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Posts posted by billyblade

  1. I guess tebow just got his first life lesson on how it feels to lose. What a crybaby!!! You didnt see anyone on Alabama crying last year, and that was a heartbreaker,NOT AN ASS WHOOPIN' ! Hey Blubird.....'dem gator bites was TAAAAASTY! Too bad they were so small.....i mean, elephants gotta eat, ya know?

  2. i gotta go with sonovabich here. I think the new map,although challenging, has got good everything for all styles of play. Its just a matter of finding all the good spots to hide, and where not to run.And always check the alleys when you spawn on the theatre side. I think all the ftag maps in rotation on server 1 are great maps . Keep up the good work greywolf. If not for your

  3. i'm sure as hell no expert, but i thought the running lag at the beginning of each round was from simultaneous spawn on top of each other, kinda like crowding into a doorway, but, ah dunno such things. Also load up lag, maybe? I always just stop for a sec and let people get out in front of me then i'm good to go. I'm just running to my death anyhow, so what's my hurry?

  4. moving sucks, there is no doubt. Hope it all goes smooth for you and nothing gets lost or broke. Make sure your internet is hooked up and your machine is the 1st thing on the list to go!!!!!!that way you can be online helping us while everyone else

  5. i have found that the mute option (at the expense of good intel) has served me pretty well. I still am befuddled about some of these grownups acting so spoiled. They seem to think that they are entitled to more attention to keep them playing for some reason. Maybe some sort of psychological trauma related to an oedipal complex, maybe an affinity for lacy undergarments,or perhaps their overbearing father insisted that they play football when all they wanted was an easybake oven and malibu barbie. Im no DR Drew, so i cant say for sure, but it surely leads one to ponder the question......WHY DO GROWN ASS MEN THROW TANTRUMS PLAYING A FRIGGIN GAME?!?!?!?! They suffer from online penis envy i guess (see budsr post for measurement losers and get over it.) nuff said.

  6. yep, i'm with you guys...no deds....no dough!!! IW can just suck a big one! When you make ...oh, let's just say for the sake of argument, 25 million, how important is it to make another 100,000 on the backend for pay to play servers? Corporate assholes dressed up in jeans, t-shirts and chuckie taylors...doesnt matter how geeky they LOOK, they are still corporate assholes!!!!

  7. I dont know if its just me, or others as well, but recently (over the last 3 days) the name of the person defrosting you doesnt appear, sometimes,as well as in the bottom left corner that defrost action doesnt appear either. Might be affecting defrost stats, ah dunno. Anyways, no big deal,just thought to report it. In the meantime, some of the matches i have had recently have been off the hook with some fun players, members and non members alike. Some maps that were normally quick to win or lose have become full on sudden death matches repeatedly due to some great gameplay and strategy. Hope this level of enjoyment keeps escalating cuz its gettin real fun in there.

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