumping off the bridge and you got lucky he didn't see you or was reloading, or whatever he was doing.  
    9:43.  You probably should've either tried pushing across the road while you had a chance, or going up the elevator and jumping down into B or over to C.  When you have the bomb, you don't want to be stagnant, b/c that lets the entire enemy team converge on your position.  Remember that when you have the bomb, they know where you are!  You can't hide.  
    9:59.  Slices of pie!
    10:31.  Slices of pie!  This doesn't apply only horizontally but vertically as well.  You stood way to close to the wall.  You could've stood back a foot or two, still had a clear shot, and minimized exposing yourself to enemy fire.  
    10:54-11:21.       This comes down to playstyle, haha.  I for one wouldn't try to use the attack heli as a transport for the bomb.  I have seen it happen, and I've seen it work, but, you were SO exposed!  I kept waiting for an RPG to hit you while you sat by the bridge.  It looked like you considered taking on their heli at first, but decided to go straight for the bomb (I think your first thought was better  ), haha.  And after you've killed their heli, THEN go for the bomb if you want.  
    11:28-11:45.  A couple options that I saw.  You could've helped clear the enemy behind you, by peaking the corner that you ran behind.  You ended up getting unlucky with the timing of his TOW.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to wait.  You could've tried to set a C4 trap at that corner and baited the LAV into it.  Who knows, it may have worked.  But you were in a rough spot, and probably should've tried to take cover in the concrete blocks and wait for engineer support to take out the LAV.  
    12:15.  Slices of pie!  Checking corners and minimizing your angles of exposure from behind the block to your right may have let you kill that recon.
    13:07.  Slices of pie!  You could've stayed in or near that doorway as a quick escape to cover, while seeing through the doorway that the enemy came through.  That is the PERFECT situation for an LMG.  You would've had a small doorway to shoot at in which the enemy HAS to come through to approach the bomb from that direction.  You could've netted several kills and potentially stayed alive.  
    13:36.  Slices of pie!  You could've set up to peak that corner.  You may have gotten several more kills, from the guys that were inside the garage.  You were being too aggressive here basically.  Which can work if you have the friendly support, but you were almost by yourself and up against multiple enemies.  
    If it had been me.  I probably would've used the pillars at 13:30 to help peak the enemies in front of you, and then moved up to that doorway and corner.  Once the two enemies around the corner were dead, I would've addressed the enemy behind you on the minimap.  Once he was dealt with, I'd turn back to the inside of the garage.  
    14:17.  I guess you thought he was friendly, haha.  It happens to all of us at one point or another, believe me. 
    14:25.  We should talk about your sensitivity sometime.  It looks like it may be a little high.  Or maybe you should just try to do slower more controlled bursts.  When you have the drop on the enemy, TAKE YOUR TIME!  You don't need to rush, it's better to aim slower and get the kill in 4 seconds, instead of shooting fast, and letting them get away.  Those guys didn't know you were there, you could've slowed down, lined up your shot on center mass, small controlled bursts, and you could've had them all.  
    15:42.  Slices of pie!  Check your corners!
    Finally, you did great at throwing down ammo.  That's awesome to see a support player actually giving ammo.  
    Work on your angles of exposure, and taking your time to aim for controlled bursts on upper/center mass, especially when the enemy is unaware you're even there.  
    Hope this doesn't come off too critical.  Believe me when I say I watch my own footage and see dozens of things that I should've/could've done differently.  
  15. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Unit_108 in Graphics card stuff   
    Look through these.  
    I have the GeForce GTX 670 FTW, and am VERY happy with it.  I don't like overclocking things because I like to keep the load and temperature down.  I like things to last.  I've had my GTX 670 for over a year, probably closer to a year and a half.  I will probably keep it for another year or more before upgrading.  A GTX 670 will cost you though.  
    I can run BF4 on mostly medium quality with CONSISTENT frames above 60.  It's usually closer to 100 as long as you stay above 30 you're fine.  I have been recording recently using dxtory and am still NEVER dropping below 60 frames.  
