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Posts posted by 10001110101

  1. Hi,

    I don't play on your dm/tdm servers a ton but one thing that seems to come up pretty regularly is there are only a few people on the server (the most I've ever seen is 6-7) and we're on rather large maps with only 2/3/4 people. Most of the time it's not an issue. However, I've seen a number of times where a map change would keep the server populated and there are members (and long standing players) around but unable to do anything about it. Is there any chance of you guys making more people admins with the ability to either use the in game rcon or some external version you guys prefer so that maps can be rotated/changed? At OHMY we use several rcons but the primary is the internal rcon in the extreme mod. It's extremely flexible and allows for a variety of levels of admins. It's also intuitive and easy to use for the most part. Obviously this is your server to run as you see fit but it's a small thing that would likely see an impact on ppl playing more often etc.  There's virtually no down side to it other than the work whoever keeps the server running would have to do to apply it to the server. (Basically gathering the GUID's of the players you want to be admins and entering them in the script data/configs and assigning different tags if you wanted different levels)

    If I can be of help or answer questions feel free to hit me up. I'm sure you probably have something you use as well but I have access to Team Speak if it's easier to have a discussion etc. Thanks for considering and take care!

  2. Hey guys, I drop in to your cod2 servers later in the evenings for a bit now and then but thought I'd extend an invite to play CTF with us at OHMY sometime. (  Players of all skill levels welcome. Rocketman and focusedfrog who frequent the DM server play some with us but I hope more of you will drop by sometime. Team Speak is there as well if anyone wants to join that.  We're typically on from lunch time until 8/9PM cst. One of our members has made roughly 50 maps in the last 3-4 years and many of them are really good. So if you're ever looking for new maps it's a good place to find those as well. Anyway, thanks for keeping a server up and running in cod2. Hope to see you at our place sometime. 

    10001110101- a.k.a. Binary 


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