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Everything posted by Greasy

  1. just got back from hospital.... they did a bunch of tests and are waiting for the results so far all they have found out is that they have ruled out a heart attack which i was very releaved to hear.. test results will be back later.... thank you guys for your kind words it means alot to me
  2. thanks guys. im going to the hospital now to see her
  3. i probley wont be on for a while.... my mom just got rushed to the hospital from her work and they cant find out whats wrong with her... im going up there later today to see her and will be staying at the hospital more often than not while she is in it. if i do come on it is to get my mind off of it and i wont me my normal self.... her work called me and said that her symptoms were profuse vomiting and her entire arm was completely numb. lets hope its not something to bad.
  4. these 3 games were all back to back! http://www.xfire.com/profile/lilgreasy/screenshots/?view#107381162 http://www.xfire.com/profile/mizund3st00d/screenshots/?view#108603225 and the third one chenchen didnt take i guess it aint showin up but i went 67-17 on that dock map.... a good night for me
  5. amazing song listen to this whenever i get worked up or upset its like a legal form of weed (im in florida so ya.. lol_
  6. no it froze up this morning on that map and before were the server doesnt switch maps automatically and server has to be restarted and it has happened on that map more than once
  7. i think this map should be taken out of the rotation for mw2 frztag because the server always freezes on that map so there is a problem with that map.
  8. i have had alot of people asking for it lately so i decided to post it here...make sure you add /r_lodscaleskinned 4 /r_lodscalerigid 4 to console in first game // generated by Call of Duty, do not modify unbindall bind TAB "+scores;g_ScoresColor_Allies 0.2 0.5 0.2 1;g_ScoresColor_Axis 0 0.4 0.2 1;g_ScoresColor_Spectator 1 1 1 1" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+gostand" bind ' "say ^2U^7hm ^6L^7et ^2M^7e ^6T^7hink.." bind , "say ^2F^7uck ^2m^7e ^2s^7ideways^6!" bind / "say ^2L^7o^6L" bind 3 "weapnext; wait 2; weapnext" bind 2 "toggle com_maxfps 125 250 333" bind 5 "+actionslot 3" bind 6 "+actionslot 4" bind 7 "say Can't Touch This^6." bind 9 "say ^2I^7t^6'^7s ^2H^7ammer ^2T^7ime" bind [ "say S^2h^7it ^6i ^2c^7an't ^2t^7hink a^2n^7ymore ^6.." bind \ "say ^2N^7ah ^6:^7D" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind A "+moveleft" bind B "mp_QuickMessage" bind C "gocrouch" bind D "+moveright" bind E "+leanright" bind F "+activate" bind G "openscriptmenu quickpromod 2" bind H "say ^0CI^7:)" bind L "say s^20^7z^64^7WaLlbAnG^6 ^2: ^7D" bind N "say ^2: ^7D" bind O "+moveleft 0.1 -moveleft" bind P "+moveright 0.1 -moveright" bind Q "+leanleft" bind R "+reload" bind S "+back" bind T "chatmodepublic" bind U "toggle name lilgreasy BrEaKeR " bind V "+melee" bind W "+forward; g_teamcolor_myteam 0 1 0 1; g_teamcolor_enemyteam 1 0 0 1; pb_sleep 500" bind X "noclip" bind Y "chatmodeteam" bind Z "+talk" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind PAUSE "toggle cl_paused" bind CTRL "goprone" bind SHIFT "+breath_sprint" bind INS "openscriptmenu quickpromod assault" bind DEL "openscriptmenu quickpromod demolitions" bind PGUP "openscriptmenu quickpromod sniper" bind HOME "openscriptmenu quickpromod specops" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "vote no" bind F4 "+scores" bind F5 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1.2;r_filmtweakLighttint 0.8 0.8 1.2;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.8 1.8 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1.9;r_filmtweakbrightness 0; Citystreets^6!" bind F6 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1.2;r_filmtweakLighttint 1 1 1;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.8 1.8 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1.9;r_filmtweakbrightness 0; Backlot^6!" bind F7 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.6 1.6 1.8;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.7 1.7 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1.9;r_filmtweakbrightness 0; Crossfire^6!" bind F8 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1.2;r_filmtweakLighttint 0.8 0.8 1;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.8 1.8 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1.9;r_filmtweakbrightness 0; Crash^6!" bind F9 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakContrast 1;r_filmtweakLighttint 1.6 1.6 1.8;r_filmtweakDarktint 1.7 1.7 2;r_filmtweakDesaturation 0;r_gamma 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0; Strike^6!" bind F10 "toggle r_specular 0 1" bind F11 "toggle snd_volume 0.50 0.75 1" bind F12 "screenshotJPEG" bind KP_SLASH "quit" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+speed_throw; +holdbreath" bind