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++ COD4 Admin
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Totty last won the day on April 15

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About Totty

  • Birthday 08/28/1973

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    Devon , UK

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  1. Happy birthday @Bobslayer @RonnieSlayer have fun hot air ballooning tomorrow
  2. Happy birthday, have a good one
  3. Totty


    @Deckard Keď ste prihlásení na server freezetag Stlačte kláves "ESC" -------->Tlačidlo ovládania ----------> Tlačidlo ovládania pre viacerých hráčov Teraz je potrebné priradiť kľúče všetkým doplnkom v MOD Dúfal som, že toto je to, na čo ste sa pýtali.
  4. I like the Traitors series. Not sure if you get BBC iplayer over there https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p0db9b2t/the-traitors
  5. Welcome back Josh, It's a;ways fun when you are on the servers
  6. There used to be a No Cd crack for COD2. I lost mine years back, but must be a copy still out there somewhere
  7. Xi Jordan works in ftag146b9 which is one of the more fussy servers, so I suspect it will work on any of our COD4 servers. It's a fun map
  8. Welcome again to the forums, and it's always fun playing with you in the servers. Massive respect for your volunteering work as well
  9. It was on amazon about 6 weeks ago
  10. I've got this one, https://www.msi.com/Monitor/MAG-323UPF found it for £475 on sale. Absolutely love it
  11. Our servers run patch 1.7 or COD4X. I find it easier to install Cod4x https://cod4x.ovh/uploads/short-url/d5Tcz0e3rFBEE20Sw5Ep9wi0RqR.zip
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