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Everything posted by ALanHim

  1. The first one is a Bull Snake. Look at the head it looks like a bull. They sunbath in the middle of the road to heat up before a hunt. The second is a Diamondback. I was going to let the Rattler stay but I was worried about my dog and it was living in my outdoor outdoor sink inches from my hands drawing water unknowingly. I was wonder why it was so tame. It acted like it knew me. It did know me.. I just didn't know her. IMG_4169[1].MOV or her. IMG_4094[1].MOV IMG_4096[1].MOV IMG_4095[1].MOV
  2. Hell yea it does. Yummy!
  3. You do understand that the Globalist like George Soros have been radicalizing Ukraine with Nazi crap for a very long time? That's why Soros called Ukriane Soros country. We're fighting a proxy war with Russia and we're provoking a nuclear war with them using Ukraine as the excuse all by design. FUCK UKRAINE.. it belongs to Russia. Ukraine the name itself means "Boarder Land" and it has been used to fuck with Russia ever since. Ukraine has Nazi symbolism on their uniforms. They do the Hitler salute. They are the Nazi's today. What has the USA done this time they have never done? The USA has pushed Russia into China's arms. Now we're dealing with both of them at the same time. The cats out of the bag on the COVID shots killing people and they have to get us into a major war to hide their crimes. Buckle up because this year is going to be WACK beyond any years you have seen. Weather modifications are ramping up and I have proof. I can show you during a storm them modifying it. So expect more MAJOR storms this year. Hail storms, Thunder storms. Tropical Storms. Hurricanes, lots of tornadoes. War is coming and matter fact we are already at war. From weather too our food... we are at war.
  4. This happened a week ago.. it will take 10 years to get that stock back to what it was. 1 million chicken's is a lot. There have been so many crazy fires since the start of COVID. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/30/fire-illinois-poultry-farm/73908555007/ Now this just happened in Mexico the first case of human bird flu killed someone. So the Gain of Function Bird Flu will be here just in time to cause us all kinds of manufactured problems again. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/who-confirms-first-human-case-avian-influenza-ah5n2-mexico-2024-06-05/ https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON520 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/here-we-go-who-warns-new-bird-flu/ This has been going on since COVID the fires and the destruction of our food supply. Z And this shit stain at the WHO wants to come after me a Antivaxxor just as the MSM is finally reporting on vaccine problems. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/whos-tedros-declares-its-time-be-more-aggressive/ Then you have Fauci being exposed for the murder he is. He ranks up there with Stalin and Hillier though I say he is much worse than both combined. HQC and Ivermectin have always worked and that FUCKER KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!! How stupid do people feel now? See.. it did work. hahahahahaha Will they ever accept they were lied to? @PimpedOutPete
  5. I could only imagine the amount of stress COVID caused you. Glad you are making a change for your mental nd physical health. Stupid Bird Flu is creeping up so more BS to come. Main this ore food supply will be wiped out even more. If folks haven't figured it out yet our food supply is under MAJOR FUCKING ATTACK. I suggest folks start prepping fast because shits going to get real fucked up this year.
  6. For all the Juggalos in the shout box here's your music video.
  7. Here you go. hahahahaha
  8. OMG can you just imagine getting a scoop of some that's 45 years old?
  9. Is your dogs name Marty? hahaha Good thing it was only one episode. You're the original I'm sure. Albania. I never met or heard of anyone from there. Very cool. Can you see Italy across that river. hahahaha
  10. That looks good. I'm a sucker for a baked potato. Well done Timmy.
  11. Most of the country has no power. UKRAINE DARKNESS: Massive Russian Strikes to the Ukrainian Energy Infrastructure Lead to Power Shutdowns in Most of the Country https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/06/ukraine-darkness-massive-russian-strikes-ukrainian-energy-infrastructure/#comments Since the beginning of the war, Russia has been systematically destroying the Ukrainian energy In early May, Russian air strikes and missiles disrupted the thermal power plants in Ukraine to such a degree that it took the country to the brink in terms of power generation. Read more in Russian Missiles and Drones Pound Ukraine’s Power Plants in Heaviest Strike in Weeks – More Than Half of Kiev’s Energy Infrastructure Has Been Destroyed. And now, roughly a month later, another large-scale, deadly wave of attacks is targeting the remainder of the energy infrastructure, notably attacking hydroelectric facilities.
