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Status Updates posted by LiquidStool

  1. Perhaps some of that will filter down my way? What's that you say? Get to the back of the line??

  2. Meetings today with the Wiltshire Continence Service.... Since a change of supplier, loads of kids with special needs have been having allergic reactions, nappies to tight, too big, not absorbent enough etc. The WCS flatly refuses to make changes. These kids have enough problems, an allergic reaction or an overflowing nappy is just one more thing in life they don't need. Parent power...... Let's see where this takes us.......... If you're the parent of a disabled/special needs child, liv...

  3. There's only so much laughter one man can take at 1am...... off to bed - finally!

  4. is off to the late night garage for petrol....! Oh, wait.... we don't have a late night garage........ or much of anything else :-(

  5. Thanks to the lovely lady that called me at home just now and told me "i'm an unfit father, should stop hounding her for maintenance and that i should be ashamed the way i don't let Tina have unlimited access to the kids...... fuck you lady, get your fucking facts right........FACT ONE: It is not me that chose to cut the stays from every weekend to every other weekend.FACT TWO: I've not hounded her at all, on the contrary i have said that no payment is necessary until she starts work, t...

  6. Attention FB friends . . . !! Watch out for your wall ! Tell your friends ! ..... Hackers are now on FB writing insults on your friends walls under your name . You don't know it or see it but your friends do . They will also remove you as their friend . Be assured that if you get some thing from me that is offensive then it is NOT from me !! Copy and re-post

  7. feeling miserable as fuck :-(

  8. Is attempting an early night...... don't hold out much hope to be honest......

  9. So sad...Please, put this on your status if you have dated, or have children with someone who suffers from being a fucking idiot. We all need to understand, being a fucking idiot is real and must be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a fucking idiot right now. There is still no known cure for being a fucking idiot, and sympathy does not help. Sometimes a piece of 2x4 to the back of the head helps, but not a lot. But we can raise awareness! 53% won't re-post this because they don't...

  10. Fastest way to get the sun come out? turn on the xbox ffs

  11. dripping tap driving me nuts - off to b&q AGAIN!

  12. i love my kids and would do anything for them but fuck me, they do's my head in sometimes! Kira emptied a whole tub of E45 cream over her bedroom and smeared it in her hair, i go to wash it out, shampoo's gone, go upstairs to get a bottle, she's turned the tap and flooded the kitchen, i go to get some towels to start soaking it up off the worktops, come back, she's emptied a whole bottle of shampoo over her hair! Still had froth and bubbles in it this morning :-(

  13. will be bursting that bubble shortly :-D

  14. Aw, took Kira to see her paediatrician today and the doc was really upset, she's retiring after 13 years as her paediatrician. Kira's been her patient since she was 2 :-(

  15. is in the studio making an extended version of Michael Jackson's most excellent "P.Y.T"

  16. wishing Kira would go to sleep ffs :-(

  17. is in the studio knocking together a new MashUp in honour of Jessie J's gold leggings.....

  18. lookin' for a decent laptop, minimum 6gb ram, preferably intel i5 or i7 processor, windows 7 64 bit, beats audio, 500gb hdd, no gay case covers! pm if you got one u wanna flog, ta

  19. world..... wrapped up in...... makes me fuckin sick......

  20. it's a fkin good job i live here and not there..... somebody is in need of a knock down and i'm just the person to do it...... what a fkin cowardly cock!

  21. Mitchell's gone to Thorpe Park with the Pikeys, if you soil yourself on the rides, please leave your drawers in the nearest bin :-D Hope y'all have a great time!Me and Kira are off drumming later...... whoop!

  22. is making acapellas & instrumentals for the next series of mashups :-)

  23. ATTN: FOR THOSE WHO HAVE THE TIMELINE PROFILE AND WANT TO GET RID OF IT HERE'S WHAT YOU DO....Users have to use GOOGLE CHROME:go to TOOLS, click EXTENSIONS, then click bottom link- MORE EXTENSIONS, type in TIMELINE REMOVE, a post on right of page says- REMOVE TIMELINE? CLICK IT, (YOU DONT HAVE TO LIKE IT) then REFRESH FACEBOOK & you should have the Old FB Wall Back!! Pass it on...

  24. SHOCKER! Just been sorting my finances out, credit cards etc, did you know that if you have a £3000 balance on just 1 credit card and paid £40 a month (almost double the minimum payment) you would have it paid of NEVER! That's right, you'd die before you cleared it! pay it at £120 a month and you'll clear it in less than 2 years.............

  25. Tonight's MashUp is being mastered and will be posted in a few minutes :-)

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