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Posts posted by RickJames

  1. COD2 servers updated again still looking into this.  Also please thank Cavey when you see him for he has been a great assistance in getting these ultrastats back and assists on setting these great stats servers up.  Yes there is an issue with the COD2 stats not updating, but this has been a known problem with ultrastats even when we used this system years ago, but I think we got her licked in the but.  Please give us the weekend to figure out why the cronjob (server job that tells the stats when to update) is goofing.




  2. StormCrow
    Im done too!! Masterbating that is... 4th time today!

    It's only your 4th time today.  I think I am working on number 9 right now.  Try this book out when you get a chance saved me alot on the downstroke Tongue out.



  3. Idiots and Guests,


           I am back up and running sorry I missed you all the last week and a 1/2.  With the recent move to Milwaukee, WI its been hecktick for me, but you should start seeing alot more of me now Tongue out.  See you all on those killing fields.




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