    Don't go below 2 Gigs of RAM on the card.  
    See how the cards in the 150ish range on newegg compare to cards like the GTX 670 on the site that Archie linked.  
  16. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from OddJob001 in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Ok.  Take into account, it's always easier to see things in hindsight.  
    :30-45.  You were gunning on the LAV.  This is just kinda minor, but it probably would have benefited your driver and your team more to help clear infantry on C.  Obviously you want to take down the enemy air to keep them from flanking, clearing roofs etc, but the littlebird was a long way off, and the .50 cals in BF4 are notorious for doing diddly squat.  You guys took a rocket hit around :45 and if you had been watching C, you may have prevented that from ever happening, plus you would've gotten the kill.  You just focused a little too long on the littlebird probably.  
    I noticed you were bursting a lot with it which is good.  You want to avoid overheating to keep a constant stream of fire up.  I also liked that you switched to 3rd person, even as the gunner to help spot potential C4ers.  You typically want to be watching a direction OPPOSITE of where you're driver is facing in armor.  When you are engaging engees in front of yourself, obviously shoot em, but if you think you're driver has it under control, be watching flanks and rear for C4 and good enees trying to get those critical flank shots.  
    1:21-1:29  You probably should have STOPPED to shoot the guy in the crushers at D at the 1:21 mark.  Moving while shooting, ESPECIALLY with an LMG is a big NO NO in BF4 .  Obviously, move if you're getting shot at, but at range, and if you have the drop on someone, stand still, you get much less bullet deviation and will be MUCH more accurate.  Once you had killed him from behind the safety of the wall, you probably still would've seen the inf. on the minimap to your right, and you could have peaked that corner to take them out 1 by 1 from safety.  Always be trying to minimize your angles of exposure.  See image! hehe

    1:38.  Always check your spawn location before you hit that deploy button.  I always wanna get into the action quick too, but you don't do yourself or your team any good by deploying in a dangerous position only to get killed right away.  Whoever was in the woods at C would have been a safer spawn, and still would've gotten you into or near the action quick.  You may have even spotted or gotten the kill on the enemy that ended up killing you through the C building if the walls were down by that point.  
    2:10-2:15.  Always be checking your minimap, especially when there's a lull in the action.  If you had, you would've noticed the littlebird chase going on behind you.  You could have turned and gotten a potential quick multi-kill.  
    2:30.  Be aware of where you are in relation to the enemy spawn.  You put yourself in a dangerous spot, if an enemy tank had come from their spawn down the road behind you, you'd be dead.  Also, if you had looked left, you may have spotted enemy inf. trying to push from their spawn toward the bomb.  
    3:00.  Good job listening, and hearing the parachutes behind you.  After you killed the first guy, you probably should have angled left and backed up, across the road, not straight backward.  You never want to drive near an obstacle that a potential C4er or Engee with mines is hiding behind (remember that they can THROW over things).  If you had chosen a wider route around the blocks, you probably never would've been hit and ended up being killed.  
    3:25.  Be careful getting a one track mind or tunnel vision as I call it.  You saw the LAV and wanted that C4 kill.  If you had checked the minimap you would've realized there were infantry directly below you on bombsite A, and probably behind it in the road.  You could've gotten a couple easy picks and had a safer route toward the back or flank of the LAV.  And then you ran into one of my pet peeves with BF4, the grenade proof glass...it always gets me at the C tower on Lockers.  
    4:06.  That angles of exposure, slices of pie thing again.  You probably should've dropped straight down or further back, instead of landing in front of the enemy with no cover.  
    4:14.  You probably hear and saw the DMR shots going off next to you.  You should've at least checked to see if it was an enemy behind you.  A few seconds later you can see an enemy coming from behind on the minimap.  If you had looked, you may have been able to get a kill or two.  