MOUSE3 "+melee" bind MOUSE4 "+frag" bind MOUSE5 "+smoke" bind MWHEELDOWN "+activate" bind MWHEELUP "-activate" seta _picmip "1" seta ai_badPathSpam "0" seta ai_corpseCount "15" seta ai_debugAccuracy "0" seta ai_debugAnimDeltas "0" seta ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-6969" seta ai_debugCoverSelection "0" seta ai_debugFindPath "0" seta ai_debugMayMove "0" seta ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0" seta ai_debugThreat "0" seta ai_debugThreatSelection "0" seta ai_disableSpawn "0" seta ai_nocriticalsections "1" seta ai_noDodge "0" seta ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1" seta ai_playerFarDamage "30" seta ai_playerFarRange "2000" seta ai_playerNearAccuracy "0.5" seta ai_playerNearDamage "200" seta ai_playerNearRange "800" seta ai_showBadPlaces "0" seta ai_ShowCanshootChecks "0" seta ai_showClaimedNode "0" seta ai_showDodge "0" seta ai_ShowFailedPaths "100" seta ai_showFriendlyChains "0" seta ai_showNearestNode "0" seta ai_showNodes "0" seta ai_showNodesDist "384" seta ai_showPaths "0" seta ai_showRegion "0" seta ai_showVisData "0" seta ai_showVisDataDist "1000" seta airlift_min_spec "0" seta angles "0" seta 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  9. me wanty cod2 lost my game and am missing the amazing sniping on it
  10. wolf after you came to 10 hours later lol could only imagine the pain!
  11. omg i laughed so hard i pissed myself
  12. baldiemeat Bushape That guy made some valid points like Shamu said. This is a debate that will never be solved or proven, one side thinks one way and the other side thinks the other way. This will never change and nobody is going to convince anybody any different. We Americans like the toughest sport there is and that is American Football. The football players have to think more than soccer players.. In soccer they just run around and try to score. If you can make heads or tails of anything. The only time they have to use their head is to hit the ball with it. I know that is an extreme viewpoint but whatever. I did like playing soccer in PE at school. I know I will get shit about this, but it is just a another Americans biased viewpoint. I am not saying this to piss off our European friends. Lest just agree to disagree, that is the only way to solve this issue. The one sport (if you can call it a sport) that I don't get is wrestling. I agree some things are real but the vast majority is just a bunch of hype in order to keep the sponsors and fans happy. It is not a true sport in the sense of the way people would describe a sport. I don't beleive they should waste the schools money to have in our schools. Why would a couple of sweaty guys rolling around and shit be a sport. I refused to do it when I was in school, because it should of been up to the individual and not mandatory. I just could never understand it. At least in an organized sport, no matter what sport, people learn to work together as a team and that is far more important towards the aspect of real life. I am sorry Bushape but I must really disagree with your statement "We Americans like the toughest sport there is and that is American Football" . No offense to you or my American Friends but we British have the toughest sport in the world RUGBY !! There is more play more action AND NO PADDING just raw muscle and bones now thats tough and also NO ADVERTS. baldiemeat you didnt look at my post it has been scientifically proven that american football players hit much harder than rugby players the pads cause for more force in it believe it or not. and that you feel a bigger hit even with pads in football than rugby. so sorry to have to disagree and no offense to you europeans football is tougher. and also think there are people playing in it that are close to 400 lbs with the pads and its not fat its muscle get tackled by one of those guys and tell me how you feel(i reread this and it seemed like an attack on baldie but it is just a point and dont want it taken the wrong way)
  13. abviously that guy has never watched a game of american football... 9/10 times the quarterback calls the play or changes it to what the defense looks like.... and its not like not like the quarterback tells everyone what to do.. he tells them a play and the other players have to memorize all the plays which ive seen number 300+ and you make a mistake bam other team has the ball.... american football players have to think harder than soccer players the players run up and down a field and hopefully there will be one goal a match. and soccer you trip a guy to the ground and you get ejected.... and to bring rugby into it even though this is between football and soccer. football players wear pads and rugby players dont. it was scientifically proven that football players hit 2-3 times harder than a rugby player so the pads kind of equal it out at the most.
