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Status Updates posted by BigPapaDean

  1. There are times when I struggle because I feel others want to intrude into my space. I can't exactly put a finger on it but I feel that way. Some are aggressive others are well lets just say they are not invited into my space. I have a tendency to give my of myself but there are times I am very reserved and quiet! I wish they were as perceptive as I am about my intrusion into others space. You see this seems to always happen just when I am beginning to feel very good and positive! I wish I co...

  2. There are times when tragedy happens we want to say or do something to try and make it all better but the best thing we can do is to stand still holding the ones up and watch the glory of God and His great love shine forth in ways we cannot fathom. This has been one of those days! I am fine but some of my dearest friends are not fine. From cancer to losing a child to a marriage breaking up. I have experienced some of this and have a slight inkling of the feeling involved. Yet I feel so helple...

  3. There are times when we as humanes seem to be overwhelmed with all the stresses of life. I remember one specific time I was dealing with a tremendous amount of stress for me and just wanted to talk to the person involved and after disappearing for several months out of the blue they show back up. Well after spending countless hours in treatment about this stress I thought I had it all worked out, when they show up out of the clear sky and I experienced what I refer to as a wall of stress come...

  4. There is a whole lot of hurting going on in the world we live in now. Are you part of the solution or the cause? If you say you choose to be neither then my friend you are part of the cause. Doing nothing to impede the encroaching war on the psyche is simply abetting its growth and power. There are people everywhere that are experiencing for the first time what it feels like to be totally rejected by society. What with the unemployment rate in some parts of the country and the loss of housing...

  5. There is a word that effects every human being in the world. Faith! It is the one word that sets the direction we take as individuals. Without it we are nothing more than an animal with instincts to live by. We have faith that our parents teach us the right way to do things and live. We believe in something or else we are an empty shell. Yet there is something about this word that we all seem to think and believe nobody else has any comprehension of truth and right and wrong. Having said that...

  6. Things are much better today! I sure wish I could feel this good all the time! :):):) Love you guys!

  7. This goes out for all my friends and family.This is exactly what has been on my heart for the last few days. The holidays are upon us and it can be a very joyful time of year. Some of us have problems during theholidays and sometimes are overcome with great sadness when we remember the loved ones who are not with us. And, many people have no one to spend these times with and are besieged by loneliness. We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. I ask my friends wherever you mi...

  8. This is for all those who need hope! Just know you can survive and become a winner at life!We all need caring thoughts and loving prayer right now. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my friends wherever you might be, to kindly copy, paste, and share this status for one hour to give a moment of support to all those who have family problems, health struggles, job issues, worries of any kind and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us, for nobody is immune....

  9. This is for my German speaking friends with no intention of leaving anyone out because you don't speak German. If you find you want to read this by all means join in. I have several German friends and one of them posted this on her timeline so to show my support I am showing her I count her dear!Ich muss da mal was los werden !!!!!!!!!Dies ist an jeden Einzelnen von euch gerichtet, der sich auf meiner Freundesliste befindet. Ich mag es, Bilder anzuschauen, von euch zu hören, Witze und Neui...

  10. this last two days am having a very hard time staying awake! Even when I am awake its only an hour or so if that!

  11. To all my family where ever you are I am looking to acquire a copy of the video of Aunt Lois and Aunt Venita telling stories from way back and having a grand old time at the campground one year at a family reunion I was unable to attend. I am willing to pay for a copy and if you could email it would be grand too! PLEASE let me know how much you need for a copy!

  12. To all my wonderful loving friends HAPPY VALENTINE'S Day!

  13. Today at the Dr I had a exceptionally fantastic review! My Dr was pleasantly surprised with my progress since I been on this new antibiotics! I was told with the progress of last week and it if continues at this rate he will declare me healed of this horrible ulcer! I will still need to do a maintenance preventative program for the rest of my life . That means I will switch from a weekly visit to a permanent kind of wrap that I can take on and off as I need to. I am actually stoked about this...

  14. Today I was able to get to meet the most amazing little person in my world. She smiled at me and said "Hi!" I have seen her before and held her and even kissed her , but today she was interacting with me of her own free world. I feel so blessed to have her in my life. Maddie Todd your papa loves you more than you can imagine!

  15. Today, on June 25, 2013, by making full use of my mental faculties and my ownership of this account in Facebook, I declare, to whom it may concern, and in particular to the administrator of the company Facebook, and any other company that views my site, my author rights are related to all my personal information, comments, texts, articles, illustrations, comics, paintings, photos, professional videos and other publications in electronic format that I spread on this site under my signature. Th...

  16. Today's one of those days that I usually have a semi routine but am not feeling up to my usually vibrant self, but I will see what happens when its time to go!

  17. Tomorrow I will call my dear sweet mother and wish her a happy Mother's Day! I miss her and worry about her. I wish I lived out there but right now I am needed here too much to be able to go. I am hoping by this time next year I can go back and see her. If you see her tell her I will call her and most importantly I love her. Oh and HAPPY MOTHER"S Day to the rest of all you special ladies out there too!

  18. Tonight am feeling really good and no anxiety what so ever! LOL! :):):)

  19. Trust. Another word so misinterpreted! trust is earned but sometimes blindly given without any kind of relationship to build trust. Trust is learning to believe someone has your best interest at heart. It is a very important part of any relationship whether it is personal at any level such as a man and woman come together, or a father son, or mother daughter, and even friends. It has it's place even in business. How can you have anything special with anyone without trust. You need trust to kn...

  20. Two years ago my life was changed forever! Even tho that change was not really there until a few months ago I always knew she was there and that someday she would get to know me and love me as her "Papa". I love the times she wakes in these great moods and when she walks by my door she smiles really big and says, "Hi! Papa! My heart leaps from the joy knowing she loves me. Those little conversations she takes time to have with me even tho I don't understand most of them. Two days ago she came...

    1. RustyRifle


      hope ya gonna be ok together

  21. UPDATE CENTRAL: It seems that the prayers for my friends father were answered for the things they needed to do to get done to prepare for the major surgery was successful. This was just an earlier stage to get where they can actually fix him so he can go home and live as normal of a life as he can have. He has already lost a leg and so the changes in his life will be huge as he is use to being extremely active. Please stay vigilant and keep this whole family in your hearts as there are severa...

  22. Way to go SEAHAWKS! They overcame a lopsided referee's game to win at the end! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    1. BUDMAN


      you want to take that win on that call !!!!

    2. BUDMAN


      you want to take that win on that call !!!!

  23. Well have the best secret in the world and I can't tell you what it is just yet!

  24. Well after 4 days without a car as dummy me left the headlights on and ran the battery down we have it going again. All the ones I use to call are no longer in town so I eneded up calling my son Stephen Todd and he has a friend that drives pretty much by my house every day! It pays to have connections! :D

  25. Well gonna try to sleep now am tired but am most nights and cant sleep! See ya later my fb friends! Nite nite!!!

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