    4:43-4:54.  You had a great flank, but kind of wasted an opportunity at A LOT more damage.  You could have effectively CLEARED the enemy from around the bomb.  Try to be aware of what the enemy is thinking or aware of.  You had just picked off a couple guys in the hallway, and missed another.  Your rounds probably passed by the guy you missed, not to mention, you may have killed his squad mates.  The enemy is now aware that you're behind them.  You probably should've stayed in that spot to pick off the enemies that would turn around looking for you or even gotten up into the hallway or the room to the left of it.  When you moved to your right, you completely exposed your back to the enemy that you had just shot at.  Yes, you got a pick on the right, but got shot in the back in return.
    5:52.  Target prioritization.  Maybe you weren't aware that it was an enemy dropping in front of you, but obviously, you should always shoot the biggest threat.
    6:10.  Angles of exposure and target prioritization again.  You should've stayed inside, behind window-frames and the cover of the floor infront of you.  You could've done a quick scan and seen the enemies behind the wall and statue.  You exposed yourself to an enemy to shoot another and got killed for it.  
    6:20.  This is kinda small, but when trying to C4 vehicles, try not to stand directly infront or behind them.  All they have to do is move forward or back and they'll run you over.  You also should always be ready for an enemy to jump out to try to shoot you.  When you know it's a 1 person vehicle like the AA tank, you can always jump in immediately and steal it from them which you could've done to the assault guy that jumped out of his AA tank to kill you and that other support.  
    6:53.  Hug either corner of the doors on elevators (you'll see this in my footage as I start to upload).  Do your slices of pie and check your roof!  if you had, you could've kept that entire enemy squad from deploying on that roof
    7:28.  It looks like your secondary is laser guided?  Don't only use your primary when in dogfights.  Once the enemy have used their countermeasures, use your rockets.  Protip I learned from watching Widgitybear, probably one of the best littlebird pilots in BF4.  When using heatseakers, lock onto the enemy chopper, which will usually force them to use their countermeasures (at least if they're using ECM).  Once the ECM is activated immediately switch over to your cannon, burst fire them down, and immediately switch back to heatseakers and shoot both.  You'll get an immediate double hit with the heatseakers, switch back to primary and keep bursting them down until their dead.  If you're accurate, you're first burst, and the 2 missiles should've nearly killed them.  Your second burst should finish them.  
    In your case, you probably should've avoided trying to fight their littlebird so close to the enemy spawn where their AA tank probably is.  
    8:12.  You may have been able to jihad quad the enemy AA tank.  
    8:39.  This kinda comes down to play style preference.  But be careful about blindly going for the bomb.  Most enemies are focused on that damn thing, which means when you're standing near it, you become a huge target.  
    I wanna be careful what I say here, b/c I don't want to change how people play if you enjoy playing the objective.  But there are smart ways of playing the gametype and less smart  ways of playing the gametype.  I myself, rarely go for the bomb, unless I KNOW, or am fairly certain, that it's safe to pick up, and there's a good clear route to a bombsite.  But I get accused of playing TDM on every gametype by my friends, so take that as you will, haha.  
    I would've gone to the crest of the bridge and shot the enemies approaching the bomb.  Or even driven the quad to the opposite end of the bridge, planted C4 on it, and tried jihading their LAV.  B/c their LAV was close to the bomb, they could've had someone grab it, jump in the LAV, and away they go to your bombsites.  
    Needless to say, you should've shot that engineer before jumping off the bridge and you got lucky he didn't see you or was reloading, or whatever he was doing.  
    9:43.  You probably should've either tried pushing across the road while you had a chance, or going up the elevator and jumping down into B or over to C.  When you have the bomb, you don't want to be stagnant, b/c that lets the entire enemy team converge on your position.  Remember that when you have the bomb, they know where you are!  You can't hide.  
    9:59.  Slices of pie!
    10:31.  Slices of pie!  This doesn't apply only horizontally but vertically as well.  You stood way to close to the wall.  You could've stood back a foot or two, still had a clear shot, and minimized exposing yourself to enemy fire.  
