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Status Updates posted by Rickeyrecon

  1. Marijuana is like Coors beer. If you could buy the damn stuff at a Georgia filling station, you'd decide you wouldn't want it.â€

  2. peak a boo I see you .. bet you can't see me .....

    1. Boomer


      there is a God!

    2. Rickeyrecon


      I am God !!!

      I decide who dies .......

  3. SEX is not the answer...... YES is the answer...... ; )

  4. Sometimes I pretend to be normal.... but it gets boring.. So I go back to being me...

  5. Take life with a grain of salt... a slice of lime, and a shot of tequila.

  6. The ideal man doesn't smoke, doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, doesn't swear, doesn't get angry, doesn't exist.

  7. To avoid mistakes and regrets, always consult your wife before engaging in a flirtation

  8. when a women ask you to guess her age its like deciding rather to cut the red or green or blue wire to deffuse a bomd...

  9. When a women says WHAT!!!? Its not because she dident hear you. Shes giving you a chance to change what you said...

  10. Women are like internet viruses they enter your life, scan your pocket,edit your mind,download their problems,delete your smile....

  11. Women are not moody They just simply have days when they are less inclined to put up with our shit...... Hmmm

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