  12. l made a honey glazed ham for dinner two nights ago but unfortunately there were no leftovers. Good thing is I picked up another ham yesterday.
  13. You guys are missing one key ingredient on top of the USA SSRI mass shooters and that's the USA's CIA aka the worst terrorist origination known to the entire world. You guys in the Netherland's are the best farmers in the world. Alex Jones keeps talking about your farmers under attack. The Globalists at the WEF want us to eat bugs so they must attack the farmers.
  14. That right there is better than any McDonalds today.
  15. I just bought bananas and I put them in the refrigerator. But don't put in too early or they won't turn rip very fast. While in the frig the outside will get dark over tune but the banana stays fresh much longer inside the peal.
  16. I use a Rice cooker for this very task. It heats up fast and cooks it fast. Veggies, soups all kinds of things. I see danger using a coffee maker. Don't dump the water after cooking back in coffee maker. I think that would be nasty.
  17. Very nice. Maybe you can get to the bottom of all these mass shooting at schools and other when the shooters are all on SSRI drugs. Work on getting everyone off SSRI's. That shit is crazy in the making. Glad your efforts landed you a new direction. Good luck to you!
  18. Over the years Alex has done several satirical skits. He's quite funny if you get the humor and meaning behind it. This is two trunk ass idiots having a blast. Alex is in my corner believing the Earth is roundish and Eddie Bravo is in the Flat Earth side of thinking. Them both and the topic itself make for a crazy debate. The drunker they both get the funnier they get. INSANE: Flat Earth Debate With Eddie Bravo, Alex Jones, And Dave Weiss https://banned.video/watch?id=665a5442274e83a3d308a4ba
  19. Growing up's not mandatory but getting old is. Congrats on the kids and stability in your life. Mainframe work sounds interesting. I've been around them like a Cray T3D at Exxon as a contractor long time ago. Only work I did on one was I helped a Prime mini breath very early in my career. The dumbass braindead civilians setup the CPU's module case over a stander raised floor plate and it would crash on heavy use from over heating. The spent months trying to figure it out. One day I was doing some cable work and seen the case next to it had the holes but the one that needed... aka the CPU case didn't. I let them know and the next time it crashed I swapped the panels around real fast solving the issue. Took these pictures with the first consumer digital cameral the Kodak DC10 or DC20... something like that. What all you doing with them Swiss? Database stuff? What does one do in the Mainframe world today? Was the AS400 as kind of Mainframe? I gave up drinking so I just smoke my way though things today. Boy do I have some vodka stories if anyone wants to trade. I never used it long term only for a party. I couldn't, I'd be dead or locked up. As for I quitting the last beer binge I did just about a year ago I drank for I think 3 months not eating much during it and I quite cold turkey having had enough and I thought I was going to die. So I gave have it up. I have problem with moderation.... it doesn't exist. Good thing you can only smoke so much? Being sober life just sucks to the umpteenth degree and stress for no reason piles on on on.. the one smoke POOF them nonsense worries are gone. I was always a functional alcoholic now I'm a Sativa loving focused Pothead. As for you coming back or why you came back, you may not have received the response you were looking for Swiss.. but you got it off your chest and that at least will help take it off your mind. For some of us it was great to see you. Be cool if you took @Totty up on his offer.
  20. Full Debate is here. https://banned.video/watch?id=665a5442274e83a3d308a4ba
  21. Well P-Man and others have been having some heart issues so now all the servers are fitted with defibulators and admins are now required to take a CPR course. Other than that he's doing good.
  22. Oh man I love me some grass feed Vegans. They taste so good. They eat like birds so you don't get very much meat off them but they sure are good. Any Vegans here?
  23. hahahahaha now that's funny!
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