    10:54-11:21.       This comes down to playstyle, haha.  I for one wouldn't try to use the attack heli as a transport for the bomb.  I have seen it happen, and I've seen it work, but, you were SO exposed!  I kept waiting for an RPG to hit you while you sat by the bridge.  It looked like you considered taking on their heli at first, but decided to go straight for the bomb (I think your first thought was better  ), haha.  And after you've killed their heli, THEN go for the bomb if you want.  
    11:28-11:45.  A couple options that I saw.  You could've helped clear the enemy behind you, by peaking the corner that you ran behind.  You ended up getting unlucky with the timing of his TOW.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to wait.  You could've tried to set a C4 trap at that corner and baited the LAV into it.  Who knows, it may have worked.  But you were in a rough spot, and probably should've tried to take cover in the concrete blocks and wait for engineer support to take out the LAV.  
    12:15.  Slices of pie!  Checking corners and minimizing your angles of exposure from behind the block to your right may have let you kill that recon.
    13:07.  Slices of pie!  You could've stayed in or near that doorway as a quick escape to cover, while seeing through the doorway that the enemy came through.  That is the PERFECT situation for an LMG.  You would've had a small doorway to shoot at in which the enemy HAS to come through to approach the bomb from that direction.  You could've netted several kills and potentially stayed alive.  
    13:36.  Slices of pie!  You could've set up to peak that corner.  You may have gotten several more kills, from the guys that were inside the garage.  You were being too aggressive here basically.  Which can work if you have the friendly support, but you were almost by yourself and up against multiple enemies.  
    If it had been me.  I probably would've used the pillars at 13:30 to help peak the enemies in front of you, and then moved up to that doorway and corner.  Once the two enemies around the corner were dead, I would've addressed the enemy behind you on the minimap.  Once he was dealt with, I'd turn back to the inside of the garage.  
    14:17.  I guess you thought he was friendly, haha.  It happens to all of us at one point or another, believe me. 
    14:25.  We should talk about your sensitivity sometime.  It looks like it may be a little high.  Or maybe you should just try to do slower more controlled bursts.  When you have the drop on the enemy, TAKE YOUR TIME!  You don't need to rush, it's better to aim slower and get the kill in 4 seconds, instead of shooting fast, and letting them get away.  Those guys didn't know you were there, you could've slowed down, lined up your shot on center mass, small controlled bursts, and you could've had them all.  
    15:42.  Slices of pie!  Check your corners!
    Finally, you did great at throwing down ammo.  That's awesome to see a support player actually giving ammo.  
    Work on your angles of exposure, and taking your time to aim for controlled bursts on upper/center mass, especially when the enemy is unaware you're even there.  
    Hope this doesn't come off too critical.  Believe me when I say I watch my own footage and see dozens of things that I should've/could've done differently.  
  17. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from mouselad in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    If you'd like I could watch it and give you tips on what I saw that you could change or do differently that may have improved your rounds.   Or tell me to fuck off, haha.  
  18. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from Woobnut in Gameplay footage Xtreme Idiots 2-14-14. me, acucats, sid   
    Ok.  Take into account, it's always easier to see things in hindsight.  
    :30-45.  You were gunning on the LAV.  This is just kinda minor, but it probably would have benefited your driver and your team more to help clear infantry on C.  Obviously you want to take down the enemy air to keep them from flanking, clearing roofs etc, but the littlebird was a long way off, and the .50 cals in BF4 are notorious for doing diddly squat.  You guys took a rocket hit around :45 and if you had been watching C, you may have prevented that from ever happening, plus you would've gotten the kill.  You just focused a little too long on the littlebird probably.  
    I noticed you were bursting a lot with it which is good.  You want to avoid overheating to keep a constant stream of fire up.  I also liked that you switched to 3rd person, even as the gunner to help spot potential C4ers.  You typically want to be watching a direction OPPOSITE of where you're driver is facing in armor.  When you are engaging engees in front of yourself, obviously shoot em, but if you think you're driver has it under control, be watching flanks and rear for C4 and good enees trying to get those critical flank shots.  
