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Status Updates posted by Raf-X3

  1. Never complain about the weather. If not reversed would occasionally, nine out of ten people never can start a chat.

  2. Winning is life. Every time you win, you become born again. If you lose you die a little.

  3. Repentance is the country regain that lost had by far too long not to be home.

  4. A Lovelorn hangover who brought a delicacy for his puss was told: "Darling, what make you so happy with me always a dead mouse."

  5. Rain is: what do flowers grow and taxis does disappear.

  6. Don't worry for tomorrow. Who knows what will happen to you today?

  7. If your morning with the chickens get up, daytime works as a horse and so tired in the evenings as a dog, then chances are that you're an ass.

  8. History is littered with wars, which everyone knew they wouldn't happen.

  9. Painters and sculptors depict the victory always off as a woman. Something you understand only if you're married.

  10. If you do not know very well, you think immediately that he is an idiot. But once you know him well, there is no second more to doubt you.

  11. Sometimes a girl rather wait to marry the first idiot. They prefer to wait on that one special idiot.

  12. I've always thought that it is better to be silent and idiot to seem to talk than too much and to prove that you really are.

  13. We do not stop playing because we grow old, but we are getting old because we stop playing.

  14. Women are just computers. Nobody understands why they are so weird do and they always have too little memory.

    1. Gatorgirl


      Men are like..... Vacations.

      They never seem to be long enough.


    2. Raf-X3


      A survey shows that women feel uncomfortable when they have to undress in the presence of other women, while that is not a problem when there are men. Women look critically, men are grateful.

  15. The only unpleasant of a computer is that he can say yes or no, but maybe not.

  16. A computer makes you less guess but that you have with a bikini should too.

  17. Under the blind King is an eye

  18. Also that we will survive

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