  14. thanks for the comments guys i havnt looked in to computers in a while so i was kinda left in the dark... i might go with the rig suggested but i heard that there is a big difference between phenom and i7 even in games so thats the only reason i considered i7
  15. this is the new rig im hopefully going to have in the next month or so price is 1253$ with shipping Case CoolerMaster HAF 922 Gaming Case - Black Processor Intel® Core™ i7 950 Processor (4x 3.06GHz/8MB L3 Cache) Processor Cooling Asetek 550LC Liquid CPU Cooling System (Intel) - Enermax Dual Silent High Performance Fan Upgrade (Push-Pull Airflow) Memory 6 GB [2 GB X3] DDR3-1333 - ** FREE Upgrade to DDR3-1600 ** Corsair or Major Brand Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 - 1GB - EVGA Superclocked - Core: 763MHz - Single Card Video Card Brand Major Brand Powered by ATI or NVIDIA Motherboard [sLI] ASUS Sabertooth X58 Motherboard USB / SATA Interface Motherboard default USB / SATA Interface Power Supply 800 Watt -- Standard Primary Hard Drive 1 TB HARD DRIVE -- 16M Cache, 7200 RPM, 3.0Gb/s - Single Drive Optical Drive 24X Dual Format/Double Layer DVD±R/±RW + CD-R/RW Drive - Black Meter Display NZXT Sentry 2 Touch Screen Fan Controller & Temperature Display Sound Card the one from my old computer that i cant think of right now
  16. ya thats the problem my step brother plays at my dads house when im not there and my step dad plays at my moms house when im not there lol..... i tried it
  17. i know right im already in the lead by 2x but what can i say the glock is a wild stallion and i am the worlds best horse breaker
  18. the new ultrastats things go by guid instead of player name so i hold number one and nnumber two spots with pistol kills 93 and 70 if it combined both i would be way ahead and only a couple hours of play! p.s parents are divorced and i still live with them unfortunately until 1 more year of high school so i switch off houses and use different guid
  19. if its for non clan members also ill be up for it
  20. I found Darth Yoda in a random server and gave him a greasy beatdown http://www.xfire.com/profile/lilgreasy/screenshots/?view#107221575
  21. thanks for making me feel at home you guys... this week i will try to be on but i have to work almost all day ever day to get some money saved up for a new computer.. hope to game with you guys soon. and again thank you for making me feel welcome.
  22. thanks you guy. im off all week next week and i go to my dads the whole week (parents are divorced) and i play black ops at his house. so hopefully i will get to know some of the black ops players in this clan. and of course i will come on freezetag to kill angel and blackwidow, then have toothpick defrost me all the time. he is my personal medic whether you like it or not
  23. thanks guy i definatly enjoy yalls servers and the members in them you guys are a great group and look for me to be around for a good while.
  24. its just because our combined awesomeness would crash the server so we are forced onto different sides. and the one time you were on my side it wouldnt let you defrost me. im tellin ya we cant be on same team
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