    1:21-1:29  You probably should have STOPPED to shoot the guy in the crushers at D at the 1:21 mark.  Moving while shooting, ESPECIALLY with an LMG is a big NO NO in BF4 .  Obviously, move if you're getting shot at, but at range, and if you have the drop on someone, stand still, you get much less bullet deviation and will be MUCH more accurate.  Once you had killed him from behind the safety of the wall, you probably still would've seen the inf. on the minimap to your right, and you could have peaked that corner to take them out 1 by 1 from safety.  Always be trying to minimize your angles of exposure.  See image! hehe

    1:38.  Always check your spawn location before you hit that deploy button.  I always wanna get into the action quick too, but you don't do yourself or your team any good by deploying in a dangerous position only to get killed right away.  Whoever was in the woods at C would have been a safer spawn, and still would've gotten you into or near the action quick.  You may have even spotted or gotten the kill on the enemy that ended up killing you through the C building if the walls were down by that point.  
    2:10-2:15.  Always be checking your minimap, especially when there's a lull in the action.  If you had, you would've noticed the littlebird chase going on behind you.  You could have turned and gotten a potential quick multi-kill.  
    2:30.  Be aware of where you are in relation to the enemy spawn.  You put yourself in a dangerous spot, if an enemy tank had come from their spawn down the road behind you, you'd be dead.  Also, if you had looked left, you may have spotted enemy inf. trying to push from their spawn toward the bomb.  
    3:00.  Good job listening, and hearing the parachutes behind you.  After you killed the first guy, you probably should have angled left and backed up, across the road, not straight backward.  You never want to drive near an obstacle that a potential C4er or Engee with mines is hiding behind (remember that they can THROW over things).  If you had chosen a wider route around the blocks, you probably never would've been hit and ended up being killed.  
    3:25.  Be careful getting a one track mind or tunnel vision as I call it.  You saw the LAV and wanted that C4 kill.  If you had checked the minimap you would've realized there were infantry directly below you on bombsite A, and probably behind it in the road.  You could've gotten a couple easy picks and had a safer route toward the back or flank of the LAV.  And then you ran into one of my pet peeves with BF4, the grenade proof glass...it always gets me at the C tower on Lockers.  
    4:06.  That angles of exposure, slices of pie thing again.  You probably should've dropped straight down or further back, instead of landing in front of the enemy with no cover.  
    4:14.  You probably hear and saw the DMR shots going off next to you.  You should've at least checked to see if it was an enemy behind you.  A few seconds later you can see an enemy coming from behind on the minimap.  If you had looked, you may have been able to get a kill or two.  
    4:43-4:54.  You had a great flank, but kind of wasted an opportunity at A LOT more damage.  You could have effectively CLEARED the enemy from around the bomb.  Try to be aware of what the enemy is thinking or aware of.  You had just picked off a couple guys in the hallway, and missed another.  Your rounds probably passed by the guy you missed, not to mention, you may have killed his squad mates.  The enemy is now aware that you're behind them.  You probably should've stayed in that spot to pick off the enemies that would turn around looking for you or even gotten up into the hallway or the room to the left of it.  When you moved to your right, you completely exposed your back to the enemy that you had just shot at.  Yes, you got a pick on the right, but got shot in the back in return.
    5:52.  Target prioritization.  Maybe you weren't aware that it was an enemy dropping in front of you, but obviously, you should always shoot the biggest threat.
    6:10.  Angles of exposure and target prioritization again.  You should've stayed inside, behind window-frames and the cover of the floor infront of you.  You could've done a quick scan and seen the enemies behind the wall and statue.  You exposed yourself to an enemy to shoot another and got killed for it.  
    6:20.  This is kinda small, but when trying to C4 vehicles, try not to stand directly infront or behind them.  All they have to do is move forward or back and they'll run you over.  You also should always be ready for an enemy to jump out to try to shoot you.  When you know it's a 1 person vehicle like the AA tank, you can always jump in immediately and steal it from them which you could've done to the assault guy that jumped out of his AA tank to kill you and that other support.  
