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TheCheeseyCrusader last won the day on May 21 2022

TheCheeseyCrusader had the most liked content!

About TheCheeseyCrusader

  • Birthday 11/13/1991

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  • Interests
    Clay Pigeon shooting
    Drinking beer

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  1. Not sure why i changed to TheCheeseyCrusader - guess comical reasons? I used to use the name TheCheeseyHowitzer - i used to take chunks of cheese into work and snack on and i used to throw the bit i used to hold in the bin at a distance and i used to work with someone who was in the Royal Artillery and i remember him saying along the lines of " fucking hell reminds me of the old days" So i put 2 and 2 together
  2. Jesus. Sorry to hear this mate. Thinking of you pal
  3. Oo shame. Im off to greece on the 24th plenty of decent pubs in central London. Should go for a boozie brunch if you go to China town go to a pub called Waxys ( the big one) that's my favourite when in Central London
  4. Definitely agree. rather fitting
  5. Absolutely! from the old days
  6. my personal favourite Dutch word is schaamhaarverzamelaar
  7. I'm getting married next week and @codpiece is coming over to Scotland for the wedding and he sent me and wife to be a pre-wedding gift he's right Tiffany's is the way to a woman's heart my missus loves the beer glasses and he knows i love lego super generous @codpieceand i'll see you next week mate! the castle will blow your mind
  8. The boyz - really good!
  9. You can't put glitter on a turd and expect it to be something else...it's still a turd
  10. looks good but same old shit
  11. how much to ship to UK?
  12. Great news mate!! Wishing a speedy recovery Baldie
  13. Proper South London. I'm proper North London in Finchley
  14. Fuck me 26 teeth pulled in one go your bollocks must be made of steel!! Looking good my man
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