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Posts posted by Otto

  1. Thanks Bob & Cats.


    I tried steam mover but something went wrong. It worked fine just after the change of HDD but after a restart it didn't considered the game as "installed" when I was launching it from the new directory.


    I'm in the process of re-installing the whole game righ now. 


    I'm not patient enough to search for the small bug but I'm for a passif process that allows me to play other games in the meantime haha.


    See you in a shit loaf of gigs

  2. I didn't want to say it because it will please Oneil but I think the classic mode is really good. Love the HC preset with the SC dmg. I have played on some classic servers that don't go as far as removing the dorito or allowing friendly fire and I couldn't tell the difference with regular softcore.


    Would be cool if we could make it populated.

  3. Hi all,


    Otto-Schot is my IG name since BF4. Playing on the main US server for more than 18 days of my life now according to GameME. I first started to hang out here because of the rotation between conquest and obliteration. Then someday I wrote "jewelery" or that kind of crap in the chat, get banned, went on TS to cry, made an appeal, was reintegrated and came back on TS for the fun and the whine (17 days ago).


    I'm not really a huge forums addict so it took me some times to find this part.


    What else? 25yo, from France, living in NYC, handsome and good looking.


    Don't hesitate to ask if you're interested to know more.


  4. I play on a ROG G750J. The only game I had trouble to maintain was planetside 2 in ultra high quality.


    I'm not checking the heat with a sofware or else but it doesn't feel like playing a whole night of BF is an issue.


    Aeration on the ROGs is pretty good though.


    Agree with you Mouse, Alienware are awesome but it's clearly overpriced.

  5. I kinda like Silk road. I enjoy my full armoured fight from time to time, and flying the little bird in the dunes is great!


    Not a huge fan of Altai but it can be fun too. I didn't dislike Dragon Pass neither.


    Dawnbreaker is awesome in every game mode. And Zavod is for some reasons the one made for crazy scores.


    In my opinion:

    Worst of the vanilla game are Hainan and the Dam (free AA clear sky, you can't do shit in the air, to much risk between the points for a foot soldier, blablabla)

    Worst of Second assault is Caspian. I liked it on BF3 but I don't feel the same here. Please explain. Probably because it's huge and barely used. Same for the Gulf, liked it better in BF3 but can still be fun (no spotting in the sorm? wtf? I can see it, I can spot it)

    Worst of China are... Guilin is he best. And clearly, if it's late and I'm tired I'll go for close quarters maps but as I said, I don't have issue wth the other 3.

    Worst of Naval Strike is Lost Island, Mortar is close. The moments i enjoyed the most in these maps were in carrier assault trying to plant the bomb. Using 1% of the map.



    But would it be possible to let every maps in the vote map system but only some selected ones in the auto switch?



  6. I agree and I think he's not all the time very aware of the minimap too. I don't really understand that one time where instead of respawing on his mates on enemy flag he's going back to the spawn just to ucav.


    Better have him on my side though. Even if he wouldn't have the chance of killing me too much as he's avoiding hot places.


    but overall it was a pretty good game... I'm only bitching about AWS once...

  7. Hi all,


    Thanks for your answers,


    I didn't have any error message when filling the appeals, weird. That's maybe due to the fact I filled them without having creating an account on the forum first.


    Damit1 -> I've just tried to join an the server and have been kicked again witht the usual error message


    "Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster permanent ban issued on this Game Server for player 'Otto-Schot' ... Prior Kick/Ban"


    Can you please let me know if you want me to fill another form.

  8. Hi all,


    Otto-Schot speaking,


    Not here to redo the full demonstration I did in my appeal form(s) but just to be sure it is or will be considerate as i's still not visible in the dedicated forum and I didn't receive any notification.


    Most recent thread here is from 02/09.


    Thanks a lot



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