    6:53.  Hug either corner of the doors on elevators (you'll see this in my footage as I start to upload).  Do your slices of pie and check your roof!  if you had, you could've kept that entire enemy squad from deploying on that roof
    7:28.  It looks like your secondary is laser guided?  Don't only use your primary when in dogfights.  Once the enemy have used their countermeasures, use your rockets.  Protip I learned from watching Widgitybear, probably one of the best littlebird pilots in BF4.  When using heatseakers, lock onto the enemy chopper, which will usually force them to use their countermeasures (at least if they're using ECM).  Once the ECM is activated immediately switch over to your cannon, burst fire them down, and immediately switch back to heatseakers and shoot both.  You'll get an immediate double hit with the heatseakers, switch back to primary and keep bursting them down until their dead.  If you're accurate, you're first burst, and the 2 missiles should've nearly killed them.  Your second burst should finish them.  
    In your case, you probably should've avoided trying to fight their littlebird so close to the enemy spawn where their AA tank probably is.  
    8:12.  You may have been able to jihad quad the enemy AA tank.  
    8:39.  This kinda comes down to play style preference.  But be careful about blindly going for the bomb.  Most enemies are focused on that damn thing, which means when you're standing near it, you become a huge target.  
    I wanna be careful what I say here, b/c I don't want to change how people play if you enjoy playing the objective.  But there are smart ways of playing the gametype and less smart  ways of playing the gametype.  I myself, rarely go for the bomb, unless I KNOW, or am fairly certain, that it's safe to pick up, and there's a good clear route to a bombsite.  But I get accused of playing TDM on every gametype by my friends, so take that as you will, haha.  
    I would've gone to the crest of the bridge and shot the enemies approaching the bomb.  Or even driven the quad to the opposite end of the bridge, planted C4 on it, and tried jihading their LAV.  B/c their LAV was close to the bomb, they could've had someone grab it, jump in the LAV, and away they go to your bombsites.  
    Needless to say, you should've shot that engineer before jumping off the bridge and you got lucky he didn't see you or was reloading, or whatever he was doing.  
    9:43.  You probably should've either tried pushing across the road while you had a chance, or going up the elevator and jumping down into B or over to C.  When you have the bomb, you don't want to be stagnant, b/c that lets the entire enemy team converge on your position.  Remember that when you have the bomb, they know where you are!  You can't hide.  
    9:59.  Slices of pie!
    10:31.  Slices of pie!  This doesn't apply only horizontally but vertically as well.  You stood way to close to the wall.  You could've stood back a foot or two, still had a clear shot, and minimized exposing yourself to enemy fire.  
    10:54-11:21.       This comes down to playstyle, haha.  I for one wouldn't try to use the attack heli as a transport for the bomb.  I have seen it happen, and I've seen it work, but, you were SO exposed!  I kept waiting for an RPG to hit you while you sat by the bridge.  It looked like you considered taking on their heli at first, but decided to go straight for the bomb (I think your first thought was better  ), haha.  And after you've killed their heli, THEN go for the bomb if you want.  
    11:28-11:45.  A couple options that I saw.  You could've helped clear the enemy behind you, by peaking the corner that you ran behind.  You ended up getting unlucky with the timing of his TOW.  Sometimes the best thing to do is to wait.  You could've tried to set a C4 trap at that corner and baited the LAV into it.  Who knows, it may have worked.  But you were in a rough spot, and probably should've tried to take cover in the concrete blocks and wait for engineer support to take out the LAV.  
    12:15.  Slices of pie!  Checking corners and minimizing your angles of exposure from behind the block to your right may have let you kill that recon.
    13:07.  Slices of pie!  You could've stayed in or near that doorway as a quick escape to cover, while seeing through the doorway that the enemy came through.  That is the PERFECT situation for an LMG.  You would've had a small doorway to shoot at in which the enemy HAS to come through to approach the bomb from that direction.  You could've netted several kills and potentially stayed alive.  
    13:36.  Slices of pie!  You could've set up to peak that corner.  You may have gotten several more kills, from the guys that were inside the garage.  You were being too aggressive here basically.  Which can work if you have the friendly support, but you were almost by yourself and up against multiple enemies.  
    If it had been me.  I probably would've used the pillars at 13:30 to help peak the enemies in front of you, and then moved up to that doorway and corner.  Once the two enemies around the corner were dead, I would've addressed the enemy behind you on the minimap.  Once he was dealt with, I'd turn back to the inside of the garage.  
    14:17.  I guess you thought he was friendly, haha.  It happens to all of us at one point or another, believe me. 
    14:25.  We should talk about your sensitivity sometime.  It looks like it may be a little high.  Or maybe you should just try to do slower more controlled bursts.  When you have the drop on the enemy, TAKE YOUR TIME!  You don't need to rush, it's better to aim slower and get the kill in 4 seconds, instead of shooting fast, and letting them get away.  Those guys didn't know you were there, you could've slowed down, lined up your shot on center mass, small controlled bursts, and you could've had them all.  
    15:42.  Slices of pie!  Check your corners!
    Finally, you did great at throwing down ammo.  That's awesome to see a support player actually giving ammo.  
    Work on your angles of exposure, and taking your time to aim for controlled bursts on upper/center mass, especially when the enemy is unaware you're even there.  
    Hope this doesn't come off too critical.  Believe me when I say I watch my own footage and see dozens of things that I should've/could've done differently.  
  19. Like
    SidTri reacted to OddJob001 in Removing most of the Supression Effects   
    I will finally share this with you all.  These config settings remove nearly 8 0 % of the blur effects.  Watch this if you want to see the effects of it.

    Navigate to your games directory - Generally C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 4
    Open up notepad and copy the following into it:
    #UI.DrawEnable 1 #GameTime.MaxVariableFps 120.000000 PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1 PerfOverlay.DrawGraph 0 PerfOverlay.Enable 1 PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0 Render.DrawScreenInfo 0 RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 1 RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 1 RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1 #RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 1 RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0 Screenshot.Format png WorldRender.DxDeferredCsPathEnable 1 WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0 WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0 WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0 WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0 WorldRender.PlanarReflectionEnable 0 WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0 WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 1024 WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0   save the file as User.cfg   Restart Battlefield.   You can verify it is working by making sure you see the FPS counter on the top right of your screen.    Have fun not dealing with most suppression effects.
  20. Like
    SidTri got a reaction from The Flush in Xtreme Gaming Here & Hello!   
    Hey Idiots, 
    Particularly the BF4 guys!
    I know I've played with a lot of you by now.  I'll have to make my presence known on TS at some point.  I just wanted to share some of my passion for the game.  
    I got very interested in the competitive scene of BF3 and wanted to join with a competitive clan (The Minions, no longer a team) started by rivaLXfactor before I had to get serious about school again.  I actually had the opportunity to scrim with them at one point.  
    Anyways, during that time, I began to pay a lot of attention to xfactor's youtube, as well as all of the minion members youtubes.  TroyeH in particular is an impressive player, and I've enjoyed watching everyone of his videos.  This stuff is entertainment to me, I will grab a bag of popcorn and a drink and watch a competitive match, or some scrim footage from these guys.  Anyways, wanted to share.  I've picked up some tips and tricks from these kinds of players.  
    Xfactor's videos on tanking are particularly good (that is/was his role in any rivaL matches).  
    I have every member of rivaL's clan's youtube pages favorited, as well as the ex-minions pages, and other top competitive teams/players (nexus, XTS etc.)   
    I added rivaLRavic's page as well.  He's probably one of the best rivaL players, and makes some great videos.  What he pulls of with SRAWs is insane.  
    The level of play you'll find from player's like these is top of the line (when they're not goofing off).
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